So yesterday I went to change my oil. I was parked on an incline so I started the truck and truned it around so that it was facing ownhill. The truck was only on for about 2 minutes max so that way the engine didn't have time to heat up making the oil change easier for me. So I got under the truck and took off the bolt. While it was draining when it got towards the end I noticed small air bubbles in the oil. I know air bubbles means water got in somehow. What my question is, before I go further, do you think the air bubbles were caused by starting the truck and draining the oil right after, or is it really a serious problem? I checked the oil after changing it and going on a 35 mile trip, while the engine was hot and didn'tnotice any bubbles in the new oil. I also don't see where the coolant level has dropped either. Please leave your comments abouth this issue. 2002 with 160,000 miles.