Will I get banned?......

Short Bus

Original poster
Dec 2, 2011
......On CSCC (Chrysler Sebring Convertible Club)? A guy is complaining about a cat sleeping on his car. It turns out it's HIS cat so all he needs to do is be a responsible pet owner and keep his cat inside or on a leash. Here's the thread, I stated posting on page 3

* Chrysler Sebring/200 Convertible Club * • View topic - Help Help.........Cat insists on sleeping on Convertible Top

I would hope I don't get banned that easy, but I don't know the culture there yet. I believe I am being respectful while speaking my mind.


Dec 4, 2011
Short Bus said:
......On CSCC (Chrysler Sebring Convertible Club)? A guy is complaining about a cat sleeping on his car. It turns out it's HIS cat so all he needs to do is be a responsible pet owner and keep his cat inside or on a leash. Here's the thread, I stated posting on page 3

* Chrysler Sebring/200 Convertible Club * • View topic - Help Help.........Cat insists on sleeping on Convertible Top

I would hope I don't get banned that easy, but I don't know the culture there yet. I believe I am being respectful while speaking my mind.

I am totally with u short bus.(I fuckin hate cats)

Short Bus

Original poster
Dec 2, 2011
silvernclean said:
I am totally with u short bus.(I fuckin hate cats)

I don't even hate cat's, it's the owners responsibility to keep their animal under control, and many cat owners couldn't care less. :hissyfit:


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
I doubt you'll get banned. Maybe some other readers, who were thinking the same thing, will get your back. I was a little surprised someone could be that oblivious. That's like complaining about the temperature inside your house/apartment, but when someone suggests you adjust your thermostat, you tell them to kick rocks... :blinkhuh:


Dec 4, 2011
IMO if you get banned for that then its a place you might not really want to be a part of anywho:thumbsup:


Dec 6, 2011
I agree that you are responsible for your pets.

Our cat gets free room and board, stays inside and isn't a bother to anyone. And that's the way I want to keep it.


Nov 18, 2011
I hope that's not worth a ban!:crazy:

Since this is kinda on topic, a few years ago I had a customer bring back a Sebring Convertible the day after I repaired the blower fan wiring and the complaint was "ever since you fixed my heater, my car meows". There were two newborn kittens down in the pocket where the top goes. One of my favorite "ever since" stories. Also one of the grossest.

Short Bus

Original poster
Dec 2, 2011
Wooluf1952 said:
That link only gets me a log-in page.

It's in the lounge, so maybe you need to be a member. The thread is a joke about giving a cat a pill.

Here's what was said

"cbringwarrior" said:
On that note I will add..............Cats are individuals and vary in their behavior and habits just like any other animal. We have had cats and dogs all our married life. Never once in my life have I ever been bothered by a neighbors cat nor has a neighbor ever complained about any of our cats. No doubt there are legitimate complaints about nuisance cats as there are legitimate complaints about nuisance dogs..............................but the real problem is not the cats........the real problem is the anti cat bandwagon types that are genetically disposed cat haters from birth that cannot stand so much as looking at a picture of a cat. They just dont like Felines and hence the stigma

My reply

"Short Bus" said:
:crash: :throwpc: biting my lip....OK just this, I'm not a cat hater, if you want to discuss this further, let's take it to PM

To the OP even though I'm not a cat owned, thats funny


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Were those posts in the original thread, or is the OP one of "those people" and started a new one? Knee jerk reaction, of course, would be to say he's talking about you... But since I did read the whole thread, I saw the people talking about using BB guns chicken wire and even legal action. You'd think the cat-hater label would get slapped on one of these people long before someone who says "Keep your pet in the house"

But on the other hand, for the OP to not realize he's a big part of his own problem... What was that post from the other day? Think of how smart the average person is, then remember half the people are dumber than that? Shows you what percentile that guy is in :hopeless:

Short Bus

Original poster
Dec 2, 2011
Blckshdw said:
Were those posts in the original thread, or is the OP one of "those people" and started a new one? Knee jerk reaction, of course, would be to say he's talking about you... But since I did read the whole thread, I saw the people talking about using BB guns chicken wire and even legal action. You'd think the cat-hater label would get slapped on one of these people long before someone who says "Keep your pet in the house"

But on the other hand, for the OP to not realize he's a big part of his own problem... What was that post from the other day? Think of how smart the average person is, then remember half the people are dumber than that? Shows you what percentile that guy is in :hopeless:

The posts that I quoted are from yesterday in another thread. The OP for the new thread was a cat person (He was ca2kjet on TV) and all was going smooth, then cbringwarrior posted and pissed me off


Lifetime VIP Donor
Nov 19, 2011
Portland, OR
Robert Heinlein (the writer, for youngsters who don't read science fiction) was a world-class libertarian, and said a decent society needed to have only two rules:

1) Do not offend anyone.

2) Do not be too easily offended.

Just chill and the drama often moves elsewhere.

He also had a great solution to the pushy door-to-door salesman problem. He had a character say to one - Push a $20 under the door and I'll open it and listen to your pitch. If I like your product and think it wasn't a waste of my time, I'll give the $20 back. Otherwise, I keep it. :yes:

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