How much does Auto Insurance cost you?


Feb 3, 2012
Sparky said:
A year.
Full coverage on my TB (no rental car coverage however).
And I'm 24.

Supposedly 25 is the age that insurance drops drastically. I can't wait to see what happens in May :wootwoot:

It never dropped for me..I'm 28. My first ever ticket was in 2010


Dec 2, 2011
Full coverage, $500 deductible, my TB and her Rav4 around $983 per year with Erie.


Mar 14, 2012
Before going to the insurance, its always good to know about the insurance and also we should know the Auto insurance calculator and i have calculated the insurance of my car and after knowing the cost of the insurance, i decided to take auto insurance.


Dec 12, 2011
Voymom said:
I just went with Geico, my policy starts tomorrow after the progressive expires. My coverage is as follows

50/100/50 for bodily, underinsured and uninsured. $50k for Property Damage. 5K for personal medical. Both deductibles set at $500 I have full service road side service and $50 day/$1500 max for Rental Reimbursement. And with 2 violations.

My 6 month policy is $411.00

Initial payment was $73.42

Monthly is $63.42

I am saving $80.00 a month compared to Progressive and saving $420.00 every 6 months.

Progressive I was paying $821 for 6 months and $143.00 monthly for the same coverage but without road side service or rental reimbursement and $10,000 for property damage.

I think I did pretty good with less than 2 days of insurance shopping lol :wootwoot:

I know you stated you went with Geico, but does the hubby or you have any Military background? If so try USAA, for awhile they had a cutoff but has been changed to go back as far as needed.


Dec 4, 2011
Heh, checked with my insurance and when I turn 25 my rates will drop by a huge whopping..... $18 :dielaugh:
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Feb 3, 2012
gmcman said:
I know you stated you went with Geico, but does the hubby or you have any Military background? If so try USAA, for awhile they had a cutoff but has been changed to go back as far as needed.

I am an EX-military wife. So no not really any military background besides that. Thought about joining until I had kids, The thought of leaving them for any extended length of time really bothers me. The only time my children are gone overnight anywhere is at their grandparent's house, where I know if I miss them to much I can always go visit or steal them back lol.

I'm going to ride with Geico for a bit. Might even do "Something" to test out their roadside service...:biggrin:

Canadian Mike

Dec 3, 2011
I'm paying approximately $1,400 [annually] for the Voy & a '98 Z-224 [combined]. Full coverage, $250 deductible, $1,000,000 liability, for each vehicle.


Dec 12, 2011
Sparky said:
Heh, checked with my insurance and when I turn 25 my rates will drop by a huge whopping..... $18 :dielaugh:
I remember the rates falling at 25, but for guys it really drops at 30, least that was I was told and it definately did.


Dec 12, 2011
Voymom said:
I am an EX-military wife. So no not really any military background besides that. Thought about joining until I had kids, The thought of leaving them for any extended length of time really bothers me. The only time my children are gone overnight anywhere is at their grandparent's house, where I know if I miss them to much I can always go visit or steal them back lol.

I'm going to ride with Geico for a bit. Might even do "Something" to test out their roadside service...:biggrin:

If any of your family is military then you are eligible, parents, spouse, but not sure if they have to be with USAA if you are not directly with the military.


Dec 12, 2011
We have USAA and the voy is $45/mo and the sienna is $43, both 250/250. Only have liability on the trusty 90 grand am but with all 3 it's $108/mo. I want to speculate your location plays a big part as well.. larger cities would be slightly higher than the plains of Kansas.


Jan 25, 2012
I'm with TD insurance and pay 1200 a year for full coverage and something called the grand touring package, covers rental cars and the like. I've been driving 17 years and never an incident, I called around everywhere and that's the best I can do in NL, Canada. Looking at some of the replies the US members seem to be doing much better on premiums.


Mar 3, 2012
$672/yr through Liberty Mutual, and that includes collision. I pay $56 monthly.


Feb 3, 2012
gmcman said:
We have USAA and the voy is $45/mo and the sienna is $43, both 250/250. Only have liability on the trusty 90 grand am but with all 3 it's $108/mo. I want to speculate your location plays a big part as well.. larger cities would be slightly higher than the plains of Kansas.

Yeah I have no family or relatives in the military or using USAA. I used them once for both insurance and a bank account. The insurance was great but I will never bank with them again after they lost a 8k tax return deposit and wouldn't do anything to resolve the issue. Money was there for 2 weeks and then mysteriously gone, bank said the money was never there although we had printed out our statements showing it was indeed there at one point.

As far as a larger city...I'm in Iowa and the town I live in has less than 3000 residents :biggrin:


Dec 5, 2011
Both me and my wife have been with progressive since we turned 16 :smile: both have full coverage 100/300/100 with $250/$250 deductibles which is nice since it hails every year or 2

05 Trailblazer $215 every 6 months :biggrin:

06 Mazda 3s $230 every 6 months

but with the one time pay discount we only pay about $375 every 6 months for both :wootwoot: :raspberry:


Dec 4, 2011
All I can say is shop it every renewal or at least each year if you only have a 6 month policy. The prices go up and down all the time. Sometimes I shop it (prior the the Rainier total loss) and the lower price at another company for the same coverage is suprising. Some companies will ding you a little if you move companies too often but it's a small amount. I don't believe being with any company for any amount of years give you any sort of loyalty preferencial treatment. In fact the people I know that had been with the same company for many years were suprised to see how badly they were getting ripped off when they finally shopped it. Your agent is essentially a sales person who does not actually underwrite the account and plugs numbers in then sends it off to the actual underwriter. The funny thing is that studies have shown that people generally dislike insurance agents and generally distrust them all except their own agent.


Aug 24, 2012
Farm Bureau Insurance

$36 a month for liability only for our 2002 Envoy. I'm 32 wife is 31 both have clean driving records.

c bausch

Jan 13, 2012
New jersey manufactures $1800 for the tb and a 2009 jeep grand cherokee full coverage on them both


Mar 3, 2012
$456/6 months through 21st Century....full coverage incl. collision. Have homeowners through them too which gives a discount on both policies.


Dec 4, 2011
$65 full coverage on state farm. When its value eventually drops to about 7.5K I will think about liability only.


Jan 4, 2012
DANG!! I am reading some of y'all monthly payments and I am a little :mad: about mine.

Maybe it is geographically influenced. hopefully!

I pay $128 a month, full coverage, $500 deductible. 36y/o, clean record, upper credit score (not sure if that matters), but I had one claim about 18 months was for $3500 (cost of: the stolen radio, busted out pass. window, destroyed dash, and pass. door scratches).

So does the claim get held against me? and for how long?

Lima Tango

Dec 4, 2011
$180/month with USAA for both our fairly new financed vehicles with better than minimum values full coverage, $100 deductible, renters insurance, and high value jewelry policy. It was about $50 lower before we got stationed in California :hissyfit:


Jan 25, 2012
Wow never even seen this thread.

Right now for the Jetta and the TB we pay $166 a month. Collision is set at $100 deductible and comprehensive is $50, 2 drivers. Through Progressive, been extremely satisfied with them.

Now when I bought the truck it was $300 a month for insurance just for the truck.

Mike claims like that should go under comprehensive, which is not supposed to count against you.


Nov 17, 2012
I just received a new rate because we are adding homeowner's insurance. About $125 for full coverage on the TB and Mazda. Paid monthly not in advance.

I recommend EVERY dude here call their insurance company for a rate reduction at 25, marriage, and anytime you have a kid. I'm dropping collision on the TB after the winter. Avoiding an I told you so from the wife lol.

As for claims hurting your rates, find a friend in actuary science to explain the formulas they use.


Dec 19, 2013
full coverage
74 an month.
would be cheaper $20 if ex-wife didnt have a hit and run.


Jan 25, 2012
Playsinsnow said:
I recommend EVERY dude here call their insurance company for a rate reduction at 25, marriage, and anytime you have a kid. I'm dropping collision on the TB after the winter. Avoiding an I told you so from the wife lol.

We changed a few things and are now down to $109 for both vehicles, still full coverage, still $100 collision and $50 comprehensive and 100/300/100 limits.

After using several online quotes and calling an agent I will keep the full coverage on the truck until its value is less that $1500. Taking full coverage off the truck dropped the total down to $91. For $20 a month I will keep the full coverage, it would take 2 years to even cost $500. If we pay it all at once the total is $492, which saves substantially more than switching to liability.


Apr 3, 2013
I go through USAA and have a package deal with my TB, wife's F-150, and renters insurance. Full coverage on both vehicles and $100 deductible. Total we pay $984 a year.

That includes a wife with a lead foot and who has received a speeding ticket in every state on the East coast :no:


Mar 7, 2013
New Jersey Manufacturers. I have three cars and a camper on it. Full coverage on all with 500 deductible. 2300 per year.


Dec 30, 2013
Geico. WV State Minimums for all dollar amounts, plus comprehensive and collision (still on loan, this wasn't actually specifically told to me but I know how the rules usually go). $89 or so a month. Just went down after I turned 25, used to be $130 ish. No accidents, one minor claim under $1000 for my old vehicle when my passenger opened the door, which got caught in a strong gust and hit the car next to us. Guy pulled an insurance claim, then fixed the scratch with a Sharpie (it was a black truck) and pocketed the rest. I was upset.

Before I moved here and had to get with a company that's licensed to sell insurance in WV, I had $300k caps on a couple things, full comprehensive collision tow service all that, $93/month. That's even after the claim filed against me. Grinnell Mutual, part of Pekin(?) Insurance. This rate was after they offered me to switch to their "Elite" service for good-record drivers.


Jan 25, 2012
Re did insurance with the Avalanche, now for the 3 vehicles it costs $129 a month. I did drop collision on the TB, but kept roadside and comprehensive.


Jan 14, 2014
$96 a month for full coverage on the 03 TB, 00 Rav4, and liability on a 95 Dodge 2500, 86 Ranger, and 89 Corolla All Trac, plus renters for the house and contents. That includes 100/300/100 coverage with 500 deductable on comp and collision plus roadside assistance.

That is through West Bend Insurance via my independent dealer. I've found much better rates via the independent route than through the national name-branded agencies.

But, that being said, GEOGRAPHICAL LOCATION makes all the difference in the world. I was paying $389 a month for half the coverage and only the TB on full coverage and the Dodge on liability with renter's while living in Louisville, KY. Wisconsin rates are awesome!


Dec 4, 2011
$202 a month

Covers the 2006 Trailblazer (full coverage), 2004 Sebring Convertible (full coverage) and homeowner's insurance.



Jun 17, 2012
We pay 76 a month for full coverage on an 03 Envoy slt (full coverage) and liability on my 02 tb ltz. Thinking about switching back to full coverage. It was only like 20 more a month.


Sep 14, 2014
This thread convinced me to shop. I found Geico at $114/mo for 25/50/25, 500 deductibles, rental, roadside. Keep running into errors trying to quote with state farm and allstate.

I currently have progressive at 150/mo for bare minimum and 2500 deductibles. Total rip off. Been with them for 5 years. No love.

Gonna give state farm and allstate another try tomorrow, otherwise switch to Geico. Would be nice to not worry about having crap coverage.


Apr 26, 2012
RedEnvoyDenali said:
Have you ever noticed how here in Canada people always pontificate about how expensive American insurance is. Going over these posts I am not to sure I wouldn't change places with any of these folks.

I am with Saskatchewan Government Insurance (SGI) because I have no other choice for my primary insurance. I can then go wherever I want to reduce my deductible from 750.00 or increase my Liability cover to something useful around a 1,000,000 or more. After paying the government and then a subsidiary insurer WHY do I the bent over feeling. :eek::eek:

My preliminary insurance (plates, 750 deductible and liability (not even sure what it is) is around 1100 per year. The secondary insurance is probably around 50-60 per month to get the deductible around 100.00, liability up to 1,000,000 and glass insurance. Anybody want to sign on to this. :rotfl::rotfl:

But you have to remember that our previous communist (sorry I meant socialist) government kept telling me how I need to support them because they are looking out for me as the little guy :undecided:
I am paying about $850 a year, no glass coverage. The thing that gets me is that I know what I would get if it was a total loss, and I am not sure why my insurance doesn't go down to reflect that .....

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