Photo contest #12

big ed

Original poster
Nov 18, 2011
test Your photo skills with GMTNations member photo contest!
Submit your best picture that falls under the guidelines of the chosen topic and the agreed upon rules.


Regulator said:
Your truck with an antique (interpret this word anyway you want)!

Deadline; September 19th, 11.59 pm

-Must be a picture taken by your hand or another GMTNation member (please state who he or she is)

-If you are in the picture or driving the vehicle, it may be by someone else's hand. no one else's pictures please.

-Must be of your vehicle (Preferable a GMT).

-No pics older than 6 months. (This is to get people to get out and take pics.)

-One entry per member. Members may change their entry and submit a different picture, but may only enter one picture in total. When changing your entry make sure to include Final Entry in that post, or the first picture you posted will be used.

-No post production modding to the image in this contest, resizing and/or cropping the image, etc, is acceptable.

-At the end of the 2 week period all images will be included into a poll topic with the GMTNation public deciding upon the winner.

Good luck, and have fun!..:thumbsup:


Feb 3, 2012
Interpret any way we want huh? :biggrin:

My antique is reflecting off Phantom :rotfl::raspberry: All in good fun!


Edited to add- That this picture is 2 weeks shy of being 6 months old :yes:


Nov 20, 2011


Nov 18, 2011


Nov 18, 2011
CdnGMan said:
Nice pics thus far... now my question is this:

Is there a difference between "classic" and "antique"?

I think there is... but it could be semantics however... :tongue:


Regulator said:
Your truck with an antique (interpret this word anyway you want)!


Nov 22, 2011
Thanks Bow Tie, but that still doesn't answer my question...

Let me put it this way, is a 1957 Chevy a classic or an antique?
What about a 1937 T-Bird? Classic or antique? :raspberry:

Don't mind me, I'm just playing the role of shit-disturber today... :poke:


Feb 3, 2012
CdnGMan said:
Thanks Bow Tie, but that still doesn't answer my question...

Let me put it this way, is a 1957 Chevy a classic or an antique?
What about a 1937 T-Bird? Classic or antique? :raspberry:

Don't mind me, I'm just playing the role of shit-disturber today... :poke:

Their both! Classic and Antique is just a nice way of saying something is old!

Example-To me CdnGMan is a classic! Or Antique....which ever floats your boat! :raspberry::rotfl:


Nov 22, 2011
Voymom said:
Their both! Classic and Antique is just a nice way of saying something is old!

Example-To me CdnGMan is a classic! Or Antique....which ever floats your boat! :raspberry::rotfl:

The sad thing is that with me be considerably older than Stef, there are days that antique totally fits the bill!!! :wowfaint:


Feb 3, 2012
CdnGMan said:
The sad thing is that with me be considerably older than Stef, there are days that antique totally fits the bill!!! :wowfaint:

Just look at it this way, we are all classic or antique as we are always older than someone! I take being a classic as a compliment...antique may get your head bitten off :biggrin: :wink:


Nov 20, 2011
I wish I lived in California so I could get a pic of the roadie next to my truck :raspberry:

Denali n DOO

May 22, 2012
07 TB RIDER said:
I wish I lived in California so I could get a pic of the roadie next to my truck :raspberry:

With Roadie holding his Classic Simpsom 360 analog meter! :thumbsup:


Nov 21, 2011
CdnGMan said:
The sad thing is that with me be considerably older than Stef, there are days that antique totally fits the bill!!! :wowfaint:

See, I don't even have to try anymore... You do all the work for me!! Good Doggie! :raspberry:

Now. I need to find out what "considerably" means.

You need to watch what you post my good friend! :rotfl:

To answer anyone's questions:

Antique car. An antique car is a classification that is often set by state law. States often have a special type of license plate for these cars. For that reason they set rules stating what qualifies as "antique." In most cases it is a car that's over 45 years old. Generally the car should be maintained in a way that keeps it true to the original manufacturer specifications

Classic car. This classification definitely overlaps with antique cars. The definition of classic car is actually quite similar to that of antique cars. A car must be at least 20 years old, but not more than 40 years old to be considered a classic car. It should again have been repaired and maintained in a way that keeps it true to its original design and specifications. In other words it should not be modified or altered. In addition, many add a stipulation that the vehicle should have been manufactured no earlier than 1925. For these reasons all classic cars are also antique cars, but not all antique cars are classic cars

Vintage car. There is also overlap between vintage cars and antique cars. Some vintage cars quality as antique cars, but not all vintage cars are antique and vice versa. Different groups set different cut off points for what qualifies as a vintage car and what does not. Generally, cars that are considered Vintage were manufactured between the years of 1919 and 1930, but some end it at 1925. Unlike the other two classifications, having had modifications does not necessarily keep a car from being a vintage car

Good luck all!

Greg, for the record, I'm still considered a "Classic" in car years. :tongue:

Denali n DOO

May 22, 2012
harmless said:
See, I don't even have to try anymore... You do all the work for me!! Good Doggie! :raspberry:

Now. I need to find out what "considerably" means.

You need to watch what you post my good friend! :rotfl:

To answer anyone's questions:

Antique car. An antique car is a classification that is often set by state law. States often have a special type of license plate for these cars. For that reason they set rules stating what qualifies as "antique." In most cases it is a car that's over 45 years old. Generally the car should be maintained in a way that keeps it true to the original manufacturer specifications

Classic car. This classification definitely overlaps with antique cars. The definition of classic car is actually quite similar to that of antique cars. A car must be at least 20 years old, but not more than 40 years old to be considered a classic car. It should again have been repaired and maintained in a way that keeps it true to its original design and specifications. In other words it should not be modified or altered. In addition, many add a stipulation that the vehicle should have been manufactured no earlier than 1925. For these reasons all classic cars are also antique cars, but not all antique cars are classic cars

Vintage car. There is also overlap between vintage cars and antique cars. Some vintage cars quality as antique cars, but not all vintage cars are antique and vice versa. Different groups set different cut off points for what qualifies as a vintage car and what does not. Generally, cars that are considered Vintage were manufactured between the years of 1919 and 1930, but some end it at 1925. Unlike the other two classifications, having had modifications does not necessarily keep a car from being a vintage car

Good luck all!

Greg, for the record, I'm still considered a "Classic" in car years. :tongue:

But as Regulator said, interpret the word anyway you antique, classic or even vintage are all good to go :raspberry:


Nov 21, 2011
Denali n DOO said:
But as Regulator said, interpret the word anyway you antique, classic or even vintage are all good to go :raspberry:

Yup. I know. I was just helping the old man out (Greg) as it seems alzhimer's is setting in and he's forgotten some definitons already. :raspberry:


Nov 22, 2011
harmless said:
Yup. I know. I was just helping the old man out (Greg) as it seems alzhimer's is setting in and he's forgotten some definitons already. :raspberry:

It's good to see that you're that concerned about me and my apparent forgetfulness, but that's hardly the case...

IMO there's a distinct difference between the two and I simply wanted clarity... but with the "interpret at your leisure" thought process, there's no sense in :deadhorse:
That said, I don't give a shit, but was looking to play devil's advocate... I'm done. Thanks. :coffee:


Feb 3, 2012
CdnGMan said:
It's good to see that you're that concerned about me and my apparent forgetfulness, but that's hardly the case...

IMO there's a distinct difference between the two and I simply wanted clarity... but with the "interpret at your leisure" thought process, there's no sense in :deadhorse:
That said, I don't give a shit, but was looking to play devil's advocate... I'm done. Thanks. :coffee:

Stef...You really shouldn't let people beat you with a stick......:biggrin::raspberry::raspberry:

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