Tail end of hurricane Oho from Hawaii blew through here this afternoon. Warm, really windy, and very, very wet for a few hours. Now at midnight it's cool and cloudy, but supposed to be a nice day in the morning.
Here in the heart of Europe we got some snowfall in the past few days already... and those who didn't got rain, fog and temps in the 40s.
I hope there's still at least a few days of indian summer in store for us
45F now n cloudy. Down to 28 through the nite with winds picking up. Lake effect snow squalls (cold air blowing over warm lale) is forecast for areas near lake Huron but probably won't get this far.
Camping season is over, now we're moving into DOO season, let it snow, let it snow let, let it snow!
I walked outside, barefoot, with intentions of saving 3.5 gallons of water, and water the grass. Realized it was thirty something degrees, turned around, and went to the toilet.
50* and clear currently. Tuesday and Wednesday are supposed to hit the mid 70's. Flurries possible this weekend Time to get the winter wheels/tires on and the last oil change of the year before the cold/snow arrives.
Another day with 70*+ temps and sun. It was still 68* when I got off work last night and rode home with the windows down. Next week looks to be a bit cooler.