I just need to vent a little.....


Original poster
Feb 3, 2012
I have had so much going on lately that I'm surprised I haven't ripped all my damn hair out. My hubby and I are putting together a wedding ceremony since we never had one originally. My father is ill and I may not get the chance to have him walk me down the aisle if I wait any longer. I'm trying to do this thing on a budget, because we have been trying to buy a house as well. I'm doing a lot of my own stuff...like my bouquet. I found a beautiful dress for $226.00 bucks which is a STEAL compared to the retail price. But these past few days have been hell on me. I won't have very many guests coming as most of our family and friends live in Michigan and Maine, so to me it feels a bit pointless, although having my dad walk me down the aisle is the most important thing over all.

Another thing I have been bitchy about are rings. I have such a strange shaped engagement ring that we never were able to find a wedding band or ring guard that would fit it, and now we are looking at getting an entire new set....I've picked my ring out already, but it wasn't originally planned in the budget. I have managed a way to keep this entire wedding planning stuff on a budget of just $3,000.00 dollars, and so far I am right under that amount, but that means I have A LOT of work to do and a lot of crafts that I have to do to make everything that is to expensive to buy.

Going to the court house and having the Justice of the Peace do it was SOOOO much easier and less complicated, especially since I am such a simple woman. I feel a lot of pressure both financially and emotionally to get all this done by October 20th of this year. I have 4 months to get it all done. Reserving hotels for out of town guests, cooking all the food for the reception, and so forth. I'm not looking for a pity party lol I just don't have anyone to vent to. I don't want to make this anymore stressful on my hubby so I don't really bitch to him, and all my other friends and family have had weddings, but they had a lot of people financially contributing to it as well, so they don't really understand. I'm trying to NOT become a bridezilla as I'm not like that, but this stress, and feelings of being incredibly overwhelmed might win me over eventually. Had I known we were going to do a ceremony down the road, I would have had this all planned out a year or more ahead of time, but here I am, last minute wedding planner. No time to go out, no time to relax, no time to sleep....I am REALLY REALLY looking forward to this Amana Meet on Saturday lol I will definitely be having me a beer or 5!

Okay, I'm done ranting now. I'm sory I had to come here, a place full of raging testosterone, who could probably careless about weddings lmfao, but I needed to do it some where. Facebook has a character limit that I keep going over when I try to vent. So I just came here! Thanks for listening. :crazy:

Canadian Mike

Dec 3, 2011
Just wait until the countdown hits 1 week. :biggrin:

Good luck with your wedding. Don't forget the pics [or it didn't happen, as many Nation members say]!!


Jan 4, 2012
Good Luck with everything! Hope it all works out for ya. (Sometimes I sit back and think how wonderful everything would be if finances weren't an issue)


Jan 29, 2012
Sounds like you need to go wine tasting with the wife. We had a simple wedding at my mom's house. It was nice.


Original poster
Feb 3, 2012
stormsurge said:
Sounds like you need to go wine tasting with the wife. We had a simple wedding at my mom's house. It was nice.

Ewww Wine lol I hate the taste of it, however if I want to get messed up fast...I grab a bottle of the cheap stuff :wink:

And thanks to everyone else! I will be glad once everything is done and over with. Unfortunately the simple things in life, aren't so simple to begin with. It will be nice to have an actual wedding...but it's proving to be a bigger pain in the ass than I originally thought. By the way, if anyone in Iowa wants to attend the ceremony, feel free. It will be held in Dallas Center..which is about 35 minutes northwest of Des Moines at a chapel. The more guests the better I feel about all this money going into it lol. I mean 3k would pretty much complete all the mods I want to do to the voy :frown:


Jan 29, 2012
Voymom said:
Ewww Wine lol I hate the taste of it, however if I want to get messed up fast...I grab a bottle of the cheap stuff :wink:

And thanks to everyone else! I will be glad once everything is done and over with. Unfortunately the simple things in life, aren't so simple to begin with. It will be nice to have an actual wedding...but it's proving to be a bigger pain in the ass than I originally thought. By the way, if anyone in Iowa wants to attend the ceremony, feel free. It will be held in Dallas Center..which is about 35 minutes northwest of Des Moines at a chapel. The more guests the better I feel about all this money going into it lol. I mean 3k would pretty much complete all the mods I want to do to the voy :frown:

Wine tasting in amana is fun + free. Wife got a little tosted last time we went up there. They have some good winery's.:cool:


Dec 4, 2011
Try not to stress it too much, it'll all come together nicely. Remember 1 thing at a time. We had our wedding just over a year ago and it was kinda last minute as well. We had it at a friends house and it turned out waaay better than we thought it would. Everyone loved it and said small weddings are the way to go :thumbsup: I wish u luck in your planning and whatever happens you'll still be with your better half.


Original poster
Feb 3, 2012
TexazReece said:
Try not to stress it too much, it'll all come together nicely. Remember 1 thing at a time. We had our wedding just over a year ago and it was kinda last minute as well. We had it at a friends house and it turned out waaay better than we thought it would. Everyone loved it and said small weddings are the way to go :thumbsup: I wish u luck in your planning and whatever happens you'll still be with your better half.

Thanks! It's going to be a semi small wedding if that makes sense. We will be having it at a Chapel that hubby and I absolutely fell in love with. I got the big sparkly dress lol have a theme, tux rental, flower girl, ring bearer, writing our own vows, pretty much the works. The reception will be small, and unfortunately alcohol free :lipsrsealed: due to the regulations of the chapel. Reception food will be made by me, decorations, center pieces made by me.....I just feel like I'm WAY in over my head. I HOPE to God that the house will fall through before October, because then...I won't really need to reserve hotels, but at the same time, if more people from out of state show up than I plan...I'm going to be in trouble lol.

Mat(Hubby) has been helping as much as he can, but face it...men just aren't all that interested in this kind of stuff lol. I have 1 maid of honor and 1 best man unless my brother and sister can make it from Michigan. Which at this point I would rather not have anymore people in the bridal party because I'm tired of tux rentals and shopping for dresses, accessories, shoes and all that crap.

Okay, I'm done rambling.....I need to get back to my ebay shopping spree of peacock feathers :wootwoot:

Short Bus

Dec 2, 2011
the roadie said:
I acquired this fine vintage for my cellar last time I passed through Missouri. Should have gotten more, since it's not allowed to be sold in California. :wink:


Damn Roadie, you've got my favorite wine!!!! Why can't they sell it in Cali? You can buy pot, but not Boone's Farm :confused: :confused: On second thought maybe I should move to Cali!!!! No wait, your gun laws SUCK!!!!!!!!!

Voymom, I know you're busy, but are you gonna make it to the big meet?


Dec 18, 2011
Good luck with all the prep Voymom. Remember stay calm and before you know it it will be over. Just drink and relax every so often, to help take the edge off. :yes::yes:


Original poster
Feb 3, 2012
Short Bus said:
Damn Roadie, you've got my favorite wine!!!! Why can't they sell it in Cali? You can buy pot, but not Boone's Farm :confused: :confused: On second thought maybe I should move to Cali!!!! No wait, your gun laws SUCK!!!!!!!!!

Voymom, I know you're busy, but are you gonna make it to the big meet?

Unfortunately I won't be able to make it this year. My sister is graduating nursing school in Texas, and I will be going to her graduation. As much as I would like to go, family comes first.

Next year, I will definitely make it! I will make sure of it!


Dec 3, 2011
My wife and I have been married for over 15 years and honestly I don't remember much of it, I didn't really care I just wanted to get married!
My advice would be like with any project, prioritize the most important things and if you don't get to all the fine details no one will ever remember.
As long as there is a ceremony and some food afterwards no one is likely to remember much of the rest.
Remember those that matter won't care and those that care won't matter.
Also, remember IT IS YOUR DAY!

On your rings, could you have your original stone from your engagement ring put into a more simple band to keep cost down?


Nov 21, 2011
My wife and I have been married for almost 6 years. When we got married she set everything up and its amazing how stressful of a time it actually is. We were going for a "small" wedding also but once we both had our attendance lists we were pushing approx 130-150 people. Our wedding kinda snowballed and became alot more than we expected. I gotta give credit to my wife though, she busted her ass and we somehow managed to pay for it. Ours ran about $12k and that didnt include the cake, food, hall/alcohol, limos as they were paid for us as gifts. On top of that we also went to Jamacia for 10 days which also wasnt included. It was a great day.... except for me being beyond drunk @ 10am and messing up my vows, i hear about this still today.

Hope you have a great wedding day. :thumbsup:


Jan 16, 2012
Short Bus said:
On second thought maybe I should move to Cali!!!! No wait, your gun laws SUCK!!!!!!!!!

You should try visiting LA, it's the wild west for the 21st century.....people shooting at each other on the freeways. Guns are everywhere.


Jan 16, 2012
Voymom said:
Thanks! It's going to be a semi small wedding if that makes sense. We will be having it at a Chapel that hubby and I absolutely fell in love with. I got the big sparkly dress lol have a theme, tux rental, flower girl, ring bearer, writing our own vows, pretty much the works. The reception will be small, and unfortunately alcohol free :lipsrsealed: due to the regulations of the chapel. Reception food will be made by me, decorations, center pieces made by me.....I just feel like I'm WAY in over my head. I HOPE to God that the house will fall through before October, because then...I won't really need to reserve hotels, but at the same time, if more people from out of state show up than I plan...I'm going to be in trouble lol.

Mat(Hubby) has been helping as much as he can, but face it...men just aren't all that interested in this kind of stuff lol. I have 1 maid of honor and 1 best man unless my brother and sister can make it from Michigan. Which at this point I would rather not have anymore people in the bridal party because I'm tired of tux rentals and shopping for dresses, accessories, shoes and all that crap.

Okay, I'm done rambling.....I need to get back to my ebay shopping spree of peacock feathers :wootwoot:

Good luck with the prep and plans. My wife and I got married in 2010, a second time for both of us. It was done on a tight budget and in a short time, so I know exactly where you are coming from. It'll be fine....enjoy the day when it arrives. We are still waiting to take our honeymoon....


Nov 18, 2011
Best of luck.


Dec 6, 2011
me and my fiance are planning a wedding also ............well mostly the fiance and if you think yours is bad we are planning a out of town wedding where she is originally from (Massachusetts) so "she feels your pain" lol


Dec 5, 2011
Things I picked up on.

Voymom said:
My father is ill and I may not get the chance to have him walk me down the aisle if I wait any longer....budget,...trying to buy a house...I won't have very many guests coming as most of our family and friends live in Michigan and Maine, so to me it feels a bit pointless,...although having my dad walk me down the aisle is the most important thing over all...I feel a lot of pressure both financially and emotionally.. .incredibly overwhelmed might win me over eventually...

Is this for you or your father?

If for your father, maybe have a talk with him. My Dad is in his upper 80's I know the last thing he'd want is all the hoopla, especially when it means pulling out ones hair, and creating new debt in a jack-up economy. He may just want you to be happy, and use the finances to build you and your family a great future. I just think that maybe “pointless” and “overwhelmed” won’t produce a happy memory that''ll link with Father. Friends and family can stop by anytime they want, and I wouldn’t go broke “financially and emotionally” just to build another memory. If like me, I’m sure you already have a zillion great memories of Dad, you could just less expensively build on those and enjoy the time left, see that he’s happy, and prepare for after (sadly).

Our emotions can be transferred to another, and if he's health is a concern...! Just thoughts on my part.


Nov 20, 2011
good luck with everything. I just got married last year...She did all the work. If they have bridal shows near you, go to them. She won a couple freebies from them...mostly small things like her bouquet. Every penny though right?

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