FEEDBACK Nonsense threads and topics.

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Original poster
Mar 31, 2012
grand rapids, mi
I could not help to notice that there an increasing amount on non sense posts and threads for topics appearing on the site. The last straw is a vaping topic. I come here to read topics on automobiles, not weather, the fuck you thread, alternative tobacco threads, weather where you are or how's my wife's tits look( just kidding) or other nonsense that has nothing to do with the purpose of this site.

My thoughts administrators and moderators, please notice his trend and help keep gmt pure.


Nov 18, 2011
Its been part of it from the beginning. Its a big clubhouse for many of us and while mostly themed to automotive, esp GMTs, it is a place for friends to hang out.

The threads are in the off-topic section appropriately. I do not know if it is possible to disable those sections for some users that prefer a "pure" site without the friends and comradery some of the nonsense is created by.


Lifetime VIP Donor
Nov 19, 2011
Portland, OR
It was also a vital part of the community we built at trailvoy, and helps fuel the comradery needed to have enjoyable meets, wrenching parties, and other in-person and phone contacts.

It may be technically possible to have a selection to conceal the "Off Topic" section from folks who don't feel it's of value to them. But in my experience, ALL thriving forums of every possible specialty have some sort of OT section. In many cases it's for contributing members only. In others it's by invitation only.

A forum where the only interaction is people asking about schematics and what spark plugs to install, would FOR ME, be boring and stifling. ONE HUGE HONKIN' FAQ could satisfy most of the needs of that sort of forum.

That said, it *is* notable that post whoring is so popular here. It was encouraged in the early days of the site, when the post count was tiny and we needed to increase our radar reflection for the Google bots. I walked away from the #1 post count at trailvoy, and will never get that spot back here. I don't think that genie will agree to go back in the bottle.

The culture of the site is an ever-changing beast, and evolution over time is a good thing. Especially as the ownership demographics changes. When these vehicles and trailvoy were both new, the trucks cost $25-40K, almost all the owners had the income to support the required financing, and mods had to be done after careful debate about how it would impact the warranty.

Now, we're getting 3rd and 4th hand owners who inherit trucks from their grandparents, or buy them for under $2000 from cheap-ass previous owners who deferred all maintenance. The new members have TOTALLY different needs, and on average, lower disposable income for mods, let alone required catch-up maintenance. That is (to me) a much more significant challenge for the site to evolve to match - changing ownership demographics.


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
I don't think that the elevated post counts will do anything in getting the search bots to come over for actual content. The OT sections are a part of all forums although most ask that it be kept civilized (no profanity). I'm not a post whore by any means but I have participated in the fuck you thread just for venting on automotive related subjects.

I see no harm in it but it can be a distraction or annoying to some. Maybe adding an ability to hide some threads would be useful. I know I don't care much for the weather and post whore threads so I would use such a feature myself.
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Oct 16, 2013
Northfield, OH
To each their own, i say. It is fairly simple to scroll past what you don't want to read, or just utilize the search to find what you're looking for more quickly. For some this is for research, for others it's a pastime talking with others on something we mutually enjoy. I see no harm in the "nonsense threads".


Dec 4, 2011
Since they're all in the off topic section I'm not really sure of the issue. If they were all over the place then yeah that would be a problem, but they aren't, so... I guess I don't understand.

I say this as someone who spends more time in the technical side of stuff but goes into the off topic nonsense every so often.


Dec 10, 2012
Sparky said:
I say this as someone who spends more time in the technical side of stuff but goes into the off topic nonsense every so often.
If you hit the menu button "What's New" at the top, you get the latest on everything new. I think this is what the OP is referring to.
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Apr 3, 2013
The_Roadie said:
A forum where the only interaction is people asking about schematics and what spark plugs to install, would FOR ME, be boring and stifling. ONE HUGE HONKIN' FAQ could satisfy most of the needs of that sort of forum.
:iagree: 100%. Not everyone cares about :postcount: , the off-topic threads are more social than anything. They're a good way to get to know members on a personal level. Connections like that would never be made with only having tech threads.


Apr 16, 2014
I have to say, this is the first real forum I have ever been a part of. I have, in my past, used or dabbled in a few other automotive forums and some music forums, and never stuck around because, well, like Roadie said, they were boring. I got the info I needed (how to do or fix XYZ on a car or tour dates for a band) and keep it movin'.

GMTNation is anything but boring. It''s interesting, and even in the few months I have been a member, I have watched the site evolve, even if only a little bit. It's fascinating, and is the #1 reason I am a contributing member and have stuck around so long.

I have also noted that many of the people who participate in said 'nonsense threads' are also some of the best (and often first) people to chime in to new members who are needing help. If those helping (whoring) members lost interest in the site, then they might drift away and lessen the pool of people that help others so quickly.

Just my two cents.

Oh, and this thread might, in the eyes of some, *technically* qualify as a 'nonsense' thread itself, just sayin'.. :wink:


Nov 18, 2011
There is truth in that. When you hit the What's New to keep up on the whore get all the threads and can chime in on anything to help out. I personally at least scan through every new thread on site. Plus, I have seen multiple posts recently of people thanking members for the quick responses.


Apr 27, 2014
I have thoroughly enjoyed this forum and the friends I have made here. I am a member of several forums that I have not logged into in YEARS because aside from getting needed info there is nothing else to do.

Could we move the "nonsense" threads to the members only section so at least guests are not seeing them?

Other than that scroll past threads you don't care to see?


:postcount: :tongue:
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Nov 18, 2011
I just find it odd that it wasn't the "game” threads that was the final straw...

I found the ecig conversation interesting as it's a new thing that is gaining popularity and helping people quit smoking.

Now if for example you said the guess the next poster thread was pointless, I'd have no rebuttal


Apr 18, 2012
Do any of the administrators know if it is possible to modify the what's new section? Is there any module that could be added so individual users can choose sections to see what is new?



Apr 18, 2012
:goodpost: as I agree also
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Nov 17, 2012
If the OP doesn't want to read off topic threads that so frequent the new content page, why not just click a few times to the section that suits your fancy? Like we had to back in the day. Or go to the library for a book?

The activity here is what keeps this place "alive" and often at all hours. Meaning, you or whomever, can get an answer or some direction before the day's end. I got help from these kind folks in minutes turning a wrench on a Saturday before Christmas. Saved me a lot of time. And of course $$$$.





Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
But here is proof of the problem. A legitimate thread being whored up. Even I find it annoying.
:iagree: That's been happening a bit more frequent lately. :nono:
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Jan 25, 2013
But here is proof of the problem. A legitimate thread being whored up. Even I find it annoying.
I think in this case it's a matter of the majority stating its case against someone who just randomly complained about the thing that makes gmtn what it's atmosphere
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Aug 16, 2014
My thoughts administrators and moderators, please notice his trend and help keep gmt pure.

I joined this site a few weeks ago and I am a "newbie" for all intended purposes. I am also a member of (4) four other sites covering motorcycles, DIY and autos. Unfortunately, I signed up / joined TRAILVOY first since I was unaware of GMTN. I think I might have posted a couple of topics / questions over the course of a week or two and got zippo, as in zero responses. The topics / questions were the same ones I created on this site......I think one of my topics has 48 + responses.

For all the topics, knowledge, helpful hints and laughs I have experienced over these few weeks, I will tell you that I am more impressed with the people of this site than anything else. I have never interacted with a bunch of guys who were more helpful, responsive, guiding (?), name it, than these guys on this site. All these guys that have responded to this thread on the same guys who jump right in and lend a helping hand. As you can see from their comments, they are dedicated to this site not just for technical content but for the camaraderie that comes from this group collectively. Please also note that not one of them went over the top in criticizing this thread or it's originator.....that says a lot.

Bottom line......enjoy the site for what it is.....a mixed bag of knowledge, experience, funniness but most of all the friendship you acquire by asking a simple question. Does anyone have a ladder that I can use to get off my high horse? :coffee:


Jan 25, 2012
Did not know the vaping thread was an issue, It is in the hobby section after all. On that note, I can provide proof and evidence that the media is putting vaping as a whole in a bad light, it's sick how much influence tobacco money has on the media and politicians.

Back on topic, the off topic threads help keep the boards active when the ones with questions are being helped.
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Dec 30, 2013
mcsteven said:
Do any of the administrators know if it is possible to modify the what's new section? Is there any module that could be added so individual users can choose sections to see what is new?

YES! On a computer, at least, not sure about mobile. On the left is a list of options, the bottom one is Filter. Hit that, de-select the "ALL" option up top, then select the ones you DO want. Hit save and enjoy.


Apr 18, 2012
IllogicTC said:
YES! On a computer, at least, not sure about mobile. On the left is a list of options, the bottom one is Filter. Hit that, de-select the "ALL" option up top, then select the ones you DO want. Hit save and enjoy.
So does it allow forum watching or just specific threads? I wonder if the saved settings follow to Tapatalk. I'm guessing they would, which should allow the OP to remove the nonsense threads he doesn't want to see.

He is a premium member and if we can appease him without alienating others we should.
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Jan 25, 2012
I think it would be by section. Off topic threads tend to fall into similar sections as it is. So that should work.
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Dec 30, 2013
mcsteven said:
So does it allow forum watching or just specific threads? I wonder if the saved settings follow to Tapatalk. I'm guessing they would, which should allow the OP to remove the nonsense threads he doesn't want to see.

He is a premium member and if we can appease him without alienating others we should.
It is by section. I'm not sure if these settings are saved server-side or as a cookie on the local machine.


Dec 4, 2011
I think it is server side, because at least my "whats new" settings are the same on any PC I log on to.


Apr 27, 2014
mcsteven said:
So does it allow forum watching or just specific threads? I wonder if the saved settings follow to Tapatalk. I'm guessing they would, which should allow the OP to remove the nonsense threads he doesn't want to see.

He is a premium member and if we can appease him without alienating others we should.
:iagree: and I hope he was not offended by us cutting up, we appreciate everybody here!


Aug 16, 2014
I would hope that one of our "Admins" has reached out to the OP in one way or another and has brought to his attention his options as far as "not" seeing topics that he is not interested in. I noticed that he has not replied to any of our replies so I assume (I shouldn't) that he is "okay" with having become aware of his options.

On the other hand, if we haven't tried to reach out to him (via PM or otherwise) than I think we should. Regardless of being a premium member or not, we should always try to treat members as best we can.....equally. Just a thought.....


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
I think we did treat him fairly. I haven't seen any of the replies diss the OP in any way. In fact, I think we tried to help him with different options. It's an opinion that he has, like everybody else.
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Apr 18, 2012
I see after all this the OP hasn't returned. Does anyone know if a mod reached out?


Apr 3, 2013
I assumed that with the statement of "this is the last straw" based on seeing the Vaping Thread that this was his departing thread from the site. Does not look like he has been on since September 16th.

Very strange he would not respond to his own thread though. Maybe its because of the over whelming responses against his position or he figured out how to filter out all of the "nonsense" threads.

This thread would definitely fall into the category :yes:


Apr 18, 2012
When you assumed, you made an ass of U and Med. Med is pissed off now.
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