

Original poster
Dec 4, 2011
With a good amount of Midwest folk and some hunters there has got to be some fishers.
Almost 99% of my fishing is largemouth bass at Lake Of The Ozarks,MO and little lakes when I don't feel like driving 4 hours My cousin has a 20ft Champion usually with him on Lake Ozark.

Top To Bottom
Reese Victory Reel, Reese Jig/Worm 7'2
Abu Orra SX hs, Berkely Amp 6'0 M
Revo S, Falcon HD 6'6 MH
Revo S, Falcon Original 6'6 MH
Revo SX, Reese Spinner bait/Worm
Revo STX, Falcon Original 7'0 MH
Revo Premiere, Abu Vendetta 6'8 H

First Fish from last year tucked away on the side of a boat ramp 4.5lbs
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First Boat 14ft Jon...No I didn't put that STUPID fish on line on this was just after we bought it, that was ripped off lol thats the only pic I have kinda was more interested in the SS :biggrin:


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Dec 5, 2011
im a new jersey guy, and Im a fisher for sure....Mostly trout for me, but large mouth bass have me hooked in the summer


Feb 3, 2012
I fish!!! Large mouth , small mouth and love catfish-ing!!!


Dec 4, 2011
I like fishing to even tho I'm still a noob at it but in fishing I'm happy catching anything turtle, any bass, perch, tree limbs, twigs from casting to close to trees lol


Dec 3, 2011
let's see, in early spring I like to catch bass, then catfish and then redfish/flounder/trout with a few bream, spots and croakers sprinkled in.
That is the beauty about where I live. On Saturday morning I was bass fishing alone in the Town Creek and saltwater fishing with my wife and 2 small kids in the inlet at Southport that afternoon and catfishing in the Cape Fear river that same night with my teenage son and his girlfriend. We didn't tear them up but that doesn't matter. When the kids get older they might not remember what they watched on TV or their video games but they will remember fishing and camping and things like that.


Dec 5, 2011
Bass large/small, Pike(only caught 1 and it was 33") Blue Gill, Sun/Pan Fish, are mostly what I fish for. There is a river/flooding 10minutes from my house that my brother and Il ride our bikes to when I'm off work or when I'm free, and fish. There is something about a late eavining and fishing that I LOVE to death.

My dad will take us out and fish everynow and then, mostly when he is off duty, to lakes up here in Beautiful Northern Michigan.

Like Navigator Said
When the kids get older they might not remember what they watched on TV or their video games but they will remember fishing, camping, time spent with the family and things like that. .


Original poster
Dec 4, 2011
It really is my favorite thing in life. Foggy mornings in September topwater season cant beat it. But on top of the memories, I am severly competetive with it lol I'm the guy yelling when I lose the one. But that also makes it a great challenge nothings better then a fishing tournament to get the blood flowing.


Jan 25, 2012
I've always wanted to fish large mouth bass but none in these parts, maybe some day on a vacay. I've seen some big fatty's, looks like a lot of fun. However, if you guys want a real fight you should try fly fishing for atlantic salmon :biggrin: There's nothing like a 30 minutes fight with a very pissed off wild atlantic salmon who decides to pull 200 feet of line off your reel and head down a twisty river all while being hooked on a small barbless fly. Oh god I can't wait for the season to open again :salivate:


Original poster
Dec 4, 2011
I do a little fly/trout fishing at a state park here Bennett Springs they release trout into a natural cold spring only about 12-18 inch rainbows and some browns but still tons of fun! Wading in the nice cold water in the summer heat. Fishing is the best!


Jan 25, 2012
Sounds fun. We have a lot of small ponds and rivers to fish around here for trout which is always fun. We also get sea run brown trout that go out into the salt water the same as the salmon and run back up river. They really pack on the weight eating out in the salt water so when they run back up into the river their as big and salmon ( 1-6lbs is normal) and we can keep as many of those as we like. I practice a lot of catch and release though, enjoy the sport more than the feed.


Nov 18, 2011
My family has a 2.5 acre pond we built about 12 years ago. Has a couple shallow fingers, but the big part is 24ish feet deep. Stocked it and dropped some trees and such in for cover about a year after it was built. Tons of crappie, bluegill, small mouth, and some large mouth and cats. Got to fish out a bunch of the blue and crappes this year so the bass will grow. Seem to be spawning, but just not getting big. But the crappies are of good eating size and seem to hit about anything so it should be a good year.


Original poster
Dec 4, 2011
My family has a 2.5 acre pond we built about 12 years ago. Has a couple shallow fingers, but the big part is 24ish feet deep. Stocked it and dropped some trees and such in for cover about a year after it was built. Tons of crappie, bluegill, small mouth, and some large mouth and cats. Got to fish out a bunch of the blue and crappes this year so the bass will grow. Seem to be spawning, but just not getting big. But the crappies are of good eating size and seem to hit about anything so it should be a good year.

Get some crayfish in there ASAP!


Dec 4, 2011
Don: Those Kawasaki jet mates are neat! I can't believe you have one, they're pretty rare these days. Cool!


Dec 3, 2011
Kyle, unsure about in your neck of the woods but I remember reading for where I live crappie are tough on ponds, it was something to do with them spawning earlier than other fish, being prolific spawners and eat a lot of other fry.


Feb 8, 2012
I'm just waiting for the seasons to open. Spent the winter tying flies. Trout season opens in April. May is blast and cast time, turkey hunting in the morning, flyfishing in the afternoon. Largemouth and smallmouth bass open in June. I'll go to Long Island for the fantastic saltwater fishing there. Flounder, fluke, blackfish are good though they keep raising the size limit on fluke. In the fall the false albies, blues and striper runs are on. One fall day we were at Montauk Point. Me, my wife, sister, brother-in-law, and another couple and 2 three month old babies. Typical October out there, cold and drizzling. The women had enough and they took the kids up to the restaurant on top. 5 minutes after they left, a bluefish blitz hits. As fast as you could cast out, you had a 5 - 10lb bluefish. The other guy with us has never gone fishing before. He asked us if it was always like this and of course me and my brother-in-law said yeah, it's always like this(never believe a fisherman). After it was over we had thirty fish on the beach. 3 minutes later my wife comes back to ask how long we'll be. I told her we had to clean the fish first. What fish?? these fish. Where did they come from?? The water. If I would have known I would have stayed. That's why you have to stay anyway.


Feb 8, 2012
STLtrailbSS said:
With a good amount of Midwest folk and some hunters there has got to be some fishers.
Almost 99% of my fishing is largemouth bass at Lake Of The Ozarks,MO and little lakes when I don't feel like driving 4 hours My cousin has a 20ft Champion usually with him on Lake Ozark.]

I didn't get to fish Lake of the Ozarks when I was there, but I did get to Table Rock Lake and it was awesome. We have big lakes up here but nothing with the amount of structure that Table Rock had. It was a new experience and definitely took some adjusting to. Can't wait to get back there. Nothing like the Basspro in Springfield.


Nov 18, 2011
STLtrailbSS said:
Get some crayfish in there ASAP!

That should be pretty easy around here.

navigator said:
Kyle, unsure about in your neck of the woods but I remember reading for where I live crappie are tough on ponds, it was something to do with them spawning earlier than other fish, being prolific spawners and eat a lot of other fry.

Yep. They need to have their numbers reduced, but they are a good eating fish and work well with our climate.


Original poster
Dec 4, 2011
The misunderstanding is that shad are a bass #1 prey they eat a lot more crayfish if you consistently dump them in and establish them your bass should fatten up.
They will take a cray 8 times vs 2 for the shad.


Dec 3, 2011
Onsted, MI
With the lack of ice that we had here in Michigan for ice fishing this winter the gills, crappie and perch should be out there in abundance.


Original poster
Dec 4, 2011
2nd Place this weekend Brush Hog Mardi Gras 1-3 Feet Depth Lake Of The Ozarks,MO
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Thats My Good Luck Outfit wore the same thing last year. lol


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Uncle Blazer

Dec 8, 2011
Love fishing. Didnt get on the ice much this year. Boat is out of storage and ready to go as soon as I have a free couple hours to hook it up and go. Mostly Gills, LM Bass, Crappie, Cats around here. NE Iowa has some good trout streams which hold some nice smallies also. Small crayfish Raps work really well. When I lived in Minneapolis, I was in heaven. Multiple lakes within a few miles of my house. On my 4th boat (unfinished Jon, finished Jon, 1979 Century ski boat, now on a finished Lund V bottom). I suspect I will be trading her in for a new (to me) ski boat before too long. For some reason my wife doesnt think it is safe enough for the kids to be in. She, of course, just wants an open bow to lay in. As long as i can mod one of the under seat cooler areas into a live well.......


Original poster
Dec 4, 2011
That's one thing I'm still working on is a proper boat, I start my new job may 14th and after I am settled this time next year I would love to have a nitro Z series or the older XS. 175hp perfect set up for where I fish. Not really into the ski boats but with kids I can see the benefits of having one. I'm all fishing lol.


Dec 3, 2011
STLtrailbSS said:
That's one thing I'm still working on is a proper boat, I start my new job may 14th and after I am settled this time next year I would love to have a nitro Z series or the older XS. 175hp perfect set up for where I fish. Not really into the ski boats but with kids I can see the benefits of having one. I'm all fishing lol.

STLtrailbSS, I have a Nitro 180TF I bought new back in 96. It has been a great boat. I occasionally have issues with lights/pumps etc every few years but the only real expense I have had is that I had to finally put a new starter in last year. The seats and carpet are gone but it has spent most of its life out in the sun. It has been really a great boat.
The only thing I will say about the bass boat is that with 2 little kids it isn't ideal. A larger more open jon boat or pontoon boat would be more practical for us now.
Also, you can't really take little kids bass fishing. You can take them fishing or you can go bass fishing.
Now we do a lot of bream fishing, cat fishing or bottom fishing in the waterway.

Uncle Blazer

Dec 8, 2011
STLtrailbSS said:
I'm all fishing lol.

As am I.....but, some days you just feel like cruising, anchoring down in a bay or beach and doing some swimming/boozing/grilling.

I shop for new boats like most women shop for shoes. When I am not on GMTN, I can be found searching craigslist. Even knowing that I won't be buying anything, I still like to look.


Original poster
Dec 4, 2011
The only child in my life now is my 2 year old Shepard mix lol so I need to get my fill of a bass boat now.....then make my future wife get the loan for the ski boat :rotfl: So I can buy another bass boat.


Nov 20, 2011
Went fishing last Sunday.
Our son caught this..
Darndest looking critter i ever did see..


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Dec 6, 2011
Largemouth, trout and panfish for me. Went camping a couple of weeks ago and caught two trout and a perch. I don't get out nearly as much as I'd like to.


Apr 6, 2014
Some cats my brother and i caught at lower douglas lake. Fished a snake infested shore line on the far side that you have to drive down an unmaintained, rutted up, and washed out road to get to. Setup a couple of lanterns and had a LED headlamp and machete ready for the snakes. None came up on land by us that we know of. Caught a total of fifteen but threw all but four back to Fatten up.

Chicken liver on a #5 circle hook secured with elastic thread. Fished on bottom in a channel ~150ft out with a unweighted slip bobber and 1/2oz slip weight.

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Dec 7, 2011
I gotta get out and do some fishing! :yes: I haven't been in quite a while!


Aug 27, 2013
Sorry, no pictures of the fish, but I've been taking my two kids fishing on our family bow rider and they've been giving the 5.5' Ugly Sticks a work out lately. We've been catching Scup (Porgy) and Black Sea Bass pretty handily over the past month on Buzzards Bay. May get out once more before I put the boat to bed for the winter.

Happy fishing gents!


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Apr 6, 2014
Caught this out at lower douglas lake on chicken liver. I did not know what it was and a rule of the lake is to throw all grass carp back. I did not know what a carp looked like so i threw it back. I googled what a carp looks like and this it is not. What kind of fish is this. All i know are the cat fish, bass, bluegill, crappie, gar. Not familiar with this one. It put up a decent fight.



Nov 18, 2011
Thinking this needs a bump cause I have started thinking about some ice fishing this winter. We are supposed to have a bad one and we have a 2.5 acre pond at our land full of crappie and bluegill that could make some nice fish fries in the cold.

Anyone ice fish?
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Apr 6, 2014
I would be afraid to get on the ice around here. Gets cold but doesn't normally stay cold enough long enough for a good freeze that i would be comfortable on. I just build a fire and bank fish till the water freezes over.


Apr 6, 2014
I can be comfortable in the cold or the rain but not both at the same time. It is the middle of winter and i am thinking about getting a couple lines wet with some chicken liver. It is 60F and raining. Setup a canopy on the bank and back the truck under it. Thinking Lower Douglas Lake on post. Catfish will be in the more shallow parts with the warmer windy temperatures today. Should have churned the water good and warmed the shallow water up from the near freezing temperatures it has been. They will have a slow bite but should be biting i think. I fish year round when i can. Might find some mud too.

From last winter.

When it was colder last fall.

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