Have you ever noticed how here in Canada people always pontificate about how expensive American insurance is. Going over these posts I am not to sure I wouldn't change places with any of these folks.
I am with Saskatchewan Government Insurance (SGI) because I have no other choice for my primary insurance. I can then go wherever I want to reduce my deductible from 750.00 or increase my Liability cover to something useful around a 1,000,000 or more. After paying the government and then a subsidiary insurer WHY do I the bent over feeling.

My preliminary insurance (plates, 750 deductible and liability (not even sure what it is) is around 1100 per year. The secondary insurance is probably around 50-60 per month to get the deductible around 100.00, liability up to 1,000,000 and glass insurance. Anybody want to sign on to this.

But you have to remember that our previous communist (sorry I meant socialist) government kept telling me how I need to support them because they are looking out for me as the little guy