*OFFICIAL* RockAuto complaints thread


Original poster
May 4, 2021
I own a lot of cars and used to buy frequently at RockAuto. No longer. I am boycotting them and will use their competition from now on. They have instituted a website only customer service that is horrible. No more human interaction by telephone. I had a small order of around $100. I never received it and their info on the order page said it was returned to them by the shipper, so they canceled my order and said I should re-order. When I re-reordered the cost had doubled. The order was now $200. When I checked into it further by tracking number and contacting the shipper I found the order had never shipped or left their premises. They had invited me to purchase by direct email to me with a discount, not honored it, weaseled out by not shipping it, then lying about the circumstances surrounding why I had not received it. I tried to contact them on their web based customer service and was ignored, even after multiple efforts. I then tried to call their corporate HQ and via a recording I was notified that no customer service would be available by phone in order to keep their prices low. Read into that "in order to maximize profit and minimize customer satisfaction", keep the customers at arms length. I then persisted and pressed numerals to try an extension. I got through to a fellow called Ralph. Ralph was quite short with me and rude. He insisted I should use only their web based customer service and denied that I would be, OR WAS ignored, which I was. He would not help or transfer me to anyone who would. I really liked doing business with RockAuto until this obstinate refusal to honor their promises and fill the order they solicited and promised. The world is turning impersonal, controlled by AI and people we have to pay as clients to be treated like crap. Prices can be found equaling their good deals elsewhere. I will endeavor to gain back a modicum of control over how I am treated by not giving companies who don't seem to care my money and spreading the word. BOYCOTT. It is one way to to try and get back the respect as consumers we have lost. BOYCOTT!
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Jan 15, 2012
I guess use NAPA in the future, you will get full service but, expect to pay full price.
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Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Moved these posts to their own thread. Could be used as a general complaints thread like the Fedex complaints thread.

Personally, I haven't had any serious issues with RA and that's including shipping to Canada. A long time ago, I did get some bad hubs (Raybestos IIRC) that self destructed within a month. They did exchange them without issues however this was when they still had phone support. The majority of online sellers don't have phone support, including AMAZON.

There are some risks with ANY online ordering and it's part of the online business if you're trying to save money. For me, the savings FAR OUTWEIGH the risks. Just on oil for my truck, I'd rather pay $8/qt than $20 here (and that's with my employee discount!) and I use seven on an oil change. Some parts I can't even get here because of the rarity of my vehicle.

You're not the only one to complain about RA customer service. If you were charged for an order that you didn't receive or some way defrauded and not getting satisfaction from RA customer service, I would suggest contacting your credit card for redress. I'm sure that RA don't want to wind up on their bad side.

If you want to play it safe, then go to your local parts store but be ready to pay a premium for that personal touch and support.
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Original poster
May 4, 2021
Both of you are fast with snappy replies. Local parts store? NAPA? Your compelling urge to be witty belies your character. Didn't exactly comprehend that to get similar Rock Auto prices one can still shop online with Rock Autos direct competitors. The new American party line is well and alive. Don't rock the boat or complain, just go along like good little soldiers or be ridiculed by the sheep and have your post moved to where it will be less of a problem. The founding fathers would roll over in their graves. Mooseman, thanks for moving my post where it will be read less, stand alone and seem trivial, you are the leader of men here.
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Dec 4, 2011
There are forum categories for a reason, to keep things tidy.

And what's with the "don't complain and be good little soldiers" comment coming from? I don't see how you're getting that from Moose's reply...


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Mooseman, thanks for moving my post where it will be read less, stand alone and seem trivial, you are the leader of men here.
Seems to be getting lots of reading. People not interested in finding discount codes may be interested in reading complaints or maybe have differing views.

We also strive in keeping conversations civil and respectful, which is why we have rules. I would invite you to read them.


Aug 27, 2023
n8h 4P2
Horrible customer service and refunds. Ordered a condenser as it was less expensive than local jobber. Was cheaper. There is a difference between cheap and less expensive. Condenser had two less rows than OEM. Had same specs in picture and description. Also had a pin hole. Super long time later, like 4 months I did get my money back. I’m an Automotive Service Technician, RSE, and get cost at local jobbers. Last time I use that company. UAP/NAPA usually gives you cost without an account if you are nice to them.


Dec 21, 2022
I have used RA for years with maybe 2% problems and that is usually the way they pack things. Had a radiator come once with a rad cap in the same box and was flying around in there and flattened some core cooling fins but no damage to the tubes. I have used Parts Geek too with decent results.

As a retired ASE Master Tech and ASE Service Consultant, I am familiar with the parts people all over town. I am also former military. I get "shop" discounts and "military" discounts stacked on each other and do pretty good with that but if can wait, I use RA and like I said, I do ok with them. You do business with any one for any thing and you will eventually be let down. I also don't like the inability to talk to someone at RA but I muddle through it when needed. By the way, you can talk to someone at Amazon if needed at 206-922-0880 and also, if you do the chat with them, you can ask and get a live person to call you.
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Mike of Maine

Sep 6, 2023
So I ordered a total of 3 of these inner tie rod ends for an 04/06 Focus, all from Rock Auto, all appear to be coming from 'clearance', I don't see how that matters here anyway.
Part # EV80632
I believe the top one in top pic, left in bottom pic, to be a genuine Moog part.
It is actually coated black with gold "MOOG PROBLEM SOLVER 1052003", is machined differently between rod and joint and has a physically larger joint.
The second is what I believe to be a cheapo that someone put in the Moog package. It is a smaller physical joint with different "machining" at neck and is unmarked.
Rock Auto replaced #2 with another "Moog" part. They didn't even ask me to return wrong inner, rather to keep for 2 weeks "in case they decide they want returned"
The thing is, its identical to joint #2 except it says "MOOG PROBLEM SOLVER" with no numbers, in yellow or white faded paint, black is faded at best, same small joint and lack of machining. I believe this to be el cheapo supremo #2!
Rock will return minus some shipping claiming some shared fault.
So now what? I installed the actual part and it works fine.
I have to replace these small units with actual Moog now. Rock Auto prob won't send another. They seem to think this is a fitment issue. Can't explain this... NO HUMAN CUSTOMER SERVICE!
Why do I care or think it matters? Over 150k since we bought with 100k, 250,000 miles! I have replaced the suspension and steering parts, front and rear, personally. I have tried SKF and Mevotrash, identical to #2 and 3. Refer to Rockauto catalog pics to see what I mean.
The Moog joints last, period. The others failed miserably, quickly.
The align shop I trust is in "busy season" meaning drop your car off and pick it up when we call, no appointment. Problematic as this is the sole car, Envoy in driveway in pieces.
I have no desire to replace and align every 6 months as cheap parts wear. I paid for good parts and want those.
If Moog decided to stop manufacturing the "good joint" and is rebranding these others, I would REALLY prefer they just stop!
I am quite capable of buying that same rebranded part, just not paying for an expensive box. Equally, Moog looks like crap when they can't manage to "Problem Solve" a tie rod end on one of the smallest, lightest weight commuter cars on the road.



Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
I had the same thing with ACDelco inners. One was black and the other gold. I just used them and were still good when I replaced the whole rack and kept them as spares. I don't know if it was a swaparoo or ACDelco changed suppliers.

Mike of Maine

Sep 6, 2023
If it were just the finish that concerned me, I would be set. I have lots of spray paint if that were it. I'm not sure if the extra bit of metal at the outside of the joint protects from contaminants or what. The larger joint design lasts longer. The joint is protected by the boot and the old joint wasn't gritty with sand etc. It seems like normal wear.
I feel like a "MOOG PROBLEM SOLVER" rubber stamp was dipped in yellow paint and slapped on to the cheapest tie rod in Asia. I'm not suggesting that Rock Auto did this but it sure looks like someone did! If there was a way to send pics and explain, I could tell Rock Auto employee, who's not necessarily a mechanic, what I am looking for.
I have been using Moog products since I was a kid. I believe as a general rule they offer a superior product at a higher price point often times. I am honestly disappointed here. I'm just not sure if its a Moog issue or Rock Auto issue. I am waiting on Moog to reply. I feel like might be waiting a very long time for that reply.
I feel like if there was an actual person at Rock Auto, I could explain to them that the cookie cutter AI assault questions designed to determine what is wrong with my car, my tools or me aren't properly explaining the issue.
Based on the question "Did the part fit?" I answered, "I don't know" because I didn't put it on the car, because it was wrong. Like I wouldn't try on a black coat when I ordered blue, the fit is irrelevent.
This brought on, "have I verified that the car is actually THE car", production date and 2 or 3 other "blow off" questions before they told me how sorry they are that the part they sold me isn't actually the one in the picture and somehow I am responsible for the shipping costs to return it to them. No other option but to eat sh*t.
3 years ago, shipping would have cost $3 and who cares... Now shipping cost more than the part did. 3 years ago I think there were still actual humans at Rock Auto.
If this is "how things are" since covid or whatever, ok fine. Just say so and I will gladly stop paying for overpriced boxes if that is all I am getting.
I don't want to do this job every 6 months because this is the only grade of part avail. I'm quite over the pleasures involved in doing this job. Even more over the idea that I have to pay a shop to align it every time the "new" design fails.

Mike of Maine

Sep 6, 2023
Screenshot_20231119-000011.png This has been eating at me for too long. Account deleted. I HATE this but if Rockauto won't listen to my issues, perhaps they will listen to my wallet. I looked at Moog's site, their photos back up my scenario of an imposter part, don't offer one designed like the "imposter". I am sad, I am done. I will buy parts from fleabay where at least if I am not happy, I will get a refund. SMH!


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
There is also Amazon that has a very good return policy that I have also used many times. However, both Amazon and eBay can be safe havens for peddlers of fake name brand parts, more so than RA.

I think the problem with RA is that they will take a return and just check that a part is in the box, not necessarily THE part. I've heard of people receiving core returns instead of the new part.


Dec 21, 2022


Dec 21, 2022
I also belong to the Tahoe/Yukon Form and Rock Auto used to be a supporting vendor there. They used to put out 5% discount codes that were forum wide and now they are not a supporting vendor member and the discount codes come only to individuals and we share them, just like we do here. I do have a contact phone number, 608-661-1376, and if you have an extension number you can try to talk to someone but otherwise, they tell you on that recorded message that they do not offer customer service via phone. RA got too big and now others are offering discount parts services because of this. I have used partsgeek 2 times with good success and lots of times, I will look up a part number on RA and go elsewhere with that number. RA, for the longest of times, used Fed Ex for deliveries and I got great service but now they are mixing in UPS and for me, that is hit and miss.


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
RA used to post 5% discount codes here too. I emailed the guy that was taking care of that and he just said they stopped the practice and to share personal codes. Maybe it was just too much work doing that on the multitude of forums. I used to use the posted codes all the time in case it helped something but I guess it didn't.

Mike of Maine

Sep 6, 2023
Over 10 years ago Amazon sent me some "iffy" Timken hubs, refused return etc. I don't shop with them anymore either.
NAPA started blocking my VPN, makes NO sense to me as they already have more of my account info on file than I care to allow. Data mining is more profitable than selling parts for NAPA? That might be true these days.
I'm not that guy who attempts to return a "lifetime warranty" part with 60k of good use trying to claim premature failure. I don't need much help with diagnosis, code reading or the things one might expect to find at a local retail chain either. I prefer to change my own headlamp bulbs and wipers.
I'm really not looking for a "retailler". I just need a place who is still interested AFTER the sale. I spent a good amount of money at RA, monthly. Not enough I guess which REALLY sucks because RA served my needs well until recently.
I think I have used partsgeek before also with success. I will give them another look too.
The lack of interest in those small things like no longer posting discounts, not supporting forums that get them lots of traffic, lack of customer support, all indicative of too large, too fast and cutting corners to maximize profit.
I am looking forward to finding my next "home store".
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Dec 21, 2022
Hell, even Wal Mart is getting in the act with parts of many levels, including OE but I suspect that there is problems with those parts and reboxing, just like Amazon and RA and others.
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Nov 25, 2024
I placed a order for 8 of the 98% Efficient oil filters the red ones that are good for more miles. Then
Rockauto ships me 8 Tech basic 96.5 % efficient they did print the number I ordered on white self stick paper and made a effort to make it look right upon opening the box. There is no other reason to do such a thing other than deceive buyers. This now gets even worse they think I should pay shipping no way .


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
If it's clearly their fault for shipping the wrong ones, then it's on them for shipping them back.


Dec 21, 2022
I placed a order for 8 of the 98% Efficient oil filters the red ones that are good for more miles. Then
Rockauto ships me 8 Tech basic 96.5 % efficient they did print the number I ordered on white self stick paper and made a effort to make it look right upon opening the box. There is no other reason to do such a thing other than deceive buyers. This now gets even worse they think I should pay shipping no way .
I do not know if you had this conversation by messaging or not. You did not say. If you call and talk to a person, you can get your point across better. Call 608-661-1376

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