so who still uses the old site?


Lifetime VIP Donor
Nov 19, 2011
Portland, OR
blazinlow89 said:
Good to know, I did google the username and a Twiiter, Instagram and Facebook all came up. Looks to be the same guy, has a picture with a black Charger and an Envoy in the driveway. Also seen a post about graduating shortly, not sure if thats HS or college.
Yah, you have to wonder if somebody who comes out of the blue, starts multiple threads in a breathless style, is a Vertical Scope shill account just trying to see how many recruiting messages he gets, so they can nuke our recruiting accounts. They HAVE BEEN known to lay traps like that.

Edit: It's HS.


Jan 25, 2012
The_Roadie said:
Yah, you have to wonder if somebody who comes out of the blue, starts multiple threads in a breathless style, is a Vertical Scope shill account just trying to see how many recruiting messages he gets, so they can nuke our recruiting accounts. They HAVE BEEN known to lay traps like that.

Edit: It's HS.
Seems he is graduating HS, I just want to say now, I wish I had a badass car like that in HS. I also don't think a HS kid would be a corporate stooge setting a fly trap. Then again there is no limit on the dirty, lowdown, crap that VS is capable of, let alone willing to do.
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Lifetime VIP Donor
Nov 19, 2011
Portland, OR
But realistically, if VS cared about the look and feel of their site, they would do something about the spam and that's too much work for the paid admin to do in her five minutes a day on the forum. I can see her thought process now - "If I ignore these goofs for a month at a time, who's going to notice? Certainly not MY boss. Nobody PMs me; nobody pesters me; life is good."

Meanwhile....(Oh, this is an OOOOOOOLD photochop I did years ago)

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Dec 30, 2013
The_Roadie said:
And asking how to reduce the weight to make it go faster.....but he bought an XL.
A: Trade a soccer mom for an SWB. She'll appreciate being able to haul 3 more spawn, and you'll appreciate the instant weight loss.
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Dec 30, 2013
Mounce said:
Two spawn, there's only two seats in the 3rd row. But they're roomier than a Yukon's 3rd row.
You must not understand how some people load up their kids. It's not exactly safe. :rotfl:


Nov 18, 2011
Might be a good idea :wink:


Mar 29, 2014
Tuscaloosa, AL
Lol this is the first thread here that I read when checking this place out while I was a real non-shill active member on the OS. and it's the one that sold me and made me come here after I saw the reasons this site was created.


Mar 29, 2014
Tuscaloosa, AL
I'm just a hard-headed dude. Once I found out the truth I was all about joining this site. You're just kept in the dark over there and are told that that's the best site and believe that because it's #1 on google. But then I realized it was kinda dead over there and finally took the advice to come here.
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Nov 18, 2011
We all are :wink:
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Dec 30, 2013
I get this feeling like their staff are like "those GMTNation dudes, they're going to come in here with torches and pitchforks and we have to be like an army prepared to defend... OUR FREEEEDOOOOOMMMMM (Braveheart style)."

Then we just continue just observing, and pointing people to the Promised Land of GMT. They're expecting like a D-Day Assault and we're all guerrilla tactics at best. It's humorous.
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Nov 21, 2011


Lifetime VIP Donor
Nov 19, 2011
Portland, OR
IllogicTC said:
I get this feeling like their staff are like "those GMTNation dudes, they're going to come in here with torches and pitchforks and we have to be like an army prepared to defend... OUR FREEEEDOOOOOMMMMM (Braveheart style)."
I have come to the conclusion their Admin staff is like the tired, ancient old knight trying to defend the Holy Grail from me, Roadiana Jones:

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Lifetime VIP Donor
Nov 19, 2011
Portland, OR
Update. So I've been wicked busy at work and in San Jose for parts of two weeks and my daughter is getting married on the 4th of July and I even have to go into work today, but I took ten minutes to peruse the old site that I hadn't been to in a month.

Phone jammer spammers are still around, posting unmolested wherever they want.

New member Intro posts still get ZERO replies except for a couple of folks who don't understand you can't ask tech questions in the Intro forum, but that's OK because the advice they get it to come here. Except for loverotties who still emits poor advice.

Folks STILL get suckered in by VS lies and donate to the site even though the profits ARE NOT going to benefit any community except the VS parasites.

Still zero staff. And an admin that can't be bothered to visit regularly. Or do any cleanup, as if it's beneath her.
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Mar 29, 2014
Tuscaloosa, AL
Sad to see this thread so inactive, it was always my favorite and actually the thread that convinced me to join here.

The amount of un-answered posts there are astonishing. Not even guesses on things, much less competent answers.

I think that the moderators, in their 5 minutes a day on there just do a keyword search for GMT or GMTnation and then go on about their day because anyone that obscures the address a little doesn't get banned.

Anyways, the recruiting continues. :yes:
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Lifetime VIP Donor
Nov 19, 2011
Portland, OR
Mounce said:
Sad to see this thread so inactive, it was always my favorite and actually the thread that convinced me to join here.

The amount of un-answered posts there are astonishing. Not even guesses on things, much less competent answers.

I think that the moderators, in their 5 minutes a day on there just do a keyword search for GMT or GMTnation and then go on about their day because anyone that obscures the address a little doesn't get banned.

Anyways, the recruiting continues. :yes:
Your recruiting is appreciated. However, we all sortof wish the need for this thread would die. It's funny, but only interesting because so many noobs get led to trailvoy by Google, and the noobs don't know any better and hope there's a support community there and there isn't.

There are NO moderators working on the site anymore. Vertical Scope has an auto-editing script that changes GMTnation into trailvoy, but there is NO STAFF EITHER looking in now the jailbreak is over. None of the old cranky members who used to tattle to the admins are still doing it, except rarely. People report spammers - nobody bothers to delete the posts and ban the spammers.

Our membership growth is at a self-sustaining level for almost a year. Google is finding us again after the forum software upgrade. Life is good. Look out the windshield at the future instead of focusing on the rear view mirror of trailvoy.

Everybody know about the "Trailvoy is Dead" FB group?


May 6, 2014
The_Roadie said:
You're a uniquely suspicious dude. What possible motives could we have to steal their members? We're just thwarted helpful boy scouts.
I thought boy scouts liked sexy pictures.. :smile: The OS has a lot more of those. :rotfl:


Mar 29, 2014
Tuscaloosa, AL
Lol, have you seen the Official Post Whore Thread lately?

And yeah, Roadie, I'm familiar with that filter from my first recruiting attempt lol. I sure didn't mean to tell them that trailvoy was the new, best GMT site. :eek:

I'm glad that dumbrotties has gotten lazy lol. Out of all of the people there that had stayed after the jailbreak, he was the one that butted heads with me and bothered me by handing out false information and I figure he reported my other account that got put on global ignore. I'd think that he would have better information than me since he's been around all of you experts longer than I, but nope.


Nov 18, 2011
I stopped going there once I got word that we're doing much better with google hits.

In the past 2 months or so I've been doing a good bit of googling for Tahoe information and checked out a few Tahoe forums. To me it's easy to tell if a community is thriving or not. I'm hoping that new TB/EV owners type something into google, check out both sites, and choose the one that is more active. If they find old threads over there and get what they need, well not much we can do about that.

And I still get freaking pms despite not logging on for over a year and posting this site on every TB/EV video that I make.
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Dec 4, 2011
Finally got banned from the OS :frown: , they finally realized I was sending people here I guess. No big loss, but I will miss access to the great archived material.
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Nov 18, 2011
You still have access. If you dont want to browse with the ads, just create a shill account or ten like many of us have or had.
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