My wild ride today!

High Voltage

Original poster
Nov 18, 2011
First off NO pics! Didn't even think about it at the time and really nothing to take a pic of.

So I'm on my way to work this morning and a deer jumps into the road in front of a car I am meeting. She hits the brakes and turn the wheel hard to the left. Well she hits the deer and is now sliding towards my truck! I push the gas peddle to the floor while heading towards the ditch in an attempt to get in front of her. As she is sliding towards the back of my truck I see her locked on the wheel and a car seat in the back with a baby in it! She missed the back of my truck and I hit the ditch hard going at least 60! I just knew I was going to end up landing on my side and probably rolling the ruck. As my side was headed for the ground it suddenly stopped it's roll and a was slowed down a lot. Back on my wheels headed for the bottom of the ditch my speed was greatly reduced but hit the bottom pretty hard! As soon as my truck stopped I threw off my seat belt and turned the key off. All I could think about was that child in the car seat cause I knew the angle she was hitting the ditch sideways and her speed it wasn't going to be good! Her car was at the bottom of the ditch on it's roof! The divers side was against the ground so I went to the passenger side. Door was locked or jammed so took my pocket knife and hammer punched the window with it. crawled in and cut her seat belt and crawled to the back and got under the car seat and cut the seat belt and crawled out with him. Everyone is OK!

As I was going back to my truck I noticed a BIG gouge out of the side of the ditch. After looking at my truck I realized what dug in to the ditch and what stopped me from rolling. My custom made and installed (by MDB fabrication Mike Barton) rock sliders! They hit the ground and stopped me from going on my side and dug in enough to slow my speed! I also think that they strengthened the frame enough to keep it from tweaking when I hit the bottom of the ditch at an angle. Thanks Mike!!!:hail:


Nov 20, 2011
North Las Vegas
Nice job on the rescue! :thumbsup: I am glad everyone is OK. I bet you helped her feel a bit of relief when you got her and the baby out.

Did you have to get drug out by the tow truck?


Nov 20, 2011
:thumbsup: Well done Jeff!!!!


Dec 21, 2011
Wow! First off great job on the rescue! Amazing! What a story and glad everything is ok!

Another thanks to the custom fabrication work! If it weren't for that god knows where you would of ended and if you would of been able to reach the women and child!


Dec 11, 2011
Wow....quite the ride. The most important thing is that everyone is ok....and it is great to hear that the MDB mod helped in keeping everyone safe and sound. No telling how this plays out for everyone without it


Nov 25, 2011
Wow! Glad everyone is okay! Hope her husband buys you a beer, he owes you one for helping out his family.


Dec 2, 2011
Just happy to hear that everyone was OK Jeff.


Dec 6, 2011
Good reflexes bud, glad you and the other family can tell this tall a few years down the road. She must have seen her life flash in front of her, then see your face comming in through the side door for the rescue. Wow!!:thumbsup::thumbsup:

High Voltage

Original poster
Nov 18, 2011
Truck seems to be just fine. Rides and drives just like it did. Crawled around under it and didn't see anything out of the ordinary. I thought something was wrong because it wouldn't start when I went to move it. I never put it in park! I was just so concerned about the child that I just shut it off and bailed.
Everything from me bailing out till I was sitting in the ditch holding the baby is still all kind of a blur. I guess instincts just kicked in and I did what I had to do.


Nov 21, 2011
good job Jeff... glad yall are alright...


Dec 4, 2011
That is amazing!!! Quick thinking at its best! Take a day off or something you deserve it


Nov 18, 2011
Flipping sweet! You proved yourself in the time of need. WELL DONE Brother!

Glad the truck held up ok and no one was hurt. You can rename them Road/Ditch Sliders.


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Good on ya! Also shows how important it is to keep a pocket knife or multi tool with you at all times as you never know when you might need it. I always carry a Swiss Army knife. Could have lost valuable time to look for something to break the window and cut the belt.
Dec 4, 2011
High Voltage said:
Truck seems to be just fine. Rides and drives just like it did. Crawled around under it and didn't see anything out of the ordinary. I thought something was wrong because it wouldn't start when I went to move it. I never put it in park! I was just so concerned about the child that I just shut it off and bailed.
Everything from me bailing out till I was sitting in the ditch holding the baby is still all kind of a blur. I guess instincts just kicked in and I did what I had to do.

Gotta love it when everything (mostly people) comes out as well as this did. :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:


Nov 21, 2011
wow glad to see everything is okay!! Great job on the helping out!


Dec 6, 2011
Also glad everyone is fine. Congratulations on keeping a level head and getting everyone out.

Sent from my Xoom using Tapatalk


Nov 20, 2011
Mark20 said:
Also glad everyone is fine. Congratulations on keeping a level head and getting everyone out.

Sent from my Xoom using Tapatalk

:iagree: :thumbsup:


Dec 3, 2011
Great job keeping calm and rescuing everyone. Glad everyone is ok. :thumbsup:


Dec 21, 2011
Mooseman said:
Good on ya! Also shows how important it is to keep a pocket knife or multi tool with you at all times as you never know when you might need it. I always carry a Swiss Army knife. Could have lost valuable time to look for something to break the window and cut the belt.

My exact thoughts. I think i'm gonna pay a visit to a store or two later today to pickup a few things. I think the saying "Better Safe than Sorry" had proved itself in this incident.:smile:

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