We're seeing a brief warming spell -- up to the 20s today, but the wind is brutal (30 mph) so wind chills are in the -20 range anyway. Monday the polar vortex returns with a vengence and we will again see -20 temps and -50+ windchills.
Here is a brief slice of my world, weather wise, in a 12 minute view of my 60 minute twice-daily commute. Video is of my Rav4, not the Trailblazer, but I would drive it similarly. Using the Rav due to fuel mileage constrains of that long commute to and from Milwaukee every day. TB would cost me $100 a week in the winter months when fuel economy is down to the mid teens.
Average speed is 55-60 mph, not hot-dogging, just my normal winter driving mode. I've done over 1.5 million miles as a pro driver in all sort of extreme conditions (never got to take a day off because of weather), so control with a smallish AWD vehicle that has decent tires, etc., is no big deal. It all boils down to anticipation, a good feel for what each tire is doing, and smallish inputs with correction to keep weight transfer right where the driver intends.