Disaster of epic proportions last night (ok compared to some not as epic but still for here..). We got the "once every 200 years" rain storm. Most roads to get into southeastern michigan from further out west were closed due to flooding. All major highway intersections closed due to flooding. One of them the water was up to the bottom of the bridge....14 ft 8 inchs of it. Cars and semis completely submerged. Cats and dogs living together...mass hysteria!
Its better this morning though the heavily flooded areas like the one above are still just as bad. And oh, yup...starting to rain again. Perfect!
I would estimate a couple thousand cars/trucks completely ruined, even those that were just at home. I watched on the news people getting out of their cars and pushing the now boats down the street because they were floating.
Tons of homes in the area with flooded basements of yup...raw sewage. Not good.