Woman says she'll pull over for $300,000


Original poster
Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
“Jenna” of Myrtle Beach, who was drunk and called 911 on her cell phone while being pursued by a police officer, to complain about his lights and siren – and demanded $300,000 to pull over. This call must be heard to be believed!

Oh, and she was tackled when she was arrested (wonder why? :crazy:). There's video of that too:
Myrtle Beach woman calls 911 during chase, offers to stop for $300k, deputies say | WBTW

Denali n DOO

May 22, 2012
Mooseman said:
“Jenna” of Myrtle Beach, who was drunk and called 911 on her cell phone while being pursued by a police officer, to complain about his lights and siren – and demanded $300,000 to pull over. This call must be heard to be believed!

Oh, and she was tackled when she was arrested (wonder why? :crazy:). There's video of that too:
Myrtle Beach woman calls 911 during chase, offers to stop for $300k, deputies say | WBTW

Wow, Yes she sure deserves the fines and driving suspension she's gonna get. Ha ha, and now she has to also live with the videos that everyone can now listen to and watch because of her stupidity. Did they really need to tackle her to the ground the way they did, no I don't think so, that was wrong. Maybe I missed the weapon in her hand or something. I'm sure the 3 of them could have arrested her and handcuffed her for their safety without incident.


Nov 18, 2011
It scares me that people like that are on the road. It did not surprise me to see that she was driving a Ford. :biggrin:

Denali n DOO said:
Maybe I missed the weapon in her hand or something. I'm sure the 3 of them could have arrested her and handcuffed her for their safety without incident.
Seriously? After someone (male or female) who is obviously not mentally stable, whether by a disability or by drugs and/or alcohol, leads them on a rather lengthy pursuit? They should walk up and gently place her in cuffs?

They should have just offered up the $300K and she would have gone willingly.

Denali n DOO

May 22, 2012
BO TIE SS said:
It scares me that people like that are on the road. It did not surprise me to see that she was driving a Ford. :biggrin:

Seriously? After someone (male or female) who is obviously not mentally stable, whether by a disability or by drugs and/or alcohol, leads them on a rather lengthy pursuit? They should walk up and gently place her in cuffs?

They should have just offered up the $300K and she would have gone willingly.

In this specific situation whether she was mentally stable or not isn't the point and we are talking about a female not a male. She was drunk and humorous on the phone with operator 33 and made no life threats to anyone at all, no known weapons, she just didn't want to pull over. She wasn't running people over or crashing into cars and stuff. Yep she did wrong and will suffer the consequences (hopefully) just like any other stupid impaired drivers do. But you don't see many other impaired drivers being taken down with an upper body check to knock them off their feet, unless they threaten the Police Officers safety. She wasn't all high on meth or something and freaking out. She stepped out of the car with what looked like a smoke and just stood there, probably so drunk she couldn't think or see straight. She wasn't even looking when he flew at her and took her down. A 220 lb physically fit well trained man has to upper body check a drunk female to arrest her? While 2 other 220 lb physically fit well trained males are there to assist? Give me a break man...that guy is a coward in my opinion. No he doesn't need to be all polite n shit but he doesn't need to beat on her either, totally uncalled for. I watched the video again and you'll never convince me otherwise...


Dec 5, 2011
She's definitely not mentally stable when she's driving like a maniac, she's drunk, and won't follow orders even when a gun is pointed at her. You don't know what she'll do next. Whether it was right or wrong, I don't feel bad for her at all.

Besides, it didn't even look like a real hard tackle either.


Dec 10, 2012
Yeah, looked like the officer was "getting back at her" for not stopping. Look how they treated OJ when he finally stopped. ONLY because they knew him as a celebrity, did they treat him so nicely. Officers tend to feel disrespected when their demands are not followed.. in this case, a 15 minute chase is deemed as being disrespected.

She deserves to get the legal book thrown at her, not a 220 guy body-slamming her to the ground :eek: IMHO

Denali n DOO

May 22, 2012
Hypnotoad said:
She's definitely not mentally stable when she's driving like a maniac, she's drunk, and won't follow orders even when a gun is pointed at her. You don't know what she'll do next. Whether it was right or wrong, I don't feel bad for her at all.

Besides, it didn't even look like a real hard tackle either.

I bet you'd agree with me if that was your Daughter, Mother or Grandmother in the video? :undecided:


Nov 18, 2011
Denali n DOO said:
In this specific situation whether she was mentally stable or not isn't the point and we are talking about a female not a male.
One thing cops can't afford to do is judge a book by it's cover. If you think for a minute that there aren't women out there who can kick a man's ass, you are sadly mistaken.
Denali n DOO said:
no known weapons
Key word.
Denali n DOO said:
she just didn't want to pull over. She wasn't running people over or crashing into cars and stuff.
At one point she told 911 that she was driving 90 MPH. Not a threat to anyone's safety?
Denali n DOO said:
But you don't see many other impaired drivers being taken down with an upper body check to knock them off their feet
After a high speed pursuit? Really?
Denali n DOO said:
She wasn't all high on meth or something and freaking out.
You know this how?
Denali n DOO said:
...that guy is a coward in my opinion.
You are entitled to your opinion. But, it's easy to criticize from an "armchair quarterback" point of view.
Denali n DOO said:
I watched the video again and you'll never convince me otherwise...
I know lots of cops and have rode along with them many times. Before you get so critical of things you can't possibly understand, perhaps you should participate in a ride-along program a few times. :twocents:


Aug 26, 2012
To start, I didn't listen to or watch the video yet. I do not know if it's just audio or not. My laptop's antivirus software is not allowing me to watch it.

Tackling her will have to depend if it was warranted or not. If I pulled someone over and they refused to get on the ground, I'd definitely "help them find it". I cannot say if I'd tackle them or not because it depends on the circumstances. I would if they were causing some sort of threat to me or others around me! If they were holding a weapon (of some sort), then I'd have to draw my own.

Also, some interactions do not always require me to draw my gun. If the person is threatening me with a large stick or some other type of non-projectile firing object, then I might try mace, taser, or nightstick first. BUT, it also depends on how immediate the threat is...

Tackling is "sometimes" a way to release aggression for the responding officers. It's also sometimes excessive force that didn't require that kind of aggression too. You have to think, if you're chasing someone and not sure what they're carrying -or- what they're capable of, you probably just want to get them to the ground as fast as possible and ask questions afterwards. It really isn't easy being a cop. You have a set of rules you have to follow, while the person you're fighting, doesn't. During certain times, when do you really have time to sit and think about those rules while you're in a hand-to-hand combat situation with someone who may be trying to kill you?? >>Not saying that it's what happened here, because I have yet to see the video.

When speaking of strength, mentally handicapped people usually do not qualify to be ranked with the general public. I've had my ass handed to me on many of occasions from a mentally handicapped person. Even ones that were waaay younger than me! Matter in fact, I retired from an injury that was due to wrestling a 40 yr old mentally handicapped person. People on certain drugs have the same type of strength too.

Who's to say if they used excessive force or not? Without seeing the video, it's just speculation. She could have sounded calm on the phone, but was holding something in her hand the whole time. Getting out of the car (when told not to), not listening to the officers commands, and threatening them are all no-no's when being pulled over. Especially when you're under the influence!

Just my input...


Aug 26, 2012
I will say (now that I'm retired) that there are many of people who need a good ass-whoopin because they step out of line!
Things these days are getting out of hand because the police are being sued for things that should be overlooked. NOT ALL THINGS...just certain things.

If that lady hit a loved-one of yours and killed them while driving at 90mph, wouldn't YOU like to do the same to her??
A cop's life and innocent bystanders are also at-risk while they're chasing assholes like that. I personally think that the Justice System needs to build more prisons!

Denali n DOO

May 22, 2012
BO TIE SS said:
One thing cops can't afford to do is judge a book by it's cover. If you think for a minute that there aren't women out there who can kick a man's ass, you are sadly mistaken.

Key word.

At one point she told 911 that she was driving 90 MPH. Not a threat to anyone's safety?

After a high speed pursuit? Really?

You know this how?

You are entitled to your opinion. But, it's easy to criticize from an "armchair quarterback" point of view.

I know lots of cops and have rode along with them many times. Before you get so critical of things you can't possibly understand, perhaps you should participate in a ride-along program a few times. :twocents:

First off and most important, I'm not criticizing Police Officers in general I am criticizing the individual in that video that tackled that girl for no apparent reason. I'm not an "armchair quarterback". I appreciate Police Officers and the job they do and the dangers they face everyday and quick decisions they have to make. They are worth every penny they get paid and then some. I know Police Officers as well (a few very well) and understand what adrenaline can do when faced with danger. If I ever went on a ride with here with our Waterloo Regional Police (and I would love to do that but I can't make it happen) I doubt very much I would witness any Police Officers excessively tackling a drunken woman to the ground to arrest her, especially if there were 2 other Police Officers present. The force used in the video wasn't necessary...It gives a bad name to Police Officers that do act professionally. That's still my opinion.

Nuf Sed...

Denali n DOO

May 22, 2012
hockeyman said:
If that lady hit a loved-one of yours and killed them while driving at 90mph, wouldn't YOU like to do the same to her??

But she didn't kill anyone, still no need to take her down like that...:confused:


Aug 26, 2012
Denali n DOO said:
But she didn't kill anyone, still no need to take her down like that...:confused:

That's why I said "if".
She didn't, but I'd sure as shit would have liked to have kicked her...well, nevermind. While I was on duty, I used my best discretion and tried to treat people as they deserved. I was not overly aggressive, but I didn't take any shit either.

It's the lawyers in this country that are allowing criminals like this to get off scott-free. What I read so far is that she's suing, so the initial reason she was pulled over will be overlooked and the news will never show that part of the story to the public. Seen it a thousand times before!

Life moves on...


Nov 18, 2011
Denali n DOO said:
I'm not an "armchair quarterback".
By definition, you are. You are criticizing the actions of these officers when you weren't there. That is armchair quarterbacking. The video shows very little, and you are painting an entire picture from a glimpse. No one is qualified to say, one way or the other, if their actions were justified without witnessing firsthand the entire sequence of events. From start to finish, from the seat of the cruiser to the side of her van.

I once saw a video from a cruiser that showed an officer doing something, and I'm thinking WTF? :confused: Then I saw the exact same scene from another cruiser camera which showed a completely different perspective. If it weren't for the second video, the officer's actions would have been called in to question. Just something to consider.


Nov 18, 2011
Shoulda used the Taser. Fuck that dumb bitch.

Denali n DOO

May 22, 2012
Shoulda used the Taser. Fuck that dumb bitch.

Your right....but only IF she was out of control then a taser would have been more appropriate to subdue her. That's what they are for right?

Denali n DOO

May 22, 2012
BO TIE SS said:
By definition, you are. You are criticizing the actions of these officers when you weren't there. That is armchair quarterbacking. The video shows very little, and you are painting an entire picture from a glimpse. No one is qualified to say, one way or the other, if their actions were justified without witnessing firsthand the entire sequence of events. From start to finish, from the seat of the cruiser to the side of her van.

I once saw a video from a cruiser that showed an officer doing something, and I'm thinking WTF? :confused: Then I saw the exact same scene from another cruiser camera which showed a completely different perspective. If it weren't for the second video, the officer's actions would have been called in to question. Just something to consider.

Okay so based on that definition we are both armchair quarterbacks because you weren't there either :raspberry:, my opinion is based on the video that I did see, and what I saw the officer do I don't believe was necessary, for that situation. It sure would be a sad day if she got off the charges because of his actions. My opinion does not reflect other Police officers in other situations, I'm only referring to the one Police officer in the video in this thread. Since you have no other video or first hand information so you can't say that I'm wrong.


Nov 18, 2011
Denali n DOO said:
Your right....but only IF she was out of control then a taser would have been more appropriate to subdue her. That's what they are for right?

Nope. Taser is a warning and a painful one...I know. If she was out of control and the officer feared for his life he should put a bullet between her eyes. She was irrational and wasting the time of 911 and the officers while endangering herself, the officers, and the public.

I said taser to be nice, but honestly...I would not have been upset if they shot her.

Police officers and fire men risk their lives to keep us safe. They do not deserve to be played with or disrespected. The consequences for such actions should be far harsher and this would be a better world.

Short Bus

Dec 2, 2011
Denali n DOO said:
But she didn't kill anyone, still no need to take her down like that...:confused:

We need a dislike button for comments like this. IMO she was GENTLY pulled to the ground after endangering countless lives by driving recklessly and tieing up emergency personnel. How do you know that she didn't indirectly cause a death? The police may have even saved her life by stopping her from continuing to drive under the influence.

Fuck that dumb bitch.

Did you see her mugshot? NO THANKS!!!


Nov 18, 2011
Denali n DOO said:
Okay so based on that definition we are both armchair quarterbacks because you weren't there either :raspberry:
In that sense, you are correct.

Denali n DOO said:
Since you have no other video or first hand information so you can't say that I'm wrong.
This is where I disagree. In this great land of ours, every citizen (including law enforcement) has the right to be considered innocent until proven guilty. With the limited information you have, you're ready to "convict" him of excessive force and label him a "coward". I'm not saying that he didn't use excessive force. I'm saying that there's not enough information to say that he did.

On a side note, while in the squad car she never claimed injury or mentions being tackled. Her only concern is getting the $300K, and her belief that she is being illegally kidnapped. :crazy:

Denali n DOO

May 22, 2012
BO TIE SS said:
In that sense, you are correct.

This is where I disagree. In this great land of ours, every citizen (including law enforcement) has the right to be considered innocent until proven guilty. With the limited information you have, you're ready to "convict" him of excessive force and label him a "coward". I'm not saying that he didn't use excessive force. I'm saying that there's not enough information to say that he did.

On a side note, while in the squad car she never claimed injury or mentions being tackled. Her only concern is getting the $300K, and her belief that she is being illegally kidnapped. :crazy:

I know we had a small difference of opinion about that crazy lady :crazy: and I'm okay with that, I'm just saying she didn't appear to be much of a threat to me. But she does deserves the book be thrown at her.

Just to show you I'm not totally against using to much force. In this video (in Toronto) this crazy man is armed with a knife. He is threatening the life's of the Police officers trying to arrest him, he refuses orders given to him and continues to threaten the Police officers. The Police officer in the car acted quickly and knocked the guy off his feet... with the Police car. Too much force? Maybe, but the Police officer did what he had to do to reduce the risk. I think this Police officer did an awesome job taking this guy down :thumbsup:



Nov 18, 2011
Denali n DOO said:
I think this Police officer did an awesome job taking this guy down :thumbsup:
I agree. By all rights, they could have shot him and he'd be dead. By thinking outside the box, he was able to end the standoff without seriously injuring the guy.

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