Water soaking the carpet on the drivers side, do not have a sunroof.


Original poster
Jan 25, 2012
After it rains, my carpet on the driver side gets wet. I do not have a sun roof and was wondering where they most commonly leak at on my 03 TB, so i have an idea where to start. Any help would be much appreciated, thanks :biggrin:


Lifetime VIP Donor
Nov 19, 2011
Portland, OR
Often it's the windshield molding. You might yank off the A-pillar cover and see if you can see anything running down in the rain. Sometimes a roof rack mounting bolt.

As long as you're sure it isn't AC condensate. More often, the drain tube gets clogged up and the AC dribbles onto the carpet. Poke a stick in the drin tube and see if it gushes a quart of dirty water.



Original poster
Jan 25, 2012
Ill check to make sure its not clogged, but im pretty sure its not the AC becuase it has happened without the AC being on and when iv had the AC on im pretty sure the carpet wasnt wet. Ill pull off the A-frame on the driver side at some point to see what i can see. Maybe ill take it to a car wash to see if it leaks lol. No it doesnt smell and my coolant levels are fine.


Jan 10, 2012
do you have a sunroof. Some have tubes running down thw a-piller from the drip rails of the sun roof


Nov 20, 2011
North Las Vegas
million-miles said:
do you have a sunroof. Some have tubes running down thw a-piller from the drip rails of the sun roof

No sun roof was stated in the OP


Nov 20, 2011
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Rudeawakening said:
Ill check to make sure its not clogged, but im pretty sure its not the AC becuase it has happened without the AC being on and when iv had the AC on im pretty sure the carpet wasnt wet. Ill pull off the A-frame on the driver side at some point to see what i can see. Maybe ill take it to a car wash to see if it leaks lol. No it doesnt smell and my coolant levels are fine.

The AC runs any time the defroster is on.


Original poster
Jan 25, 2012
Wooluf1952 said:
The AC runs any time the defroster is on.

Really? I didnt know that. But why would your AC run if you wanna blow warm air to defrost your windshield?


Lifetime VIP Donor
Nov 19, 2011
Portland, OR
Rudeawakening said:
Really? I didnt know that. But why would your AC run if you wanna blow warm air to defrost your windshield?
For dehumidification. Especially needed in recirculate mode. So we don't look like some other (especially old Toyotas) idiot vehicles that are driving around in the winter with fog on the INSIDE of their windows. :redface:


Original poster
Jan 25, 2012
the roadie said:
For dehumidification. Especially needed in recirculate mode. So we don't look like some other (especially old Toyotas) idiot vehicles that are driving around in the winter with fog on the INSIDE of their windows. :redface:

Ahhh, gottcha. Makes sense, Thanks.


Original poster
Jan 25, 2012

Ok, I took off the A-frame cover and didnt see any signs of leaking from there. I removed the bottom plastic trim on the floor where the carpet ends at the door. It looks like it might be coming from some where in there. Im gonna dry the area and take it to a car wash to see if i can see where it leaks. Here a pictures of the A-frame removed and the floor trim. I live in the chicago area so i do get alot of snow, but its not from snow simply being tracked in my car and melting because its been like this since i bought in August and it would get wet after it rained. This might also be the cuase of another problem im having which ill post about it in my other thread. (See p1271 and unknown driver in DIC, dont want to get off topic here)

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Dec 5, 2011
Have you installed an aftermarket sound system with an amp.?

If so the water could be coming from the whole you made in the fire wall or in from the grommit you cut into.

Had a similar problem with my truck and all that had to be done was re-seal the whole.


Original poster
Jan 25, 2012
07ChevyTruck said:
Have you installed an aftermarket sound system with an amp.?

If so the water could be coming from the whole you made in the fire wall or in from the grommit you cut into.

Had a similar problem with my truck and all that had to be done was re-seal the whole.

No, I havent done anything to it. To my knowledge the TB is all orginal.


Dec 5, 2011
Rudeawakening said:
No, I havent done anything to it. To my knowledge the TB is all orginal.

I would check the rubber grommits in the engine bay on the left side firewall anyway just to be sure.

Also, check the weather strip that goes around the door and see if it is rotted,cracked, and sealed to the door properly. That may cause the problem as well.


Original poster
Jan 25, 2012
07ChevyTruck said:
I would check the rubber grommits in the engine bay on the left side firewall anyway just to be sure.

Also, check the weather strip that goes around the door and see if it is rotted,cracked, and sealed to the door properly. That may cause the problem as well.

Ok, I check the AC drain to see if it was clogged but it was completely clear. I went through the car wash and noticed I was getting a little water coming in through the top corner of the windshield on the driver side, id image alot more water during alot of rain. So i got some clear indoor/outdoor water proof sealant and sealed the corner. Ill leave the A-frame cover off to keep an eye on it. So I hope thats my only problem. I Checked the door seal and it seemed ok, but i noticed I can pull it away from the frame a little bit in one section so i might seal that as well if guys think thats a good idea:undecided: Ill check the rubber gromits as well. Next step is I gotta pull my carpet back and dry it and the padding underneath. Im assumming i have to remove my seat in order to do that unless you dont nessesarly have. So far so good, il keep you guys posted.:thumbsup:


Dec 5, 2011
You may have found your poblem. A good idea to check everything, and I would reseal that weather stripping. I don't think you want another water probelm.

Also, I would get rid of as much if not all that water. I made the mistake and fried my 4wd control module.


Dec 18, 2011
Do not use silicon to fix the leak in the corner of the windshield. Use proper windshield sealer because if you ever have to replace the windshield the proper sealer does not stick to silicon.:no::no:


Original poster
Jan 25, 2012
Fire06 said:
Do not use silicon to fix the leak in the corner of the windshield. Use proper windshield sealer because if you ever have to replace the windshield the proper sealer does not stick to silicon.:no::no:

Thanks for the info, but its to late now. But if I have to replace the windshield ill just remove it all, i didnt put much on. Ill reseal that weather stripping on the door too.


Dec 5, 2011
Keep us updated on how the repair holds.


Original poster
Jan 25, 2012
Thanks for the info fire, Ill keep that in mind next time. Dont worry, ill definately keep you guys updated on what happens.


Dec 5, 2011
Thanks Rudeawakening.


Original poster
Jan 25, 2012
Its been i week since i sealed it and no water or rain has got it. However i went through a car wash and noticed water started coming in through the back. I checked it out and saw the door seal sagging down so i resealed it and put it back in place. I must of knocked it down while moving stuff in and out of it becuase iv never had a problem before. So far so good. I havent got around to unsoaking my rug and and cleaning due to beening busy moving and im going to be busy all this week and weekend. Im hoping to get to that next weekend. Ill keep you guys posted.


Dec 5, 2011
Rudeawakening said:
Its been i week since i sealed it and no water or rain has got it. However i went through a car wash and noticed water started coming in through the back. I checked it out and saw the door seal sagging down so i resealed it and put it back in place. I must of knocked it down while moving stuff in and out of it becuase iv never had a problem before. So far so good. I havent got around to unsoaking my rug and and cleaning due to beening busy moving and im going to be busy all this week and weekend. Im hoping to get to that next weekend. Ill keep you guys posted.

I would do that asap. I know when water got into mine it fried the 4X4 control module located under the drivers seat. I would imagine that GM put the same module under the seats of a 4X4 TB. :undecided:


Dec 18, 2011
Rudeawakening said:
Its been i week since i sealed it and no water or rain has got it. However i went through a car wash and noticed water started coming in through the back. I checked it out and saw the door seal sagging down so i resealed it and put it back in place. I must of knocked it down while moving stuff in and out of it becuase iv never had a problem before. So far so good. I havent got around to unsoaking my rug and and cleaning due to beening busy moving and im going to be busy all this week and weekend. Im hoping to get to that next weekend. Ill keep you guys posted.

Get it dried out properly. Lift the carpet to get it all dry. It is usually thick with the carpet and the insulation that is there and you don't want mold or it to go skunky. Plus the electrical issues that can form


Original poster
Jan 25, 2012
Fire06 said:
Get it dried out properly. Lift the carpet to get it all dry. It is usually thick with the carpet and the insulation that is there and you don't want mold or it to go skunky. Plus the electrical issues that can form

Since you mentioned it, i have another thread about an electrical problem im having. The DIC diplays unknown driver and all my lights and chimes go off and on throughout my drive. Just yesterday my none of my gauges worked and nothing displayed on the DIC at all, but today it is working. Hmmm, i wonders if this is my problem, if not theres a ground connection to check that roadie made mention off. I just dont have anytime at all to mess with it this week, as much as i want to.

Here is the link of my other thread.



Dec 5, 2011
The two problems maybe connected. :undecided:


Jan 31, 2012
I have the same problem, drivers floor getting wet when I go threw the wash or a heavy rain. Only difference is I do have a sun roof. Plus i had to have the windshield replaced about three months ago. I am going to repeat the steps listed here but does anyone know about the sun roof and how to possibly re-seal if necessary???


Dec 18, 2011
WillyGood said:
I have the same problem, drivers floor getting wet when I go threw the wash or a heavy rain. Only difference is I do have a sun roof. Plus i had to have the windshield replaced about three months ago. I am going to repeat the steps listed here but does anyone know about the sun roof and how to possibly re-seal if necessary???

There are little drain holes around the inside of the sunroof. Find them if you think it is the problem and then carefully push a cable down the drain hole to see if it is plugged. The hose will just be pushed on the fittings so don't push to hard to push it off of them. I would think the windshield is leaking though and would start there. If you have compressed air blow it around the inside and have some one feel for air on the outside at that spot. Work your way around the windshield on the 3 sides left right and top. When you find the leak use the proper stuff to seal it . Makes it easier to work on later if you ever replace it again


Nov 20, 2011
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
:iagree: There are four drain holes, one near each corner of the sun roof.
Each drain has a tube that runs down a pillar.
One at each A pillar and one at each C pillar.


Jan 31, 2012
Thx. That's a real good idea with the compressed air, I will do that.

So I just got back in from the garage now. I started with the weather striping but didn't really see much cause for concern there. Then i proceeded to remove the seat and the carpet... well i should say tried taking out the carpet, I couldn't get it out from under the radio area (Is it attached to the passenger side?) So right now the seat is in the back seat and the carpet is folded over so I can see the padding, foam, and metal. The padding is completely saturated but I don't see any evidence of water coming down the hard foam pieces. I just see water stains on the hard foam from where it wicked up water from the floor. Plus it looks like if water was coming down the a frame and into the floor it would have stained the big triangular foam block at the base of it and it isn't really... :undecided:

There is a tube running to a black rubber grommet in the middle of the floor. Does anyone know what this is? It kinda looks like that is the most saturated part. of the padding.


Dec 5, 2011
WillyGood said:
Thx. That's a real good idea with the compressed air, I will do that.

So I just got back in from the garage now. I started with the weather striping but didn't really see much cause for concern there. Then i proceeded to remove the seat and the carpet... well i should say tried taking out the carpet, I couldn't get it out from under the radio area (Is it attached to the passenger side?) So right now the seat is in the back seat and the carpet is folded over so I can see the padding, foam, and metal. The padding is completely saturated but I don't see any evidence of water coming down the hard foam pieces. I just see water stains on the hard foam from where it wicked up water from the floor. Plus it looks like if water was coming down the a frame and into the floor it would have stained the big triangular foam block at the base of it and it isn't really... :undecided:

There is a tube running to a black rubber grommet in the middle of the floor. Does anyone know what this is? It kinda looks like that is the most saturated part. of the padding.

Was the sound system upgraded in the truck????

If not are you the only owner of the truck???

If you are the 2nd or 3rd owner of the truck then you found some one elses attempt at getting rid of the problem you have.


Dec 5, 2011
WillyGood said:
I am the Second or third owner of the truck.

Stock sound system.

What are you suggesting?

I was thinking that it might have been the same problem I had after installing an aftermarket sound system, but if you still have the stock sound system then my thinking would be wrong.


Original poster
Jan 25, 2012
Hey guys, its been a bit since i checked back. So far there doesnt seem to be anymore leaking but i still havent got around to tearing up my carpet and drying it out becuase iv been really busy, im hoping to get to that this weekend I hope.


Dec 5, 2011
Rudeawakening said:
Hey guys, its been a bit since i checked back. So far there doesnt seem to be anymore leaking but i still havent got around to tearing up my carpet and drying it out becuase iv been really busy, im hoping to get to that this weekend I hope.

Good to know the leak stopped, but I would get to that carpet before it gets real smellie inside that truck of yours.:redface::blinkhuh::sick::yikes::faint:


Original poster
Jan 25, 2012
07ChevyTruck said:
Good to know the leak stopped, but I would get to that carpet before it gets real smellie inside that truck of yours.:redface::blinkhuh::sick::yikes::faint:

Yeah, I know, but I really have had no time. Its cold by me so im not to worried about it smelling yet seeing how its frozen so no bacteria or mold can really grow. I have no garage so my TB is kept outside.

Fire06 said:
What did you do for the leak?? And where was it??

I found it on the drivers side, top corner of the windshield. I have pictures on it in my prevoius post. I used silicone adhesive to seal it but I did that before you gave me no no for it lol.

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