How about a section to post reviews of vendors, products, dealers as well as sellers and buyers from our classifieds. People asking what bearing hubs are good or bad, suspension parts, shocks, etc. would be useful for them to find such information. Also, people selling and buying here we can post their experiences with dealings in the classifieds, which would help in keeping people in line I would think. Seen that in a snowmobiling site I used to frequent. This could be a contentious issue so no biggie if we don't adopt that but reviews of everything else would be good.
We should have a sticky on the posting format, which would be similar to most online retailers:
Title: Name of product/dealer/retailer/seller/buyer being reviewed
Number of stars: 0-5
Pros: strengths of the thing being reviewed
Cons: weaknesses of the thing being reviewed
Summary: short description and reasoning for the review
Full review: Complete story of the thing being reviewed and circumstances
We should have a sticky on the posting format, which would be similar to most online retailers:
Title: Name of product/dealer/retailer/seller/buyer being reviewed
Number of stars: 0-5
Pros: strengths of the thing being reviewed
Cons: weaknesses of the thing being reviewed
Summary: short description and reasoning for the review
Full review: Complete story of the thing being reviewed and circumstances