cell phone options on sprint plan


Original poster
Dec 7, 2011
apple Iphone 4 8gb or a samsung galaxyII...ok guys these are my 2 options for a free upgrade.i prefer a larger screen and optional sd card add on but im hearing mixed reviews from friends.i hear android OS's are buggy but i dislike the apple monopoly.real world help is appreciated.


Lifetime VIP Donor
Nov 19, 2011
Portland, OR
Android FTW. Plenty of discussion here about the Galaxy s3 when it first came out. S2 is not worth it even for free. Dig deep and read my avatar's advice.

Boricua SS

Nov 20, 2011
definitely an Android based phone.. I have the S3 as well...

but I recently left Sprint after being a customer for 8 years... their service as of lately has drastically changed, and I was constantly roaming in my area... I went through 4 different phones, boosted signal devices, etc... all to no avail... so adios Sprint, hello Verizon and not one damn problem since the switch...

Android FTW!! :wootwoot:


Aug 6, 2012
the s2 is a WiMax phone, which columbus seems to have good coverage with - and your area is not on the list for LTE yet ( that will change in 2014 when they start converting their 800mhz spectrum from iDen to LTE band 26 )

if the sprint network is good for you and you don't go into roaming areas, you can give virgin mobile a look -
if you go with the unlimited plans vm will cost you $660 plus tax for a year and sprit is double that at $1320
you just out right buy the phone with vm


Nov 20, 2011
Yes, get the Galaxy II, and I will further add that you should leave sprint for Verizon!


Original poster
Dec 7, 2011
roadie its not that im cheap its that were broke and sprint is cheaper than verizon and at&t. were getting a free upgrade which limits our phone choices or else i would buy some bad ass $300 phone.everyone else thanks for your input.


Mar 31, 2012
You should wait a month or so and wait for a better deal, try to get an s3. They should be slashing prices on those phones since the s4 should be out soon , rather get something that's newer especially if using a upgrade.


Jan 29, 2012
I have Sprint. We have 4 phones on the plan, one Galaxy II, and 2 Iphone 4s, and a basic phone for my mother-in-law. We are constantly having issues with the Galaxy. If we open up apps like Navionics, for some reason if we dont pull the battery and reboot it, the battery keeps going dead, even though we close down the apps. About once a week it freaks out and wont accept texts, and hours later it gets all the texts for 2 days at once. We have had it in for service several times and all they do is reboot it, set it back to factory settings and say its fixed.

We havent had any issues with either iphone.


Mar 26, 2012
Canary2323 said:
You should wait a month or so and wait for a better deal, try to get an s3. They should be slashing prices on those phones since the s4 should be out soon , rather get something that's newer especially if using a upgrade.


As soon as the S4 launches, i would expect to see the S3 for super cheap if not free.


Dec 6, 2011
mnypitTBEXT said:
I have Sprint. We have 4 phones on the plan, one Galaxy II, and 2 Iphone 4s, and a basic phone for my mother-in-law. We are constantly having issues with the Galaxy. If we open up apps like Navionics, for some reason if we dont pull the battery and reboot it, the battery keeps going dead, even though we close down the apps. About once a week it freaks out and wont accept texts, and hours later it gets all the texts for 2 days at once. We have had it in for service several times and all they do is reboot it, set it back to factory settings and say its fixed.

We havent had any issues with either iphone.

I be had my iphone for ever its simple and does everything I need it to do


Original poster
Dec 7, 2011
well my wife was just going to get an iphone and i was going to use the $100 credit for the lg optimus but she wanted the lg so now im forced to wait.im not big on apple and too many hit or misses with the samsung.thanks guys


Nov 21, 2011
coming from owning a iphone 4 and 5 and now I have a note 2 iPhone kicks androids ass when it comes to quality and how smooth it is. This android pretty much rocks in everything else though its great and you can do a ton with it. Now the s2 is kind of out dated so I wouldn't really bother with it and that is why you hear about all those bugs, get a s3 if you want a phone to last you a while. Also when you hear buggy, it all depends what the person does with the phone, add a ton of stuff on the phone it will slow down in the long run, install 3rd party software like the wrong launchers etc it will slow it down or will have bugs. so if you take care of the phone you shouldnt see any big bugs.

so over all want great quality, smooth responsive phone then iPhone

want to be able to do anything you want with the phone and be free on customizing it then android.

choice is yours from there :thumbsup:

Boricua SS said:
definitely an Android based phone.. I have the S3 as well...

but I recently left Sprint after being a customer for 8 years... their service as of lately has drastically changed, and I was constantly roaming in my area... I went through 4 different phones, boosted signal devices, etc... all to no avail... so adios Sprint, hello Verizon and not one damn problem since the switch...

Android FTW!! :wootwoot:

great switch man!! nothing beats verizons LTE, crazy fast I love it! lol


Supporting Donor
Dec 3, 2011
Brighton, CO
I have an S2, and have owned an Iphone 5 for one month. The Apple works, but its never straight forward, and the apps for it that are free on the Droid market, cost a mint on the Apple market. The Android beats the Iphone hands down on everything. And everything in a Iphone was built by Samsung anyways.


Mar 26, 2012
TollKeeper said:
everything in a Iphone was built by Samsung anyways.

I always thought samsung should shut down production on the iphone parts when apple sued em


Nov 21, 2011
TollKeeper said:
I have an S2, and have owned an Iphone 5 for one month. The Apple works, but its never straight forward, and the apps for it that are free on the Droid market, cost a mint on the Apple market. The Android beats the Iphone hands down on everything. And everything in a Iphone was built by Samsung anyways.

how was it not str8 forward? and apps ran much better and smoother on the iPhone when I had them then my note 2, some apps are very choppy and some are fine. seems like apps on apple are more stable then android. I mean why else would they charge for them you know.


Supporting Donor
Dec 3, 2011
Brighton, CO
Why else would they charge for them? Do you know how much it costs to get a app for the Iphone approved by apple to be put on the Apple market? They cost so much because apple only cares about reaming it to their masses, which is ok for a company and all, but at least they could bother with a reach around once in a while. Apple has been, and always will be, in my humble opinion, and inferior product.



Nov 21, 2011
Oh yeah I now it cost a ton to get a app on apple store and all, looked into all that before!

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