Thinking on HID lows


Original poster
Dec 5, 2011
I've been seriously thinking on getting some HIDs mainly for lows. Thinking on going with more of a mild blue hue so probably 8k.(open to Suggestions) Yes I said that I wouldn't be getting HIDs but I've seen enough cars here that have em to make me want them. Like a 2000 F-150 with a purple hue headlights. My question is do I need to do the DRL/Cap mod just for lows? I don't think i need to from what I read but then again I might be wrong.


Mar 25, 2012
Cable810 said:
I've been seriously thinking on getting some HIDs mainly for lows. Thinking on going with more of a blue hue so probably 8k. (open to Suggestions) My question is do I need to do the DRL/Cap mod just for lows? I don't think i need to from what I read but then again I might be wrong.

I dont think you need the killer for lows. at least i dont have them for mine. i just use the headlight switch. i have 10,000k and love them. ive had them for about 3 or 4 months with no real problems. Id deff recomend getting them tho :thumbsup: just make sure u adjust the headlight so your not the dick that blinds people infornt of you :twocents: :thumbsup:


Original poster
Dec 5, 2011
10k is that really blue or more of a purple hue? DDM or VVME


Mar 25, 2012
Cable810 said:
10k is that really blue or more of a purple hue?

Blue. i have pics of them in my albums if you wanna check them out.. there not purple tho, at least i dont think so.. lol


Original poster
Dec 5, 2011
VVME has a good rep amongst us. Stock volt is 55w for lows would it be best that I stay under or exactly 55w.


Nov 20, 2011
Yes you need either a DRL Killer or the cap mod with your HID's, unless you remember to turn your head lights off every single time. DRL's run at 70% power and that is bad for the ballasts. 8000k may be to blue for you. I would stick closer to the 5000k, it will give you a lot more light output, and a lot less chance of you being harrased by the police.

I've got 35W VVME 5000K in mine, and they are just about perfect. 10,000k is going to be too blue and not put out enough usable light. If your going to go 55w I would use a relay harness to protect the head light wiring.



Dec 16, 2011
Get 35w... 55W requires a relay.

Also if you want to retain your drl, a relay or cap mod is required as the drl's are on the low beam circuit. Either the relay or cap mod will prevent premature ballast failure.

On edit: darn spotty cell connection today....


Original poster
Dec 5, 2011
Me007gold said:
Yes you need either a DRL Killer or the cap mod with your HID's, unless you remember to turn your head lights off every single time. DRL's run at 70% power and that is bad for the ballasts. 8000k may be to blue for you. I would stick closer to the 5000k, it will give you a lot more light output, and a lot less chance of you being harrased by the police.

I've got 35W VVME 5000K in mine, and they are just about perfect. 10,000k is going to be too blue and put out too much usable light. If your going to go 55w I would use a relay harness to protect the head light wiring.


Basiacally its just for looks. I can't see 8k beeing all that blue. When you say turn the lights off, they won't come on when I start up the Vehicle, I have to manually turn them on?(turning the dial all the way to the right?)


Mar 25, 2012
Cable810 said:
Basiacally its just for looks. I can't see 8k beeing all that blue. When you say turn the lights off, they won't come on when I start up the Vehicle, I have to manually turn them on?(turning the dial all the way to the right?)

ya sometimes with mine only the driver side will come on if i dont do anything witht the switch. once i turn the swich to the right, they both turn on full power. So to answer your question, you have to turn them on and off manually without the drl killer. and i think youd deff be happy with8K


Original poster
Dec 5, 2011
I would have to worry about frying the ballast if I don't do the DRL/Cap Mod with me just turning them on manually?


Nov 20, 2011
Cable810 said:
I would have to worry about frying the ballast if I don't do the DRL/Cap Mod with me just turning them on manually?

This really isnt an yes or no question. I cant say for sure that it will happen(many people have reported it being a problem in the past), however it isnt good for the HID ballast. This can EASLY be prevented with a $1.50 capacitor from radio shack, This way you get to keep your DRL's and dont have to worry about frying your ballests. Its a small insurance policy.


Nov 18, 2011
I you are going to do it, just do it right. Cost is minimal and it is easy. Cap the DRL and use a harness.


Nov 21, 2011
I personally just turn my DRL's off every time I drive. (tap the dome button like 3-4x and it disables them for the ride). I have 6k 35W and I like those! I personally recommend DDM just because they are a life time warranty and cheaper then VVME but VVME is still a great brand! I wouldn't go with 55W because you will blind people and get pulled over for sure (which isn't what you want and reason why you didn't want them to start with)! Our housing do project pretty well so its very risky and annoying to on coming drivers. I personally recommend a relay harness no matter what W you get! It plays it safe and keeps you from a future headache :twocents:

Like the others said, you will loose usable light with 8k but if your going for looks then go for it! I mean 6k does have that bit of blue in it for the looks

Boricua SS

Nov 20, 2011
definetly do 35W HID's... and through your research, you shouldve seen that almost all of us do some kind of DRL Killer or cap mod... so either $5 for the parts of a DRL Killer, or $1.50 for the Cap, to save a $50 dollar part.. seems like a no brainer to me... and definetly would recommend the relay harness no matter what Wattage you get... a $15 part that saves your stock wiring on the truck.. another no brainer in my book...

i have 8000k in my SS and here is a side by side comparison to my DD with regular halogen lights... you can see how blue VVME 8000k's are...



i personally wanted the blue look since my SS is blue... but my brother has 6000k and they shine out farther then my 8000k's... so for driveablity in DD, i would say stay between 4300-6000k...


Nov 21, 2011
Boricua SS said:
and definetly would recommend the relay harness no matter what Wattage you get... a $15 part that saves your stock wiring on the truck.. another no brainer in my book...


Here are mine they are 6k




Original poster
Dec 5, 2011
Boricua SS said:
definetly do 35W HID's... and through your research, you shouldve seen that almost all of us do some kind of DRL Killer or cap mod... so either $5 for the parts of a DRL Killer, or $1.50 for the Cap, to save a $50 dollar part.. seems like a no brainer to me... and definetly would recommend the relay harness no matter what Wattage you get... a $15 part that saves your stock wiring on the truck.. another no brainer in my book

I know that we have to do either the Cap or DRL mod just didn't know it we had to do it for the lows. I thought it was mainly for both. I really like that 8k. If DDM has a lifetime warrenty I will deffinitly be going with them.

Now if I can only find someone to help me w/ the Cap Mod/DRL


Nov 18, 2011
Cable810 said:
I know that we have to do either the Cap or DRL mod just didn't know it we had to do it for the lows.

It is only for lows... drl are the lows...


Original poster
Dec 5, 2011
It is only for lows... drl are the lows...

I know that just not thinking today

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