Thank you GM


Original poster
Dec 4, 2011
Thank you GM for making a safe car, that i drive.
This morning i got in a wreck, all by myself and i live deap in the mountains, so no one was around,
Going around an easy curve, doing about 55-60 my truck last traction, i went through the left lane, steered the car to slide and stay out of the ditch, took out two very thick highway signs, much like speed limit signs, but the poles holding them are thicker. I power slid through the dirt, hit the signs, took out both doors on driver side, bumper cover, and my mirror, kept control, and went right back onto the road. I am thankful i didnt roll or anything as i went off the road. The sheriff told me when he looked at my car, "You can Replace a vehicle, but you cant replace yourself".

picture time!
i think this is broken glass from my mirror, on my window....

bumper cover is cracked


Driverside Doors




My keyless entry still works,, surprisingly.

Back Door


Driver Door

I never realized how much i used this mirror..



Dec 6, 2011
I'm glad you are ok, I'm your ride will be fixed in no time.


Lifetime VIP Donor
Nov 18, 2011
Wow... that truck took quite a whack!! Glad you are ok, that could have been very ugly. Looks like you were able to keep on driving. :cool:


Dec 3, 2011
:iagree: You can always replace the truck. Glad you ok man.

I'm sure your ride will be back to normal in no time.


Nov 20, 2011
North Las Vegas
I am glad you came out of it ok. That will buff right out for you. :wink:


Nov 20, 2011
glad to hear your ok.
did you ever figure out why you lost traction?
was it cold enough for black ice, maybe some loose gravel?


Original poster
Dec 4, 2011
fletch09 said:
glad to hear your ok.
did you ever figure out why you lost traction?
was it cold enough for black ice, maybe some loose gravel?

It was rain... sorry if i didnt put that in the first post..
wasnt raining hard, but it rained all night and all this morning, and there was actually alot of water where i slid at, and i wasnt expecting that.


Dec 5, 2011
Glad everyone is Ok!

Scary stuff it is, only a month after I got me TB a teen rear ended me. I was stopped at a stop sign, and remember seeing the car coming-and-coming-and-coming, and telling my wife at the last minute where gona get hit were gona get hit, and we got hit. She was in tears (the 17yr old) blabbering I’m sorry I was texting. Crazier is she said only minutes before she had just left the High School Parking lot where she took off the bumper of another car:eek:


Original poster
Dec 4, 2011
jbones said:
Glad everyone is Ok!

Scary stuff it is, only a month after I got me TB a teen rear ended me. I was stopped at a stop sign, and remember seeing the car coming-and-coming-and-coming, and telling my wife at the last minute where gona get hit were gona get hit, and we got hit. She was in tears (the 17yr old) blabbering I’m sorry I was texting. Crazier is she said only minutes before she had just left the High School Parking lot where she took off the bumper of another car:eek:

Im also a teen driver, but im not a female, so that makes a word of difference, and i drive more on my way to school which is 2 towns away, than most kids do all week. so ive got more seat time than most 17 year olds! :raspberry:
and that completely sucks to get rear ended! im just glad that i was the only one in the car, and the only car involved in the accident.

i was joking with my mom, and i was saying how since they are going to have to replace BOTH bumper covers, 2 Doors, and the front fender, they might as well repaint the whole truck! and they should paint it black!


Dec 4, 2011
jbones said:
Glad everyone is Ok!

Scary stuff it is, only a month after I got me TB a teen rear ended me. I was stopped at a stop sign, and remember seeing the car coming-and-coming-and-coming, and telling my wife at the last minute where gona get hit were gona get hit, and we got hit. She was in tears (the 17yr old) blabbering I’m sorry I was texting. Crazier is she said only minutes before she had just left the High School Parking lot where she took off the bumper of another car:eek:

I would be so tempted to smack her on the upside of the head for that.


Dec 6, 2011
Man so glad to hear your ok man hydroplaning can suck my friend/ old swim team coach was coming home from work one morning driving a eclipse came around a bend hydroplaned and rolled his car over a embankment unfortunately he wasn't as lucky as u and it being a convertible they said he pretty much died on spot so I'm so very glad they u came out with just a banged up truck


Dec 4, 2011
good to hear your okay now hopefully they can nurse your TB back to its glory soon!


Original poster
Dec 4, 2011
Black_tb said:
Man so glad to hear your ok man hydroplaning can suck my friend/ old swim team coach was coming home from work one morning driving a eclipse came around a bend hydroplaned and rolled his car over a embankment unfortunately he wasn't as lucky as u and it being a convertible they said he pretty much died on spot so I'm so very glad they u came out with just a banged up truck

dang, i really hate to hear that, im truely sorry to anyone who loses any family or friends in car accidents, its a scary thing when you actually think about it. It could happen to anyone, shoot it happened to me on a curve i drive on every single day. I'm thankful.


Dec 4, 2011
Similar experience here in my old car. Went around a curve on an onramp I've driven a billion times, but this one time I just went across the 4 lanes of rush hour interstate traffic into a concrete wall instead... Somehow didn't even come that close to hitting anyone, back end of the car hit the wall and not the front, and came to a stop completely on the left shoulder out of the way of traffic. Walked away with nothing but whiplash that hurt bad for about 6 weeks. Scary to think of what could have happened there, heck I easily could have hit other cars on the way across, gotten creamed by a semi, caused a huge wreck of other cars and who knows how many injuries and/or deaths (including my own).... :eek:

Crap gotta stop thinking about it, gives me the shivers every time. Don't need any flashbacks to come back either.


Original poster
Dec 4, 2011
Sparky said:
Similar experience here in my old car. Went around a curve on an onramp I've driven a billion times, but this one time I just went across the 4 lanes of rush hour interstate traffic into a concrete wall instead... Somehow didn't even come that close to hitting anyone, back end of the car hit the wall and not the front, and came to a stop completely on the left shoulder out of the way of traffic. Walked away with nothing but whiplash that hurt bad for about 6 weeks. Scary to think of what could have happened there, heck I easily could have hit other cars on the way across, gotten creamed by a semi, caused a huge wreck of other cars and who knows how many injuries and/or deaths (including my own).... :eek:

Crap gotta stop thinking about it, gives me the shivers every time. Don't need any flashbacks to come back either.

as i was reading this i was thinking about one article i saw, where a smart car hit a semi head on... lets just say that car became a convertible. and things were not good, We should all be thankful everytime we get home safe everynight, and hope nothing happens the next day, but we cant live scared.


Nov 18, 2011
Glad you are ok and did not do any panic driving and end upside down or down the hill.


Dec 4, 2011
Glad you are ok. Stabilitrac corrects any panic driving and lets you avoid many catastrophic accidents before you even realize how close you came. Replace it with an 06 on up when Stabilitrac was standard. Spoken from someone who's wife rolled our last Rainier where stabilitrac would have made it never get to that point.


Dec 4, 2011
Jkust said:
Glad you are ok. Stabilitrac corrects any panic driving and lets you avoid many catastrophic accidents before you even realize how close you came. Replace it with an 06 on up when Stabilitrac was standard. Spoken from someone who's wife rolled our last Rainier where stabilitrac would have made it never get to that point.

:iagree: Stabilitrac saved my bacon about a month after I bought the car, was heading to vegas driving through the mountains with a light rain, came up to a corner, there was a truck upside down in the right lane, a semi cut in front of me. Stepped on the brakes, and abs instantly kicked in since the road had iced over in a 20 ft strip on the road, stabilitrac kicked in cause the rear wanted to come out, kept me from plowing into the k rails in the middle of the road, then since I had the wheel turned to avoid the barrier, went back across the lane/ice and came to a complete stop in the right lane at a 90 degree angle, and about 5 feet from the two guys who rolled the truck. If I had any other car, i would of smacked the barrier, and went across the road and taken out the 2 guys, and hit the upside down truck.

I'm glad to see that you made it out with out any scratches, the truck looks like it made it without any considerable harm. I like the idea of painting it black, just dont do it if you have an obsession with keeping it clean, lol.


Dec 5, 2011
Glad to see that you are Ok!


Original poster
Dec 4, 2011
Jkust said:
Glad you are ok. Stabilitrac corrects any panic driving and lets you avoid many catastrophic accidents before you even realize how close you came. Replace it with an 06 on up when Stabilitrac was standard. Spoken from someone who's wife rolled our last Rainier where stabilitrac would have made it never get to that point.

My truck is an 06, and i assume stabiltrak was very much so assisting me when i was sliding sideways, and it more than likely kept my vehicle, and my self from being anyworse than it is!


Nov 20, 2011
I am glad to hear that you made it out safely. It always amazes me how well these trucks hold up in an accident. It certainly helps give me some peace of mind every time the wife and kids pull out of the driveway!


Dec 21, 2011
wooaa glad you're ok! the way you described the accident that's crazy! I almost lost traction few weeks ago in rain too, but I usually have the A4WD in that kinda weather and it kicked in just in time :thumbsup: Again glad you're ok !


Dec 4, 2011
YOUNG said:
My truck is an 06, and i assume stabiltrak was very much so assisting me when i was sliding sideways, and it more than likely kept my vehicle, and my self from being anyworse than it is!

So I see it is. Thank your lucky stars you didn't roll over.


Original poster
Dec 4, 2011
Jkust said:
So I see it is. Thank your lucky stars you didn't roll over.

IM very thankful, evertime i look at my truck i think about that.

update on the whole insurance process, looks like the place we always take our cars to get body work done, wont be able to get it in, untill the 16th on jan, and then idk itll be a few weeks or so.. im not sure, i was talking with my mom, saying how i wonder if i could talk them into ordering new mirrors with blinkers, and Lt bumper, and then painting the whole truck black, since they will more than likely have to paint the whole thing to match all the new doors, and bumpers going on


Dec 4, 2011
YOUNG said:
IM very thankful, evertime i look at my truck i think about that.

update on the whole insurance process, looks like the place we always take our cars to get body work done, wont be able to get it in, untill the 16th on jan, and then idk itll be a few weeks or so.. im not sure, i was talking with my mom, saying how i wonder if i could talk them into ordering new mirrors with blinkers, and Lt bumper, and then painting the whole truck black, since they will more than likely have to paint the whole thing to match all the new doors, and bumpers going on

The bummer there is your car will be worth substantially less when the carfax show major damage and the pool of buyers shrinks if you ever sell. I'd fight for a total loss if it is even close to that. When my wife rolled the Rainier of course every single panel on the car was destroyed and they pushed hard to get the check into our hands ASAP. I was traveling and stuff and they were hot to close the claim.


Dec 4, 2011
Jkust said:
The bummer there is your car will be worth substantially less when the carfax show major damage and the pool of buyers shrinks if you ever sell. I'd fight for a total loss if it is even close to that. When my wife rolled the Rainier of course every single panel on the car was destroyed and they pushed hard to get the check into our hands ASAP. I was traveling and stuff and they were hot to close the claim.

Maybe I'm in the minority, but I don't care about resale value. I care about my vehicle and want to keep it. I rarely resell cars and plan on driving them until they can't be driven anymore.


Nov 18, 2011
F resale.

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