I just edited my image links here to the original image. I had changed the stuff that the OS linked to to see how many more folks I could get the message out to. I think that was my most-downloaded image, closely followed by the megafuse.
You can check the actuators by a simple functional test - move the controls and see if they follow your commands. Airflow mode is the one that chooses floor or dash vents. Recirculate is obvious. Defrost is obvious. Temp is obvious.
Otherwise start pulling dashboard lower covers and observe the shaft on the outside of the actuator turn as you send it commands.
A Tech II can re-home the actuators, but that's another name for the recalibration process you get when you disconnect the battery or pull the HVAC fuse, and I belive it is as risky to weak actuators. You can replace an actuator for less than paying a dealer to touch a Tech II to the vehicle.