So many peeves, so little time to spare during work

Here's a couple from this morning's commute...
To start, people who take forever to get moving in the left hand turn lane. If the vehicle in front of you has already cleared the intersection and you're JUST passing the stop line, you're driving WAY too slow. Push the skinny pedal!
Everybody's favorite, the people in the left turn lane who get to the front of the line after the arrow ends, and stay behind the stop line when there's no red arrow. Go back to traffic school and learn what the different lights mean please!!
Last (for now) but not least, the geniuses in the right lane of a 3 lane street, that cut across to the left lane at a stop light because the lane's open. But when the light turns green, they are the slowest person off the line, and take a half mile to get up to the speed limit.