- Nov 18, 2011
- 49,665
Playsinsnow said:How come no one has posted a pic of cold temp from GMT display? I myself am waiting until the temp drops below -22F because that's the coldest it has read when I actually drove it.
Warmed up to 1*F now.
RedEnvoyDenali said:Just for you and because it is the Christmas season next time i am in the truck with a smart phone and the reading is -30's or lower i will take a pic and post it. Just to prove GM can read that low LOL. Actually today it has warmed up highs in -20s C and wind chills a balmy -33C. Almost like a heat wave.
I was amazed at the traffic on Sat. seems everyone was out shopping couldn't believe the activity even with wind chills in -40's.
Apparently the folk in Montana, North Dakota, and states south of them are suffering as well. Did i hear it actually froze in Las Vegas?That would put those folks under stress.
Unfortunately the only thing we can do about winter is whine and complain. However some days that does make us feel better.Everyone have a Merry Christmas and drive safe we want you all back in 2014.
Blckshdw said:Just getting home from work... Sure don't feel like winter, but I'm not complaining
redleg6 said:
mikekey said:Hey that's my neighbor Christine two doors down.