The Quitting Smoking Thread


Original poster
Feb 3, 2012
The other day Mat and I got into an argument(lack of smokes) and I went to go out to the river as it is my quiet spot. When I got in the voy I noticed that the time on the radio was pretty off. The radio said 12pm when it was closer to 3pm. I didn't mention it to the hubby because I figured he had already known about it. Well he took the voy to work later that night, and didn't say anything, but the next day the time was back to normal....I mentioned it and he said he noticed it at work and reset the clock.

What would cause the time on the radio to fall back 3 hours? We didn't have to jump start it, haven't done any mods to it as we're busy planning our wedding, and the battery was not and had not been messed with at all recently. I'm just baffled as to what may have caused this. I'm just hoping that there isn't a short somewhere or that the battery isn't taking a crap on us. The battery's date says Sept 2011, so it is fairly new.

Any idea's?


Lifetime VIP Donor
Nov 19, 2011
Portland, OR
Intermittent fuse connection or wiring to the radio's always-on power pin. Hard to troubleshoot.


Original poster
Feb 3, 2012
Thanks Roadie. I figured it would be pretty difficult to diagnose. It hasn't happened again, so maybe it was just a fluke thing? We have a CRAP load of construction going on, maybe one of us took a bump to hard and it temporarily knocked something loose. I won't worry too much about it unless it happens again. Don't want to go tearing crap up before knowing where to start.

Thanks again!


Lifetime VIP Donor
Nov 19, 2011
Portland, OR
Don't rule out the possibility that he's pranking you, changing the clock and KNOWING you'll obsess about it and post up here. I did that to Mrs. Roadie years ago, and I think she's forgotten about it so it's time to re-run that oldie-but-goodie. :wootwoot:


Dec 5, 2011
This is funny to see now because i have the same problem where the time is about 3 or so hours off but it is with a jensen double din nav unit i have checked all there connections. I would set the time and then look back at the screen and its back to the time it was before i reset it :confused:


Jan 15, 2012
SMOKES??..WTF..I thought you quit....


Original poster
Feb 3, 2012
the roadie said:
Don't rule out the possibility that he's pranking you, changing the clock and KNOWING you'll obsess about it and post up here. I did that to Mrs. Roadie years ago, and I think she's forgotten about it so it's time to re-run that oldie-but-goodie. :wootwoot:

That's only slightly funny lol Only because I am a HUGE worry wort. If it is true however, I will seek revenge :rotfl:

northcreek said:
SMOKES??..WTF..I thought you quit....

I had quit for about 4 months, and started back up because my hubby was still smoking and would bring me home a cigarette or two just for me to smoke. It led to not being able to remain smoke free. However I do have another quit date highlighted on the calender. I will succeed next time! I just need to get through this wedding planning shit first, and once that stress is all done I should be good to go. Oh and Phantom(on here) aka the hubby will be quitting with me this time too.

Denali n DOO

May 22, 2012
Voymom said:
I had quit for about 4 months, and started back up because my hubby was still smoking and would bring me home a cigarette or two just for me to smoke. It led to not being able to remain smoke free. However I do have another quit date highlighted on the calender. I will succeed next time! I just need to get through this wedding planning shit first, and once that stress is all done I should be good to go. Oh and Phantom(on here) aka the hubby will be quitting with me this time too.

So, what is the quit smoking date? I smoke mini pipe tobacco cigars (lots of em too), I wanna quit and always find it easier with others. I spend $17.50 each and every day and could sure use that money on something else like a new atv for my son. Share the date and I'm joining in too! Lol, let's start a "we quit smoking" thread for all of us that wanna quit! Chat about how many days smoke free, how much better we feel, how smell and taste of food is much better. I remember last time I quit I could smell the washer fluid in the truck went washing windshield.


Original poster
Feb 3, 2012
Denali n DOO said:
So, what is the quit smoking date? I smoke mini pipe tobacco cigars (lots of em too), I wanna quit and always find it easier with others. I spend $17.50 each and every day and could sure use that money on something else like a new atv for my son. Share the date and I'm joining in too! Lol, let's start a "we quit smoking" thread for all of us that wanna quit! Chat about how many days smoke free, how much better we feel, how smell and taste of food is much better. I remember last time I quit I could smell the washer fluid in the truck went washing windshield.

November has a HUGE significance to me and the hubby. It is my daughter who passed away in 2002 birth date. I think having a quit date that is set on a pretty significant date will only encourage me that much more to stay smoke free. I am thinking of trying the E-cig as a way to help me. Plus they are cheaper. I already have a "Going to quit" thread up here some where....I started it when I initially fell off the bandwagon. My wedding is Oct 20th, so it gives me almost a month to prepare myself for the lack of smokes. If your wanting to quit, I fully support you, and you can always e-mail me for encouragement!! I will be 28 in September and I have been smoking since I was 10. I really need to quit if I am going to lower my risks of heart disease, lung disease and cancer. I currently smoke Camel wides, and go through a pack and a half a day.


Nov 21, 2011
Denali n DOO said:
So, what is the quit smoking date? I smoke mini pipe tobacco cigars (lots of em too), I wanna quit and always find it easier with others. I spend $17.50 each and every day and could sure use that money on something else like a new atv for my son. Share the date and I'm joining in too! Lol, let's start a "we quit smoking" thread for all of us that wanna quit! Chat about how many days smoke free, how much better we feel, how smell and taste of food is much better. I remember last time I quit I could smell the washer fluid in the truck went washing windshield.

Wow $17.50 a day is a lot

Voymom said:
November has a HUGE significance to me and the hubby. It is my daughter who passed away in 2002 birth date. I think having a quit date that is set on a pretty significant date will only encourage me that much more to stay smoke free. I am thinking of trying the E-cig as a way to help me. Plus they are cheaper. I already have a "Going to quit" thread up here some where....I started it when I initially fell off the bandwagon. My wedding is Oct 20th, so it gives me almost a month to prepare myself for the lack of smokes. If your wanting to quit, I fully support you, and you can always e-mail me for encouragement!! I will be 28 in September and I have been smoking since I was 10. I really need to quit if I am going to lower my risks of heart disease, lung disease and cancer. I currently smoke Camel wides, and go through a pack and a half a day.

Just a head up, the E-cigs are not something that really help quit smoking. They are just as bad, only good thing to it is that they don't smell or have ashes etc. Cheaper? ehhhh not really! A starter kit is like $50 which is almost a carton of smokes for you and the refills yes are cheaper in a way. To quit its all you!! if you want to quit you will, not saying I will which doesn't really matter. Its all in your head after so many days! the physical addiction only last so long after that. Gum (regular ones not the nicotine ones) can help, cold turkey and keeping busy! Seems to be the best for those that do want to quit! Best of luck :thumbsup::thumbsup:


Original poster
Feb 3, 2012
ItsOnVoy said:
Wow $17.50 a day is a lot

Just a head up, the E-cigs are not something that really help quit smoking. They are just as bad, only good thing to it is that they don't smell or have ashes etc. Cheaper? ehhhh not really! A starter kit is like $50 which is almost a carton of smokes for you and the refills yes are cheaper in a way. To quit its all you!! if you want to quit you will, not saying I will which doesn't really matter. Its all in your head after so many days! the physical addiction only last so long after that. Gum (regular ones not the nicotine ones) can help, cold turkey and keeping busy! Seems to be the best for those that do want to quit! Best of luck :thumbsup::thumbsup:

Yes, I agree that they are just as bad as a regular cigarette to an extent. I can not break the habit of smoking inside the house. Trust me I have tried, the steam that comes from an E-cig would be a lot less hazardous to my children compared to a regular cigarette. is BY FAR cheaper. A starter kit is sold here for $20.00 and the cartridges that last 3 months are only $10.00, so $20 bucks every 3 months is WAY cheaper than us buying almost 4 packs of smokes a day. A carton of my cigarette's cost me WAY more than $50.00. My smokes are about $6.00 a pack. We spend about $22.00 a day for 3 packs a day. I have known a ton of people who have quit using the E-cig, the nicotine is addictive yes, but the other chemicals in a cigarette are far more addictive than the nicotine alone. I actually don't think it is the nicotine that I am highly addicted to, but the other chemicals. I have smoked an E-cig for a day and still had cravings, so I'm guessing I'm highly addicted to the other substances within a cigarette.


Dec 4, 2011
the roadie said:
Don't rule out the possibility that he's pranking you, changing the clock and KNOWING you'll obsess about it and post up here. I did that to Mrs. Roadie years ago, and I think she's forgotten about it so it's time to re-run that oldie-but-goodie. :wootwoot:

A better one is to use those poppers the ones that go bang when tossed. Just put them under the seat stops when you put the seat down (gently of course) Forgivness may take a while after that.


Original poster
Feb 3, 2012
WHY said:
A better one is to use those poppers the ones that go bang when tossed. Just put them under the seat stops when you put the seat down (gently of co) Forgivness may take a while after that.

See the only issue with that, is that my hubby has an account here and I'm sure he frequents my threads and reads my post. I could not possibly plan a good enough revenge without him knowing about it or at least expecting it :hissyfit:

Denali n DOO

May 22, 2012
Voymom said:
See the only issue with that, is that my hubby has an account here and I'm sure he frequents my threads and reads my post. I could not possibly plan a good enough revenge without him knowing about it or at least expecting it :hissyfit:

Oh how I've tried! Laser beam, hypnotize'd, Nicorrette Gum, cold turkey, the Patch- which I got hooked on, once on the strongest ones I could dream in techni color n full surround sound. I was applying before bed time just so I could dream, long after actually quitting! For me cold turkey is the best. Once I quit and announce it here I'll have a lot of reasons to keep it up, I wouldn't want to post that I failed :thumbsup: ! I know I can quit n deal with it well but usually 4-5 months later I try the "just 1" thing and then it's over n I'm smoking again...


Original poster
Feb 3, 2012
Denali n DOO said:
Oh how I've tried! Laser beam, hypnotize'd, Nicorrette Gum, cold turkey, the Patch- which I got hooked on, once on the strongest ones I could dream in techni color n full surround sound. I was applying before bed time just so I could dream, long after actually quitting! For me cold turkey is the best. Once I quit and announce it here I'll have a lot of reasons to keep it up, I wouldn't want to post that I failed :thumbsup: ! I know I can quit n deal with it well but usually 4-5 months later I try the "just 1" thing and then it's over n I'm smoking again...

Ironically I am allergic to the patch and the gum :confused: Makes no sense I know. I have tried cold turkey but every time I do, I go off in a rampage ready to hurt someone lol


Nov 21, 2011
Voymom said:
Yes, I agree that they are just as bad as a regular cigarette to an extent. I can not break the habit of smoking inside the house. Trust me I have tried, the steam that comes from an E-cig would be a lot less hazardous to my children compared to a regular cigarette. is BY FAR cheaper. A starter kit is sold here for $20.00 and the cartridges that last 3 months are only $10.00, so $20 bucks every 3 months is WAY cheaper than us buying almost 4 packs of smokes a day. A carton of my cigarette's cost me WAY more than $50.00. My smokes are about $6.00 a pack. We spend about $22.00 a day for 3 packs a day. I have known a ton of people who have quit using the E-cig, the nicotine is addictive yes, but the other chemicals in a cigarette are far more addictive than the nicotine alone. I actually don't think it is the nicotine that I am highly addicted to, but the other chemicals. I have smoked an E-cig for a day and still had cravings, so I'm guessing I'm highly addicted to the other substances within a cigarette.

Wow that is way cheaper!! Here at walgreens a starter kit is $50 and the refills are $15 but come with 5 of them in there and they go about 400 puffs each. The only addictive chemical in a cig is the nicotine, the other chemicals (4000 chemicals in one cig) are used to burn down the cig quicker. Companies do that do get people to go through them quicker and buy more etc. Plus pure nicotine can kill you pretty quick. The reason you still have those cravings is because the E-cigs if I am correct have less nicotine in them and not as strong as the regular one. You are just used to the taste and strength of a regular cig is prob why.


Original poster
Feb 3, 2012
ItsOnVoy said:
Wow that is way cheaper!! Here at walgreens a starter kit is $50 and the refills are $15 but come with 5 of them in there and they go about 400 puffs each. The only addictive chemical in a cig is the nicotine, the other chemicals (4000 chemicals in one cig) are used to burn down the cig quicker. Companies do that do get people to go through them quicker and buy more etc. Plus pure nicotine can kill you pretty quick. The reason you still have those cravings is because the E-cigs if I am correct have less nicotine in them and not as strong as the regular one. You are just used to the taste and strength of a regular cig is prob why.

The e-cigs that I can get here for $20 have a tapered method that is kind of like the patch, you have different amounts of nicotine in different cartridges, and you can choose your poison. Since I smoke a pack and a half a day, I would start off at the max amount, and taper down when I wanted to. They also come in the form of menthol, regular, light and ultra light. I smoke Camel Light wides...


Nov 21, 2011
Voymom said:
The e-cigs that I can get here for $20 have a tapered method that is kind of like the patch, you have different amounts of nicotine in different cartridges, and you can choose your poison. Since I smoke a pack and a half a day, I would start off at the max amount, and taper down when I wanted to. They also come in the form of menthol, regular, light and ultra light. I smoke Camel Light wides...

Yeah the ones you guys sell are different then ours. See we sell menthol, cherry, vanilla, and classic tobacco. They don't use the terms light or ultra light anymore due to people thinking they are better for you etc


Original poster
Feb 3, 2012
ItsOnVoy said:
Yeah the ones you guys sell are different then ours. See we sell menthol, cherry, vanilla, and classic tobacco. They don't use the terms light or ultra light anymore due to people thinking they are better for you etc

Sam!!!! I freaking LOVE your avatar :biggrin:

But to stay some what on topic lol We have flavors too. But I'm not sure if those cartridges match up with the e-cig that is $20.00 I wouldn't mind puffing on a cherry flavored one. I know I need to quit, but cold turkey will result in someone getting hurt lol It was easier for me to quit when the hubby was still smoking believe it or not. Granted it was hard for me, but when I wanted to kill him, he was calm and could get me under control(for the most part) but when we both try to quit, we both want to kill each other. Its kind of damned if you do, damned if you dont.


Nov 21, 2011
Voymom said:
Sam!!!! I freaking LOVE your avatar :biggrin:

But to stay some what on topic lol We have flavors too. But I'm not sure if those cartridges match up with the e-cig that is $20.00 I wouldn't mind puffing on a cherry flavored one. I know I need to quit, but cold turkey will result in someone getting hurt lol It was easier for me to quit when the hubby was still smoking believe it or not. Granted it was hard for me, but when I wanted to kill him, he was calm and could get me under control(for the most part) but when we both try to quit, we both want to kill each other. Its kind of damned if you do, damned if you dont.

haha thanks! But the starter kit we sell has two different chargers and the batteries and starts you off with a variety pack and all that. Is that what they sell? We do have the disposable ones that are $10 but once done its in the trash so those get costly if you keep doing those here.


Original poster
Feb 3, 2012
ItsOnVoy said:
haha thanks! But the starter kit we sell has two different chargers and the batteries and starts you off with a variety pack and all that. Is that what they sell? We do have the disposable ones that are $10 but once done its in the trash so those get costly if you keep doing those here.

Yeah our e-cigs I was talking about are the starter kits as well. They also give us a few brands to choose from. We even have long e-cig like the 100's and regular sized e-cigs. I'm still not entirely sure on what I want to do though. I have tried everything medicinal to help me quit.


Nov 21, 2011
Voymom said:
Yeah our e-cigs I was talking about are the starter kits as well. They also give us a few brands to choose from. We even have long e-cig like the 100's and regular sized e-cigs. I'm still not entirely sure on what I want to do though. I have tried everything medicinal to help me quit.

I say start with those and give yourself a week on them and see how you feel after. Many do like them and other don't care for them you know. Have your husband give it a shot with you! You will notice a difference


Nov 18, 2011
Denali n DOO said:
I spend $17.50 each and every day and could sure use that money on something else like a

Paying my rent...


Original poster
Feb 3, 2012
ItsOnVoy said:
I say start with those and give yourself a week on them and see how you feel after. Many do like them and other don't care for them you know. Have your husband give it a shot with you! You will notice a difference

Yeah, with how bad they are for you, I was a bit nervous. But I heard a lot of success stories from church with the e-cig. I think I would do a 30 day tapered trial and go from there. I would definitely have the hubby get one as well. I just want to quit. I know the first 3 days are the worse as it takes 3 days for the nicotine to get completely out of you system, and from there it is all willpower and mental power. But I just can't seem to make it the 3 days....


Nov 21, 2011
Voymom said:
Yeah, with how bad they are for you, I was a bit nervous. But I heard a lot of success stories from church with the e-cig. I think I would do a 30 day tapered trial and go from there. I would definitely have the hubby get one as well. I just want to quit. I know the first 3 days are the worse as it takes 3 days for the nicotine to get completely out of you system, and from there it is all willpower and mental power. But I just can't seem to make it the 3 days....

you can do anything you set your mind to do!! your mind controls your body and you will be surprised the things it can make you do, you want it bad enough ull never see a cig again or able to look back! :thumbsup:


Jun 17, 2012
Voymom said:
Yeah, with how bad they are for you, I was a bit nervous. But I heard a lot of success stories from church with the e-cig. I think I would do a 30 day tapered trial and go from there. I would definitely have the hubby get one as well. I just want to quit. I know the first 3 days are the worse as it takes 3 days for the nicotine to get completely out of you system, and from there it is all willpower and mental power. But I just can't seem to make it the 3 days....

I bought an e-cig kit day before and it has been pretty decent... Only smoked 6 real ones in two days and was a pack n a half a day smoker.... Still on my first cartridge too... Bought the cheap ones from Wal Mart, spent 28 bucks and got a double cartridge kit with the battery and charger plus a 5 pack of the 1.8 mg menthols. Best part is no nasty smoke everywhere and I can smoke anywhere without the consequences.


Dec 2, 2011
I'm using Chantix and to an extent it has worked. I smoke 3 cigarettes a day during the week. The weekends, for some reason I have a blow out and smoke more, especially if I'm playing golf.

I want to stop and am determined to stop. Now that I've made that announcement, I AM GOING TO STOP. :biggrin:

Denali n DOO

May 22, 2012
Matt said:
I want to stop and am determined to stop. Now that I've made that announcement, I AM GOING TO STOP. :biggrin:

All right then I'm in :thumbsup: ! I'm DONE at 10am today. And now that it's been announced as well I'm gonna stick to it!

Thanks Voymom n Matt for the motivation :tiphat:


Nov 21, 2011
Matt said:
I'm using Chantix and to an extent it has worked. I smoke 3 cigarettes a day during the week. The weekends, for some reason I have a blow out and smoke more, especially if I'm playing golf.

I want to stop and am determined to stop. Now that I've made that announcement, I AM GOING TO STOP. :biggrin:

Denali n DOO said:
All right then I'm in :thumbsup: ! I'm DONE at 10am today. And now that it's been announced as well I'm gonna stick to it!

Thanks Voymom n Matt for the motivation :tiphat:



Original poster
Feb 3, 2012
Matt- I have tried chantix, and I can't use it. I have also tried welbutrin as well, and ended up in the ER due to a really bad side effect. I'm thinking I will either have to go cold turkey, or using the e-cig.


Dec 2, 2011
Voymom said:
Matt- I have tried chantix, and I can't use it. I have also tried welbutrin as well, and ended up in the ER due to a really bad side effect. I'm thinking I will either have to go cold turkey, or using the e-cig.

The worst I ever got were the funky dreams, right at the beginning, oh, and feeling sick to my stomach. I don't have the dreams anymore and I take it in the morning after I've had brekkie, so I don't feel sick. But, they effect different people in different ways and it seems as though you are one of the one's that it really gets at.

If Chantix didn't work for me, I'd go cold turkey. I think the biggest thing you have to break is the habit of having a cigarette. Once you do that and survive the 7 days or so nicotine craving, it gets easier as time goes on.

But as was mentioned, never think I'll just have one, because you won't stop at that and will have to start all over again.

Denali n DOO

May 22, 2012
Matt said:
The worst I ever got were the funky dreams, right at the beginning, oh, and feeling sick to my stomach. I don't have the dreams anymore and I take it in the morning after I've had brekkie, so I don't feel sick. But, they effect different people in different ways and it seems as though you are one of the one's that it really gets at.

If Chantix didn't work for me, I'd go cold turkey. I think the biggest thing you have to break is the habit of having a cigarette. Once you do that and survive the 7 days or so nicotine craving, it gets easier as time goes on.

But as was mentioned, never think I'll just have one, because you won't stop at that and will have to start all over again.

I'm almost 24 hours cold turkey, prob was having 3-4 cravings hour, sometimes it was worse actually reaching for the pack that's not there. Went to bed early last night so I didn't have to think about it. So by the end of day 2 I'll have $35.00 extra in my pocket and 32 mini cigars not smoked. So far cold turkeys been alright for me.


Nov 18, 2011
Denali n DOO said:
I'm almost 24 hours cold turkey, prob was having 3-4 cravings hour, sometimes it was worse actually reaching for the pack that's not there. Went to bed early last night so I didn't have to think about it. So by the end of day 2 I'll have $35.00 extra in my pocket and 32 mini cigars not smoked. So far cold turkeys been alright for me.

Congrats and well done!


Nov 21, 2011
Denali n DOO said:
I'm almost 24 hours cold turkey, prob was having 3-4 cravings hour, sometimes it was worse actually reaching for the pack that's not there. Went to bed early last night so I didn't have to think about it. So by the end of day 2 I'll have $35.00 extra in my pocket and 32 mini cigars not smoked. So far cold turkeys been alright for me.

Nice job man!! Keep it up and you'll be smoke free very soon!!:thumbsup:


Jul 4, 2012
Good Luck! Stay strong. to paraphrase V Lombardi the easiest way to quit is not to start. That said I have never smoked due to severe allergies but I did drink. Had to stop and it was cold turkey for me. Nowadays I might have one beer every few months if even that.


Dec 4, 2011
Voymom said:
Matt- I have tried chantix, and I can't use it. I have also tried welbutrin as well, and ended up in the ER due to a really bad side effect. I'm thinking I will either have to go cold turkey, or using the e-cig.

She also had a temper and could not quit normally. Her method (involuntarily) Heart attack, mild one stabilize then open heart surgery with all the pain associated with it and a month in intensive care/recovery. When she finally was out she was off (and afraid of restarting) . Problem was two years later. Her youger brother had cancer (terminal). She ended up starting his smokes for him when he was unable to. That started her up again. Which in the end killed her a couple of years later. SO when you are trying to quit, and having an anger problem because of it. Just think about what it took for her and do you want to go that way too wth the pain etc. associated with it. Yes it may be hard at that moment but try too. It may help settle you down. The anger would be justified at those that prvrovided/made the cigs but the person that smoked them is to blame too. (I know the first smoke prbably made you cough so why keep on)


Dec 6, 2011
keep up the good work!! just think if you keep at it for a month you would save over 500 dollars just think of how you could feed your mod bug then :wootwoot:

Denali n DOO

May 22, 2012
the roadie said:
We seem to have a much larger pent-up demand for this thread, and the initial technical question is long since forgotten.

Enjoy its new identity, and carry on. GOOD LUCK TO ALL QUITTERS!!!!!!!

Thanks Roadie!!!

So guess what? My ciggarrette smoking wife hasn't noticed that I'm not smoking. Ha ha I think that's funny! She has no idea at all. Earlier today she gave me her smoke n said hold this I'll be right back! I just looked at it like it was candy. I wonder when she gonna notice I ain't smoking??

Matt, how's it going for you?

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