Was your choice of a replacement Fuel Pump either an ACDelco or a Bosch version.... vs. choosing as the alternative ...an After-Market Fuel Pump?
On occasion, an improperly tightened Fuse Block assembly
(via the Four Galvanized Bolt-Head Studs under the Plastic Fuse Box) can cause intermittent breaks in electrical activity. Try snugging them down and see if this makes any difference.
Lest I forget.... if your Mis-Fire Codes show up as very numerous on any One Coil Over Plug in any particular Cylinder... An over-heated Coil can create an Internal Dead Short Condition that will ALSO cause a complete engine stall.
Here is what is going on to make that happen:
(1) Failed COPs (Coil Over Plugs) are the RESULTS and NOT The CAUSE... by having repeated LEAN IN-CYLINDER CONDITIONS that force the COPs to work harder to create Spark Plug Firing Events.
(2) Whenever there is an insufficient amount of FUEL to Air Ratio... The Affected Coil(s) have to increase their Secondary Coil Voltage upwards in the Tens of Thousands of Volts that will oscillate back and forth so much that it will enter the Primary Side of the Coil Pack and
generate enormous, damaging heat.
(3) But... After the Stall Event... Once the COP cools down enough, it becomes possible to restart the vehicle and do this "Wash - Rinse - Repeat" Dance until the coil finally fails completely.
(4) The Presence of a Flashing CEL is meant to Warn the Driver to Investigate these LEAN CONDITIONS...
(5) The presence of any specific Cylinder throwing P0301-P0306 Codes warrants looking into having either a problem EFI, a Damaged or incorrect Spark Plug issue or the leaking in of air adjacent a portion of the Intake Manifold Three Figure "8" Intake Gaskets leaking ambient air directly into that Intake Runner at the affected Cylinder Intake Port. This can be caused after having
--Snapped Off one of the Intake Manifold Trapped Fasteners-- nearest to that location after exceeding the limit of using only 89 Inch Lbs of Torque.
(6) Detection of an Over-Heated Coil Over Plug Aluminum Top "Radiator" should
--NOT-- be investigated using Bare Fingers. Serious Burns may result! Instead, use a FLIR IR Camera and the issue will show its Ugly Face on the IR Camera Screen.