The server is too busy at the moment. Please try again later.


Original poster
Dec 4, 2011
Anyone else getting this? I've not been able to even use the site the last few days. It took me 30 minutes to make this post.

Boricua SS

Nov 20, 2011
no issues for me since the day i signed up...
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Nov 20, 2011
North Las Vegas
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Nov 18, 2011
I had a similar problem several weeks ago. It was caused by a problem with my ISP (comcast) and took a phone call to resolve. IIRC, they reset something on their end and the site has been fine since.
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Nov 20, 2011
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
I do get a " not responding" occasionally.

But it only lasts a minute or two.
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Lifetime VIP Donor
Nov 19, 2011
Portland, OR
Might be an early delivery of Santa's 2012 lump of coal. Have you been a good boy lately? Or have you been a naughty boy? :confused:
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Nov 20, 2011
North Las Vegas
the roadie said:
Might be an early delivery of Santa's 2012 lump of coal. Have you been a good boy lately? Or have you been a naughty boy? :confused:

Now those are loaded questions, even for you! :raspberry:
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Original poster
Dec 4, 2011
It's getting worse it seems like, I was getting 404 errors this morning just trying to get on this thread. I tried it from my cell phone and it does the same thing. Though I noticed the site seems to work perfectly when I'm not logged in and it slows down and gives me errors when I'm logged in. I even tried Firefox and it does the same thing. I meant to try it from my work computer today and I forgot.
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Dec 4, 2011
smitty5150 said:
I keep getting redirected to a video link for "2 girls, 1 cup". Is that bad??

:puke: :puke: Thanks for bringing that memory back... :puke:

Other than the afore mentioned server move and the persistant classified denial of permissions I have never had a problem with accessing this place.
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Nov 20, 2011
smitty5150 said:
I keep getting redirected to a video link for "2 girls, 1 cup". Is that bad??

You too? :confused:
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Original poster
Dec 4, 2011
the roadie said:
Deadly serious.

Do you know why this site was created?

Do you agree or disagree with the reasons?

There is no fence sitting.

Choose wisely.

Why screw with my account then? Why not just send a PM?

I thought this whole thing was about helping people though? We can't help people on more than one site? I'm on TBSSowners, too.
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Lifetime VIP Donor
Nov 19, 2011
Portland, OR
91RS said:
I thought this whole thing was about helping people though?
People, yes. Greedy, profit-mongering corporations like Vertical Scope should be able to pay for staff with the ad dollars they bring in, but nooooooo. They'd rather get unpaid volunteer staff to do their work for them, and take all the profit north to Toronto and not pour a dime of it back into features for the site and benefit the community. The ENTHUSIAST community that built and grew the OS into the resource it is. THIS is an ENTHUSIAST-owned site. So are our esteemed sister sites and The business model that we all agree on is the not-for-profit enthusiast model, where platform OWNERS get together and form a community. Not a company who buys up sites and pushes ads in the members faces and ignores the community.
We can't help people on more than one site?
You can help people anywhere you want. But this is where the thriving GMT360 community is today, and by accepting a moderator's position at a site that has us all banned, you've declared your intentions pretty clearly. Bringing people that need help here is one of my missions. Replacing me over there seems to be one of yours. :confused:
I'm on TBSSowners, too.
And a fine enthusiast-run community that is as well. That's not a problem.
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Nov 18, 2011
91RS said:
I'm on TBSSowners, too.
Isn't TBSSowners owned by this site? Tony and his fellow members are welcome here.

Your membership at TBSSowners is not the problem. Not even your membership at TV. It's the fact that you have chosen to be on the staff, and assist the owners, of the site that we escaped from. The site that does nothing but profit from the work of it's volunteer staff and the contributions (financial and knowledge) of it's members.

And now, the new moderation staff over there is using heavy handed tactics to try and prevent other people from learning of this site. You are now part of that staff. And there's no doubt that the owners are going to expect you and any new moderators to do whatever it takes to prevent the word from being spread.

Enjoy your position over there.
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Dec 4, 2011
I agree with bo tie ss and roadie, I got kicked off t.v. cuz someone simply asked where was the roadie? And I simply said he went to another site. So if I can't be over there answering simple questions then why should u be welcome here as a part of the staff where I got banned?? Mmmm...

I don't wanna fight over this shit but damn...I choose this forum and no more t.v. for me. Just get rid of my account there. I am home here. PEACE.

No can we get back on the topic. Haha

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Original poster
Dec 4, 2011
Well, no one offered me a position here. I've been out of the forum game (as being staff) for a long time, so I figured it'd be something new to do for a little while (after they offered it to me, I didn't go searching it out). I didn't wish any ill will for either site and had no intentions or burning down or breaking ties to either site.

That being said, I agree I didn't know the full details though. I thought it was mainly just all the irritating and unrelated ads (not necessary about the revenue from them or where it was going). I've been busy with work, the holidays, vacation, buying a new truck and tracking down all the 3SS parts that I really haven't been as active as I used to be in the last few months.
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Nov 18, 2011
91RS said:
I didn't wish any ill will for either site and had no intentions or burning down or breaking ties to either site.
It pretty much comes down to this...

If you remain on the staff over there, you will be expected to take action against people who make any mention of this site. That means you're taking a stand against the members of this site. Unfortunately, there's no middle ground with this one.
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Nov 18, 2011
I make no judgements about you as an individual. The bottom line is that you know what you were signing up for. We made it abundantly clear why we made this safe haven. We tried to take a stand over there, only to be silenced. We even copied posts and moved them here before Stew deleted them. You can plainly see that the post count over there do not match the number of active members. Something seriously wrong with that. By accepting the mod position, you accepted the responsibility of trying to help them grow. That is a direct contradiction to GMT Nation. To be an active member here is a serious conflict of interest. You and Trailblaze are proving that by having very heavy handed moderation and signatures that are blatant attacks on GMTN. How can we trust that you will not keep these as completely separate interests?

I honestly think you would be a valuable member over here, but not if you choose to remain staff member there. Too many things driving the two sites apart. To be honest, I am not sure you know what you got yourself into. The bulk of the knowledge has moved here, Trailvoy is a shell of what it was, and I really don't think that will ever change.
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Original poster
Dec 4, 2011
BO TIE SS said:
It pretty much comes down to this...

If you remain on the staff over there, you will be expected to take action against people who make any mention of this site. That pretty much means you're taking a stand against the members of this site. Unfortunately, there's no middle ground with this one.

I didn't have any plans of doing that, that's why I said it would be something new to do for a little while because I don't know how long it would take for someone to notice. Don't take this the wrong way, but didn't someone here take action against me by throttling my account when I havn't mentioned a word about TV on here? I don't know if the roadie just doesn't like me because I work for a dealership or what, but I thought that was a little out of line.

That being said, I'm a reasonable person. I didn't want any of this and I'm not interested in any conflict so I'll be stepping down as a moderator over there.
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Original poster
Dec 4, 2011
smitty5150 said:
I make no judgements about you as an individual. The bottom line is that you know what you were signing up for. We made it abundantly clear why we made this safe haven. We tried to take a stand over there, only to be silenced. We even copied posts and moved them here before Stew deleted them. You can plainly see that the post count over there do not match the number of active members. Something seriously wrong with that. By accepting the mod position, you accepted the responsibility of trying to help them grow. That is a direct contradiction to GMT Nation. To be an active member here is a serious conflict of interest. You and Trailblaze are proving that by having very heavy handed moderation and signatures that are blatant attacks on GMTN. How can we trust that you will not keep these as completely separate interests?

I honestly think you would be a valuable member over here, but not if you choose to remain staff member there. Too many things driving the two sites apart. To be honest, I am not sure you know what you got yourself into. The bulk of the knowledge has moved here, Trailvoy is a shell of what it was, and I really don't think that will ever change.

I haven't changed anything, just being a moderator I wasn't allowed to make any post or signature changes. One other thing was (unless he is acting like he's not there any more) I did't see that Stew is around any more. The current admin (that offered me the position) goes by Cayne. :confused:
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Lifetime VIP Donor
Nov 19, 2011
Portland, OR
91RS said:
...I don't know if the roadie just doesn't like me because I work for a dealership or what, but I thought that was a little out of line.
I have a long-standing dislike of the culture at some dealerships, but I triple-guarantee you that I don't stereotype folks and knock them because of where they work. I have to admit MOST dealership folks are hard-working and honest folks. One of my best offroading buddies worked at a Caddy dealership north of LA. The issue was 100% contained in your accepting a mod position at the OS after they banned all of us. I honestly thought you were aware of all the issues as we discussed them here, and made that choice in full knowledge of the ramifications.
That being said, I'm a reasonable person. I didn't want any of this and I'm not interested in any conflict so I'll be stepping down as a moderator over there.
I guess we misjudged you, and should have just come right out and sent you some PMs.

Guess it's too late to recruit you to be a mole.... :wink:
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Mar 24, 2014
United States
91RS said:
I didn't have any plans of doing that, that's why I said it would be something new to do for a little while because I don't know how long it would take for someone to notice. Don't take this the wrong way, but didn't someone here take action against me by throttling my account when I havn't mentioned a word about TV on here? I don't know if the roadie just doesn't like me because I work for a dealership or what, but I thought that was a little out of line.

That being said, I'm a reasonable person. I didn't want any of this and I'm not interested in any conflict so I'll be stepping down as a moderator over there.

To me, it seems like you are a good guy who doesn't realize what you got yourself into. You are offended that your account became affected over here, but you also know full well that our staff is not at all welcome on TrailVoy without being banned... so where is the conflict?

You are more than welcome to mention and link to TrailVoy here, we are not the ones being greedy and petty like VerticalScope. I've also noticed that your counterpart over there thinks that brute force moderation is going to help his cause... but that shows his inexperience, and we are just patiently waiting for the results. Remember, the staff here is very experienced with a huge community, specifically the one in question here. Been there, done that. We chose to make the changes that needed to be made when we started our new site.

People don't seem to realize that we don't have any problem with the community visiting TrailVoy, that is where all of the content is, but it is also important to know that the experienced members that contributed to make that site what it is are no longer there. When people ask where they went, those who answer get banned or filtered.

If we wanted to ban you, we certainly could have without reason, but we decided it was not necessary. But it would be a conflict of interest to have TrailVoy staff participating here. We don't want their staff if they don't want our staff.

Also, notice how you were able to defend yourself here, we never got that chance. VerticalScope swooped in and banned us, then put their one sided story out there... as you can see, that didn't go well since their own members were able to see through the bullshit they were being fed. In fact, many honest and valuable members were simply banned because of their affiliation with GMTNation, or because they called Stew out when he was trying to put everything on us.

Either way. You are welcome here, we will not stand in your way unless it becomes a problem. I do think you would be wise to rethink your recent decision though...

Oh, and here is a tiny example of exactly what we were dealing with: go back about two or three weeks and look at the thread where Stew attacked us and made all of these promises to deliver on things. One of the big complaints was TapaTalk access. A quick search in my TapaTalk client reveals that it is STILL not implemented (a 5 minute process). They did remove some ads, but only after the threat of losing tons of members. We had been asking for that for a LONG time and nothing was done. Members had also posted the same complains in the support/comments section for everyone to see.
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Mar 24, 2014
United States
91RS said:
I haven't changed anything, just being a moderator I wasn't allowed to make any post or signature changes. One other thing was (unless he is acting like he's not there any more) I did't see that Stew is around any more. The current admin (that offered me the position) goes by Cayne. :confused:

You are a standard moderator, not a Super Moderator like your "Super" friend over there. You have very little access to anything. I should know, I setup the usergroup permissions. Changes could have been made since then, but it's not likely.

Oh, and Stew/Cayne are the type of admins that like to float around in invisible mode, and they can choose who can see them when they are active. Don't get used to seeing them though, once they are confident that things have calmed down, they will be seldom seen and heard.
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Nov 18, 2011
And, of course, Jman says it better.....

Like I said, you're a great member to have. In light if the past couple of months, its against my judgement to believe that being a moderator there would lead to good things here. Sorry for that abrupt judgement call. It seems that you just werent informed enough to know what was really going on between sites. Personally, I hope that you rethink your decision to be a staff member on there and use your influence to spread the word about gmtn. Your experience could be a great asset, if applied properly. I don't want to sound biased, but you efforts there won't be rewarded. Here, I would like to think we care about members and what they bring to the community.
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Boricua SS

Nov 20, 2011
Jman423 said:
Oh, and here is a tiny example of exactly what we were dealing with: go back about two or three weeks and look at the thread where Stew attacked us and made all of these promises to deliver on things. One of the big complaints was TapaTalk access. A quick search in my TapaTalk client reveals that it is STILL not implemented (a 5 minute process). They did remove some ads, but only after the threat of losing tons of members. We had been asking for that for a LONG time and nothing was done. Members had also posted the same complains in the support/comments section for everyone to see.

i agree with that... i made a thread over there asking whats going on, because there new hammer style super mod made a thread about the things happening lately, and then closed it, not allowing anyone to respond.. so i made the thread on tapatalk again... not that i really care about it because i use tapatalk for here and tbssowners and i dont contribute over there anymore... but if something as simpe as tapatalk cant be changed.. what else can??

to 91RS.. stay here man!!! :grouphug:, i know a real enthusiast like yourself can see whats going on...
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Dec 6, 2011
im glad everybody is happy now :crazy::crazy::crazy:
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Lifetime VIP Donor
Nov 19, 2011
Portland, OR
Just imagine for a minute what it must feel like to be the new hammer-happy Super-Mod Drew over on the OS. 21 years old living in KY, not an hugely-experienced DIY mechanic, all he has to spout back at the noobs for repair advice is what he's read from all of OUR posts. And he parrots that back with some memory errors. Some dumb videos including a 0-120 MPH run after he got a tune and took off the speed limiter, which isn't posted on the OS but we would never have allowed discussion of anyway. [That took some digging, and I won't be posting the links. Sorry.]

So this kid just gets handed the keys to a ban hammer, no forum management experience, very little life experience. And a TSUNAMI of noobs is rolling in on him every hour of every day. And he's about the ONLY one answering technical questions, welcoming folks to the intro threads, can't handle organizing a meet, hasn't the backing of hundreds of willing helpers to keep the community going. He could work every waking hour to try to keep the OS a poor simulation of what it once was.

And for what? The never-ending gratitude of a Toronto corporation who just wants the profits? To grow the site's statistics on the backs of one or two overworked volunteers? What's wrong with this picture?

It's what you sign up for when you only look at the "little picture". Folks with a bit of experience and maturity see beyond the horizon. Drew is curator of a reference library now, but he's in denial. One with thousands of valuable artifacts in its collection, that researchers visit from time to time to look at the documents. But I see it as the Library at Alexandria, not as it was in the time of Ptolemy, but as it became after multiple conquerors laid waste to it and its surroundings and the sands of Egypt were covering it over. Consult it as soon as you can.
Upvote 0


Nov 18, 2011
the roadie said:
And for what? The never-ending gratitude of a Toronto corporation who just wants the profits?
Funny...I don't remember getting any gratitude. Just a big-ass ban hammer falling on my head. :bonk: :crazy:

(don't screw with those profits) :nono: :lipsrsealed:
Upvote 0


Nov 20, 2011
the roadie said:
Just imagine for a minute what it must feel like to be the new hammer-happy Super-Mod Drew over on the OS. 21 years old living in KY, not an hugely-experienced DIY mechanic, all he has to spout back at the noobs for repair advice is what he's read from all of OUR posts. And he parrots that back with some memory errors. Some dumb videos including a 0-120 MPH run after he got a tune and took off the speed limiter, which isn't posted on the OS but we would never have allowed discussion of anyway. [That took some digging, and I won't be posting the links. Sorry.]

So this kid just gets handed the keys to a ban hammer, no forum management experience, very little life experience. And a TSUNAMI of noobs is rolling in on him every hour of every day. And he's about the ONLY one answering technical questions, welcoming folks to the intro threads, can't handle organizing a meet, hasn't the backing of hundreds of willing helpers to keep the community going. He could work every waking hour to try to keep the OS a poor simulation of what it once was.

And for what? The never-ending gratitude of a Toronto corporation who just wants the profits? To grow the site's statistics on the backs of one or two overworked volunteers? What's wrong with this picture?

It's what you sign up for when you only look at the "little picture". Folks with a bit of experience and maturity see beyond the horizon. Drew is curator of a reference library now, but he's in denial. One with thousands of valuable artifacts in its collection, that researchers visit from time to time to look at the documents. But I see it as the Library at Alexandria, not as it was in the time of Ptolemy, but as it became after multiple conquerors laid waste to it and its surroundings and the sands of Egypt were covering it over. Consult it as soon as you can.

Wow... If I'm ever in California, you're getting a beer.

I've seen the kid in action when I've visited TV for some info on future mods I have in mind and all I can say is :no:. I think it's always interesting when someone young is placed in charge of something "big" whether it's a company or a site on how they handle it. Will they over come, rise and just surprise everyone and knock it out of the park or will they panic, show their ignorance, inexperience, and just self destruct.

I think it's funny that him and I are the same age and I can see a difference. Yes I may be a smart ass, wise ass, any variation of the combined words...etc but I don't think I could do over there and silence people and help and evil corporation. I've already have worked for one as a Supervisor for 2 yrs in the past, I couldn't do it anymore so I walked away.

I can somewhat relate to the mods in regards to having a title and having no power behind it and getting no appreciation, no rewards and just getting over worked.

All in all, I'm glad we have a new place to hang out. I just need to work on my post count and need to get the anything goes section going again. :rotfl:
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Lifetime VIP Donor
Nov 18, 2011
07 TB RIDER said:
Yes I may be a smart ass, wise ass, any variation of the combined words...

:no::no::no:While "ass ass" may still apply, I would be shocked if anyone refered to you as "smart wise" or "wise smart". Maybe "ass wise"...... but I don't think we want to go there.:raspberry:
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Nov 20, 2011
Ghoster said:
:no::no::no:While "ass ass" may still apply, I would be shocked if anyone refered to you as "smart wise" or "wise smart".

Well I have been called a "ass ass" once but the guy had a studdering problem. And no, the last two haven't applied yet, I wouldn't mind the title of "Wisest Smartass" :undecided::rotfl:

Ghoster said:
Maybe "ass wise"...... but I don't think we want to go there.:raspberry:

I think you know where to look for my response since I can't post it here :raspberry:
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Nov 18, 2011
07 TB RIDER said:
I think it's funny that him and I are the same age and I can see a difference.
Well, I'm glad you can anyway. :raspberry:

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
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