Battery choices?


Original poster
Jan 25, 2012
So my Envoy is an 07 with a stock battery, about time for a replacement. My truck is all stock, no extra electrical loads. What is everyone's choice of battery? Anything new, OEM, etc? I've always waited for batteries to die in the past and never had the opportunity to shop around. So what's a good option.


Lifetime VIP Donor
Nov 19, 2011
Portland, OR
Many of us offroaders have moved to DieHard Platinum P-4 - Group Size 34/78DT, with dual terminals (we need the top terminals for winching). They're an AGM design, excellent vibration and spill resistance. But in the $200 range - way overkill for an unmodified vehicle unless you like peace of mind. Used to use Odysseys (I mean: OPTIMAS) until their recent (last 4-5 years) quality drop-off.


Nov 20, 2011
I got an Interstate Battery, MegaTron Plus battery. I compared a few different batteries and this seemed like a good choice. So far so good, I think I got it installed almost a year ago. I forgot what type of warranty it came with, I need to look at my paperwork.



Dec 4, 2011
I've heard good things about Interstate batteries. Mike, where's your battery cover?

I have a Duralast Gold in my Trailblazer. No idea how old it is as I couldn't find a date stamp on it. It was in there when I got the truck and it works every time so I haven't been too worried about it (I know I know). My previous car's battery lasted 10 years before it croaked - it was the original AC Delco that the car rolled off the assembly line with. With that track record I threw another AC Delco in that car and it never missed a beat, even starting the car when it was -10 out and -30 windchills.

From what I've read I'd stay away from Optima batteries. They moved manufacturing of them elsewhere (Mexico I think) and the quality has tanked since then. I always thought they were overpriced to begin with, but then add that to it and they are really not worth it. My brother had better luck with a cheap walmart battery than some guys have had with Optimas.


Dec 6, 2011
There are two philosophies on batteries.

One is to buy the cheapest battery you can find on sale and then just routinely replace every 3 to 4 years before they leave you stranded. There is nothing wrong with this philosophy unless you try to stretch the life beyond 4 years. Our platforms are heavily dependent on a good battery and when they start to go, there can be all kinds of wonky symptoms. Also, cheap batteries have a much higher initial failure rate and you may have to replace them once or twice in the first 2 months.

Cheap batteries are made with much thinner plates which makes them more prone to shipping damage.

The other philosophy is to buy the best battery you can afford and keep it 5 or more years. Simply load-test it a few times every year, especially once it starts getting a bit colder, and when they fail the load test, get another battery.

Personally, I am the type of person who would rather buy the best once than second best three times.

(I bought the AC Delco 7-year Professional Series and have had zero problems for 6 years. It still load tests higher today than its rated CCA capacity.)

Do some research but one way to tell the quality is through the length of the warranty. (When it comes to batteries, in most cases, you get what you pay for as well. A better battery costs more.)

Here's a tip. If you want the best OEM-style long-life battery, check out the AC Delco Professional series, and before you buy, price them at the dealer as well as parts shops. Interestingly enough, dealers actually sell them cheaper, believe it or not.)


Dec 2, 2011
I've had good luck with Walmarts Everstart Maxx. Have them in both vehicles, they come with a 3 year replacement warranty.


Nov 20, 2011
Sparky said:
I've heard good things about Interstate batteries. Mike, where's your battery cover?

It's taking up space somewhere in my garage. For some reason it always annoyed the hell out of me so when the new battery got installed, I had it installed without the cover.

Sparky said:
From what I've read I'd stay away from Optima batteries. They moved manufacturing of them elsewhere (Mexico I think) and the quality has tanked since then. I always thought they were overpriced to begin with, but then add that to it and they are really not worth it.

^^^This. My dad has a red top in his 1500 and it's been in there at least 6 yrs with no problems so when I was researching I looked into Optima but read consistent reviews saying that the quality had gone to shit recently.

David B.

Dec 5, 2011
I agree with the Optima sentiment. I have one laying around (that I gave up for a top of the line Die Hard- do it, they're great) that I use to prop open my gate when I need to. About all they're good for anymore IMO


Dec 8, 2011
Matt said:
I've had good luck with Walmarts Everstart Maxx. Have them in both vehicles, they come with a 3 year replacement warranty.

When it was time to replace my battery, I shopped around just a bit and ended up at WalMart. Best price, and I heard good things about them from more than one source. I'll probably go back when it is time to replace it again.

Here is a link to a good reference about car batteries: Car and Deep Cycle Battery FAQ, Battery Manufacturers and Brand Names List, and

-- Dan Meyer :coffee:


Mar 3, 2012
The original Delco lasted 5 yrs. in my TB, and then I put one in from Advance Auto (AutoCraft Silver?, I think)....6 years and it's still going strong (but I'm sure I just jinxed myself....:bonk:). LOL


Original poster
Jan 25, 2012
Wow, I was looking at the Optima batteries. Glad I asked the question. My cheap alternative is a Costco battery for $80, or the AC Delco OEM for $135. Seeing its not that much of a difference I think I'll be picking up a new AC Delco before next winter. Thanks for your input gents.


Nov 18, 2011
the roadie said:
Used to use Odysseys until their recent (last 4-5 years) quality drop-off.

You mean Optima??? The DieHard is basically a rebadged Odyssey.

Sparky said:
From what I've read I'd stay away from Optima batteries. They moved manufacturing of them elsewhere (Mexico I think) and the quality has tanked since then. I always thought they were overpriced to begin with, but then add that to it and they are really not worth it. My brother had better luck with a cheap walmart battery than some guys have had with Optimas.

Agreed! Old Optima's were great, but now they suck.

Matt said:
I've had good luck with Walmarts Everstart Maxx. Have them in both vehicles, they come with a 3 year replacement warranty.

I have had great luck with these batteries as well.

OP-- I have read that Costco has a Duracell AGM For about $100 that is a rebadged Deka. That would be my choice right now.


Dec 3, 2011
I got the AutoCraft Gold from Advance with the dual post option for when I get a winch.
It also makes it much easier to give other folks a jump start than the old side mount terminals.
I've had it about a year with no issues. My OEM lasted over 5 years but was beginning to show it's age.


Dec 6, 2011
I've put Wal-Mart EverStart MAXX's in several vehicles including the Voy. Did have a problem with the one for the Voy. Turned out the case was cracked and the electrolyte leaked out of an end cell. Wal-Mart tested it, found it lacking and replaced it under warrenty.

I've been considering one of their large deep cycle ones for my camper.

BTW, there are only a few actual battery manufacturers that make all the brands though they do build them to different price points.


Jan 4, 2012
Replaced my OEM with an Optima about 2 years ago. Not that it went bad, Just that with the new audio that was the battery referred to me. Well the Optima died on me earlier this year :hissyfit:
So now I'm running a DEKA, So far so good with it.
My next will probly be a DieHard Platinum though....


Dec 4, 2011
Do we know what company makes the Walmart Everstart maxx battery? I "threw" one (actually I had her go to walmart to get it because they were the closest and install it for free! haha) in my wife's car 3 years ago and it has worked just fine. I have an Optima yellow top in the TB and it is from 2005. Battery still works good as new, and I drained it accidentally twice. However, this thread is not the first time I've heard Optima's quality has declined.


Nov 18, 2011
I thought they were same battery as diehard gold but not sure who makes them.


Dec 2, 2011
tblazerdude said:
Do we know what company makes the Walmart Everstart maxx battery?

Johnson Controls (JCI) make them. They also make Interstate and Exide batteries.


Jan 25, 2013
Sorry for digging this up but i gotta ask..what are clearances like with a dual post battery? I know i can run them in my GMCs no prob but i wasnt sure if i could in the TB. I would def like to have them to hook up accessories like lights and winch eventually.


Nov 18, 2011
I got no clearance issues w my dual post and winch n lights hooked up


Jan 25, 2013
I got no clearance issues w my dual post and winch n lights hooked up

Thanks for the info! I'm def gonna make the jump to a dual post and will prob trim my battery cover to clear the second set of posts.


Nov 18, 2011
I ditched my cover rather than cut it up.

Denali n DOO

May 22, 2012
Hey guys, my friends looking for a battery for his Sierra, he heard about a Exide Edge 770 CCA $145.00? The guy at partsource tells him it's gel filled and supposedly better? Anyone know about or using a gel battery, are they better? Would a regular battery (AC Delco or Walmart mart or Interstate) with 850 CCA be a better choice for him. He does have an aftermarket HU and amp.

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