

Dec 25, 2011
Maybe I am wrong. But, maybe the spring was designed for a reason. Nobody has tested these long enough to know. But, when I get a set, I am going to test them and see if these really give any gains or "smoother idle".


Dec 4, 2011
03envoy said:
Maybe I am wrong. But, maybe the spring was designed for a reason. Nobody has tested these long enough to know. But, when I get a set, I am going to test them and see if these really give any gains or "smoother idle".

I suspect cost and tolerances more than anything.


Dec 25, 2011
Sparky said:
I suspect cost and tolerances more than anything.

Yes. I mean I am not completely against these.


Dec 5, 2011
03envoy said:
Nobody really has used these long enough to show that they dont cause possible coil failure. Just a suggestion, But I would get these, But I want to make sure It wont turn $40 into a possible double or triple that. I saw that question in another forum. Also, Maybe they put a spring in there for a reason? What do you think?

I've had the Supersparkz in both my trucks for about 8 months now and I've had no problems at all.

The main thing the Supersparkz do is give you a better electrical current to the spark plug.


Lifetime VIP Donor
Nov 19, 2011
Portland, OR
07ChevyTruck said:
The main thing the Supersparkz do is give you a better electrical current to the spark plug.
"Better"? Any evidence other than the builder's claims?

On another forum, he posted: Beryllium copper combines high strength with non-magnetic and non-sparking qualities which means it will not radiate or transmit unwanted signals or arc out. I guarantee as an electrical engineer with a 38 year career, that any conductive material carrying a current is going to radiate. Non-magnetic just means it doesn't have any iron in the alloy. Non-sparking is an attribute that helps you not create a fire with your tools hitting a rock in the forest.

When he claims his home machined pipes don't "radiate or transmit unwanted signals" I know he has no concept of true engineering principles, and he's just in it to sell snake oil and make a few bucks off the gullible.

Any claims of lower resistance shows evidence of not knowing how much energy there is in a spark pulse, and how current is going to flow no matter what the resistance is, and the only thing resistance does is drop more voltage, but a plug coil has plenty of that to spare. In high volumes such as what GM would use, those pipes would cost less than the OEM springs, and you have to give the designers the benefit of the doubt in this and conclude they had good reasons for their design.

I'm guessing, but if GM had put in copper pipes, this guy would have figured a way to sell a SPRING upgrade to the gullible ones. :rotfl:

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Dec 5, 2011
No one I know of including the builder has measured it in a truck, but the builder is a friend of mine and I know he tests everything before he puts it up for sale.


Lifetime VIP Donor
Nov 19, 2011
Portland, OR
07ChevyTruck said:
No one I know of including the builder has measured it in a truck, but the builder is a friend of mine and I know he tests everything before he puts it up for sale.
Gotta ask: are these controlled lab tests, or simple functional tests as in "does the engine run?" Does your friend have an engineering background or training?

The machining quality issues (length variations - burrs in the end slots) make me think it's a garage operation, which isn't necessarily a bad thing, but often goes along with amateur engineering rationalization and misuse of technical terms. Without lab experiments and measurements with data, then he has no justification to be making any technical claims such as "better spark" or the like. My job would be on the line if I made claims that could not be backed up with hard data. That's why I'm such a hard ass on products like HHO generators and these pipes.


Dec 5, 2011
the roadie said:
Gotta ask: are these controlled lab tests, or simple functional tests as in "does the engine run?" Does your friend have an engineering background or training?

The machining quality issues (length variations - burrs in the end slots) make me think it's a garage operation, which isn't necessarily a bad thing, but often goes along with amateur engineering rationalization and misuse of technical terms. Without lab experiments and measurements with data, then he has no justification to be making any technical claims such as "better spark" or the like. My job would be on the line if I made claims that could not be backed up with hard data. That's why I'm such a hard ass on products like HHO generators and these pipes.

You ask some good questions.

The tests are controlled, but not in a sterlized lab with my friend in a white lab coat. He also field tested the product for over a month in his own GMT355 with an I5 3.5L motor before he offered the product.

He has a degree in Engineering and a minor in Science with over 20 years of work experiance as an engineer.

I wouldn't recomend any of his products unless I knew he stood behind everything he sells and has tested everything to ensure the highest quality.

Keep the questions coming. The more everyone knows about the product the better the choice they will make. :thumbsup:


Lifetime VIP Donor
Nov 19, 2011
Portland, OR
07ChevyTruck said:
The tests are controlled, but not in a sterlized lab with my friend in a white lab coat.
Any dyno tests? Any oscilloscope shots of the spark waveform? Any inside-the combustion chamber video showing the flame front? (I know the last one is way beyond the range of the amateur) The scope shots of current and voltage would be the minimum fish and game standard for making any claims of a difference between OEM and the new product. Then he would have to justify the claim that a "difference" in waveforms translated into an "improvement" in combustion dynamics.
He also field tested the product for over a month in his own GMT355 with an I5 3.5L motor before he offered the product.
Field test sounds like "drove around for a while" unless it also includes a visit to a dyno lab.
He has a degree in Engineering and a minor in Science with over 20 years of work experiance as an engineer.
Cool. Is any of it related to the product and its application? I have high voltage design experience up to 2000V and high currents up to 200A and pulses as short as 10nS. And some knowledge of the internals of Ford PCMs. But except for Googling, I don't know enough about spark waveforms and combustion physics to criticize your friend's product without seeing some technical claims with data. All I have is circumstantial evidence that makes me leery.
I wouldn't recomend any of his products unless I knew he stood behind everything he sells and has tested everything to ensure the highest quality.
In my extensive quality training, I was taught that quality means "conformance to requirements". In almost all manufacturing processes, the variations I saw in his tube length would not be acceptable. If for no other reason than they give a bad impression of the product and that the manufacturing process was out of control. "Standing behind" a product whose benefits are vague and unverifiable is easy. Convincing me that the product is anything other than opportunistic use of a (mostly) copper pipe is going to be hard. Please ask him to try.

I had a boss who was fond of saying "In God we trust. All others bring data." :undecided:


Nov 18, 2011
Some actual data would really be nice.

I can get a smoother idle by filling up at different gas stations. I think every replacement part makes my truck feel better.

I think roadie is correct that more than...I drove around and they work really is needed.


Dec 5, 2011
To this date there isn't any dyno data. From what I know the supersparkz don't inprove horse power. That's not what they are designed for. They inprove electral flow to the spark plug itself.

Yes he did driver around local and long distance I was with him when he did his drive from NJ to CT and we both had supersparkz under the hood and both of us didn't have any problems. I myself have driven from NJ to norhern MA which is a 4 and 1/2 hour drive with no a single problem.

roadie - I can understand you being leery about a product, and nothing I or my friend can say can change that. As far as having extentive test results my friend would have put that into his orginial post where you got the data from. I know my friend has the educational back round, work experance, and he has worked hand in hand with GM on giving them feedback on the I4 and I5 motors which has been very helpful to GM.

This is all I have. Sorry to say.:frown:


Nov 18, 2011
With your logic as to these working and being an improvement ...I can deduce that everyone should have a 950 cca battery instead of 800 cca because I have driven a bunch without issue and it sounds like more electricity is available.

I have driven several trips of 12 plus hours without issue. Must be better since what worked before still works.


Dec 5, 2011
With your logic as to these working and being an improvement ...I can deduce that everyone should have a 950 cca battery instead of 800 cca because I have driven a bunch without issue and it sounds like more electricity is available.

I have driven several trips of 12 plus hours without issue. Must be better since what worked before still works.

The supersparkz don't need anymore electrical current than what the truck has in stock trim.

Like I posted if anyone is expecting horse power gains or a big inprovement in over all proformance than supersparkz is not what they are looking for.

As I stated supersparkz only allow the electricity to flow from the spark plug wire to the spark plug more efficiently. Nothing more and nothing less.

Also, as stated I can't provide anymore information that I already have.

It's up to each person to choose to purchase the product or not. Nothing I can say will change anyones mind.


Nov 18, 2011
07ChevyTruck said:
As I stated supersparkz only allow the electricity to flow from the spark plug wire to the spark plug more efficiently. Nothing more and nothing less.

Where is the proof of this?

Being that the stock setup is more than efficient for what needs accomplished...supersparks add nothing???


Nov 18, 2011
My point of the battery is that more cca doesn't mean its better when stock size is adequate. Your claims of supersparks more efficiency when stock is adequate doesn't hold water or mean they are better.


Dec 5, 2011
Where is the proof of this?

Being that the stock setup is more than efficient for what needs accomplished...supersparks add nothing???

I can't provide any proof. The supersparkz only add what I have now posted 2 times before without doing any harm to the motor.

I don't mean to offend anyone, but if anyone isn't sold on the product than there is no reason to make a purchase. I'm just a member who saw a thread on a product my friend produces and figured my information would be helpful to anyone who was willing to read my posts.

I can't say anymore about the product nor porvide any additional information since there isn't any to provide.



Dec 25, 2011
Where is the proof of this?

Being that the stock setup is more than efficient for what needs accomplished...supersparks add nothing???

:iagree: 100%! There butt-Dyno seems to be sensitive. No Proof, No results = Product that isnt worth buying for no postive result.

If I get my hands on a pair of these, I will have one nice detailed review of them:yes:

What I dont get is "your friend" makes a product and doesn't show any test results or Dyno? Like stated above.
Its like selling a vitamin that doesnt gain or lose anything. Why sell a product and not show results? Just to make money? not caring if it doesnt do a thing or not?:banghead:


Dec 5, 2011
03envoy said:
:iagree: 100%! There butt-Dyno seems to be sensitive. No Proof, No results = Product that isnt worth buying for no postive result.

If I get my hands on a pair of these, I will have one nice detailed review of them:yes:

What I dont get is "your friend" makes a product and doesn't show any test results or Dyno? Like stated above.
Its like selling a vitamin that doesnt gain or lose anything. Why sell a product and not show results? Just to make money? not caring if it doesnt do a thing or not?:banghead:

The reason for no Dyno test 2 fold. One he hasn't had access to one, but is just now getting a possible opportunity to have access to one. The other is a dyno measures engine hp and power to the wheels. I will not repeat what I have already posted about that.

As for the rest I have stated the only benefit to this product that I know of and will not repeat myself. I seem to be :deadhorse: on this subject.

If anyone is looking for horse power gains I would suggest a tune. :thumbsup:


Lifetime VIP Donor
Nov 19, 2011
Portland, OR
07ChevyTruck said:
...nothing I or my friend can say can change that. ...
The burden of proof is always on the vendor to defend their claims. Without his being here in person, it's not a real discussion. Please invite him in. Then he can lay out his claims and we can have a back and forth about it.

If it's not HP or anything measurable on a dyno, the benefit eludes me. As Kyle says, more CCA is of no benefit if your current battery meets your needs with sufficient safety margin. More lifetime on a component can be tested by a sufficiently large sample of test units in a study. Better idle can be measured by RPM fluctuations over various periods of time.

I'm trying to understand how an engineer could use such vague words to describe a product with a claimed benefit. If he can't articulate it to you, a user, so you can convince us, the skeptics, then can you give me a hint where he might have explained it? Web site? Or just forum posts?


Dec 4, 2011
the roadie said:
...the variations I saw in his tube length would not be acceptable. If for no other reason than they give a bad impression of the product and that the manufacturing process was out of control. ...
I would have to say that I have a bad impression after receiving the uneven lengths and the vendor replies, 'oh well, it's all good'.

When deciding to purchase, I actually read through the bulk of the pages in the original LINK provided. I used 'the majority of these people can't all be wrong about his product can they?' thoery to make up my mind to try them. That and it was only $40.

I was all gung ho to try them at first.
What turned me off was the overall amatuerness of the product and attitude from the vendor.
That's why tomorrow when I get back to work, I'll be shipping mine out to 03Envoy.

He can be the guinea pig who doesn't have a $40 vested interest to say nice things about them online.
With no $ of his own invested, he should have no quams saying yay or nay about seeing any kind of benefit.
Just be completely honest and objective when you get them eh?


Dec 25, 2011
06Envoy said:
I would have to say that I have a bad impression after receiving the uneven lengths and the vendor replies, 'oh well, it's all good'.

When deciding to purchase, I actually read through the bulk of the pages in the original LINK provided. I used 'the majority of these people can't all be wrong about his product can they?' thoery to make up my mind to try them. That and it was only $40.

I was all gung ho to try them at first.
What turned me off was the overall amatuerness of the product and attitude from the vendor.
That's why tomorrow when I get back to work, I'll be shipping mine out to 03Envoy.

He can be the guinea pig who doesn't have a $40 vested interest to say nice things about them online.
With no $ of his own invested, he should have no quams saying yay or nay about seeing any kind of benefit.
Just be completely honest and objective when you get them eh?

Yes, I will be. I am not afraid to be wrong if this product does what it is said to do, I will confirm that. I also have no problem ripping this product. As you have stated I have no money invested and I am not going to try and convice myself it was worth the $40. It will be interesting.:undecided:


Lifetime VIP Donor
Nov 19, 2011
Portland, OR
06Envoy said:
That and it was only $40.
I would resign my day job tomorrow if I had a $40 product that cost me $3.50 to make and could sell 100 of them a week. If I only could sell 20 a week I'd pay a kid to crank them out and there's a great source of mod money.

As it is, the walnut shell tumbler I use to clean up cartridge brass for reloading turns out a product that look 500% better than these items. For 1/10 cent in electricity and an hour's unattended time.


Dec 5, 2011
It's become clear to me that without more information there is just no interest in purchasing the product. All the information that I know of is in the orginial link in the orginial post and my own experance with the product which I have shared along with any additional information I could provide which in this case doesn't seem like much if any.

I never intended to convince anyone here to purchase this product.

I'm sorry if I couldn't have been more help to the members here. :frown:


Lifetime VIP Donor
Nov 19, 2011
Portland, OR
07ChevyTruck said:
I never intended to convince anyone here to purchase this product.
Ummm, your first post in the thread seemed to be a testimonial.
Yes it does make your idle and engine run smoother. In the grand scheme of things if you want get the max proformance our of your spark plugs this is the way to go.
I don't remember if you were one of the ones who installed these at the same time as new plugs, but in my opinion (and others), it's an unjustified testimonial if you change two things at once. You can't separate the benefits of one from the other. If all you did was the pipe mod, all I was asking for is a bit of measurable data on "smoother."
I'm sorry if I couldn't have been more help to the members here. :frown:
It's time to invite your buddy here to market his product. And then we can have a technical discussion with the guy who should be able to defend them.

Think of us as a Mythbusters team trying to get at the truth. Some of the things they investigate turn out to be true - some others turn out to be unconfirmable. It's just that not all of us are blindly trusting, and I in particular am highly skeptical and hard to convince.


Dec 5, 2011
Sparky said:
I keep looking at these thinking to myself, "Is it really worth 40 bucks just to make it idle a little smoother?" Like really, is that going to make a bit of difference in the grand scheme of things?

07ChevyTruck said:
Yes it does make your idle and engine run smoother. In the grand scheme of things if you want get the max proformance our of your spark plugs this is the way to go. :thumbsup:

the roadie-

In my first post which I quoted I was answering the above members question. My use of max proformance might have been a poor choice of words, and I'm sorry about that. :frown: I'll be more carefull in the future.

I'll ask my "buddy" if he would like to join this site.

I can clearly see that you like a ton of information before making a purchase and that is a good quality to have.

But the information you are looking for just flat out doesn't exist yet.

All I can once again say is I can't make anyone do anything they don't want to do.

I'm just a member who purchased the product and wanted to share my experance with it that is all, and if that isn't good enough then I'm once again sorry about that.


Dec 16, 2018
Sterling Heights, Michigan
So this has been inactive for a few years... Can anyone that installed these give feedback on long term results, are they still working "smoothly?"


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
None of the members who made purchases of these things, have been on the site in a pretty long time, so I don't think there are gonna be any updates available.
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