Should I have fuel pump/sending unit replaced too?


Original poster
May 6, 2012

So my 2003 TB qualifies for the fuel tank replacement extended warranty stuff. So I'm wondering if I should have the fuel pump/sending unit replaced at the same time? 180K kms so 112K miles. They're going to charge me $600 and, and get this, one hour labour. The reason for charging me the labour so if warranty work is required in the next year that the warranty will also do the labour. The labour to replace the tank is three hours, I think. So I'm thinking that's pretty expensive insurance coverage on an item that is highly unlikely to fail in one year.

But the more important question is it worth replacing the fuel pump and sending unit as a preventative measure. I think I've read that non GM units can be had for about $300 and the shop labour is going to be a significantly cheaper elsewhere.

The dealership also tell me there is a crack in the exhaust manifold and the front brakes are down to "2 mils", likely millimetres or 1/12 of an inch.


Nov 18, 2011
TonyT said:
But the more important question is it worth replacing the fuel pump and sending unit as a preventative measure.

Absolutely. I've adopted a 120K interval for GM pumps. In most cases, pump failure comes without warning. Better to do it on your terms then the pumps.


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Might as well. Mine needed to be replaced at 200K km but it should have been replaced with my tank the year before on the same warranty. They didn't ask me if I wanted to replace it since it was working at the time. It's not a matter of if it will fail, but when. Don't get any cheap chinese crap pump, you will regret it. I got a Delphi but I will likely have to replace the fuel level sender in a year or two as it is an old style, thin finger contact. The newer style have a button on the end of the contact fingers so they don't wear through as fast. ACDelco have the newer style. This is something you shouldn't cheap out on.

Yeah, the brakes should be changed ASAP if you want to reuse the rotors. The manifold can wait if it's not making noise yet or throwing a code.


Original poster
May 6, 2012
Mooseman said:
Might as well.
I hate it when folks feel that preventative mtce means spending another $600. :smile:

Mooseman said:
The manifold can wait if it's not making noise yet or throwing a code.
Something is making a bit of a buzzing noise about 80 kmph. What kind of code, etc will it throw?


Mar 22, 2012
Just a reminder that there is a 10 year limit on the coverage from when the vehicle went into circulation so make sure not to wait too long. My fuel tank had the same issue as yours but unfortunately I was 4 months beyond the 10 year date. GM still covered some of the cost so out the door with a new pump, sending unit and tank, it cost me just shy of $850 US. I had around 215K on my vehicle when the tank went down...original fuel pump was still working. I had looked around at that time to see what it would cost just to have the fuel pump done at a later time and it was ~$550-600 US. I opted to have it replaced but I had a lot more miles on my pump than you do. I guess it all comes down to how much you need the money right now and how long you plan on keeping the TB.


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
TonyT said:
Something is making a bit of a buzzing noise about 80 kmph. What kind of code, etc will it throw?

Could be any code affecting the oxygen sensor or fuel ratio at it thinks it's lean due to air getting into the manifold. If you don't have a CEL on, you're OK. If you do get one, the PCM will try to overcompensate and add more fuel, running it rich and killing the catalytic converter.


Original poster
May 6, 2012
TonyT said:
But the more important question is it worth replacing the fuel pump and sending unit as a preventative measure. I think I've read that non GM units can be had for about $300 and the shop labour is going to be a significantly cheaper elsewhere.
Are there any non GM brands of fuel pump/sending unit you folks might suggest? Save me a bit on the $600 of the GM yet still get some life? Probably not but I thought I'd ask.


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
OK, just noticed I already posted. See #3


Nov 18, 2011
I was just at rockauto and the price of the Bosch pump module is now under $300. The OEM pump in my 03 was a Bosch.


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
MAY03LT said:
I was just at rockauto and the price of the Bosch pump module is now under $300. The OEM pump in my 03 was a Bosch.

Really, a Bosch? That would be like Honda using ACDelco. Isn't Bosch German?


Dec 4, 2011
Someone correct me if I am wrong but I think Airtex makes the OEM pumps and also sells aftermarket for alot cheaper than dealer price.

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