Found out some very interesting information today! Our ISP has instituted a data cap.... yeah.
250 GB. Our monthly usage averages 700-800, lots and lots of streaming. We are unfortunately switching providers, it's a shame because the only other ISP in town has a lot of negative stuff said about it but apparently at least has no cap... or does it? Internet has conflicting reports on Googling it, but we know someone who works for the company and says that, at least in this area, there is none. Joy.
And to add utmost insult to it, in the very same article where the ISP explains why they've instituted a cap, they also go on about how it's part of a bunch of things to improve QoS, along with a lot of investment in increasing bandwidth capabilities and reliability. That's like the city coming in, putting in a water main twice as wide, but then telling the neighborhood they can now only use half of what they used before.