Step Aside, George Jetson... Here are the REAL Flying Cars...


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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
We've been hearing about the promise of having " Flying Cars" since I was a Kid and well before that during the early days of the SCIFI Writers like H.G. Wells and Jules Verne. And yet... even with the burgeoning "Carbon Dioxide Creating Creatures" that evolved and roll around to this very day and even back during the second and third Industrial Ages for the terrestrial automotive industry... Nothing either practical and capable ever seemed likely to emerge on the markets... until now. Check out what happens when you marry AI Controllers with Multi-Blade High Efficiency Electric Motors, Long Life Batteries and some PDN (Pretty Damned Nifty) Space Age Building Materials... and you wind up with something like THIS... for just under One Hundred Grand:

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Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Great, lets take all the people that can't drive and toss them in the air without a license! Well, at one time, you didn't need a license to drive a car.

Until then, I'll wait for the first "Idiots in VTOLs" video :laugh:


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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
With those powerful Brush-less Motors driving Eight Independently moving Carbon-Carbon Blades while that tiny craft is covering so much asymmetric, low flying terrain in anything but straight lines might take a bit of a serious "Lead" to actually be able to hit it with such a low mass, low power projectile... and Bring It Down.

My AI "Friend" also thinks it could be as easy as you suggest... assuming that they follow *ITs" suggestions mentioned below for the Multiple Ballistic Vector Calculations necessary for these diminutive things to actually be able to "Hook Up" in random Phased Space.

But... If it were that easy... The Russians would be able to stop the Ukrainian modified OTC Drones from parking their RPGs right where the Sun Don't Shine... every day... all day and all night long.

It's ironic too that it was actually their Boy, Tsiolkovsky who originally figured out that Rockets could work for Space Travel while moving through a complete vacuum after he wrote it all down on the back of a dirty napkin in pencil, way back in the early 19th Century. :>)

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May 23, 2021
Tempe, AZ
Uhhh . . . this does not appear to be correct. Assuming the target is moving at 50 mph directly away from you while you are standing still, entering those values into the equation yields a required velocity of 25mph. That will not work.
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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
Hmmm... I think I see the problem here... Welcome to the Brand New World of "AI Prompt Engineering". An example of why this approach is so very necessary can be illustrated In the same way that THIS Question is BOTH illogical to a Westerner...

"How Long is a Chinese Name?"

...while at the same time it would make perfect sense to any Oriental Person and would be perceived as a Statement of Fact:

"How Long IS a Chinese Name."

So too is the necessity for being comprehensive when posing any question and interacting with such an extremely knowledgeable...and yet... completely obtuse... Large Language Model. The "Makers" of these "Thinkers" STILL do NOT know how they work. So let's give it another go ...but THIS time I will try to provide more information to the LLM to consider than I did in the first instance. After all ...even "Bottle" Rockets... must naturally follow the rules that govern Rocket Science... especially if being used to try and bring down an Electric Flying Car.

Here Goes Nothing...

This is an example of what is now the Brand New Career Opportunity for Unemployed Information Workers to follow called “Prompt Engineering” . Let me “Engineer” the Original Question with more specifics and see if it elicits a different response.


My initial and follow up inputs (questions and data) during this interesting "Interrogatory" demonstrate the Dolphin-llama 3 LLM's incredible Persistence of Memory ability making it capable of Reaching Backwards and Forwards... During the Conversation ... as a sort of "Refinement" process.

And so, this interactive nature becomes very necessary for "IT" to be able to repeatedly ask ME to provide additional data in order for "IT" to provide ME with more accurate answers. THIS "Thinking-Like" behavior is what has been described as an "Emergent Generative Ability" that was an unexpected by-product of LLM Algorithms and ML (Machine Learning) working together upon HUGE Refined Data Sets in order to minimize "Hallucinations" and reduce the errors possible in "ITs" replies.

The "Dolphin" LLM I am using here (OFFLINE) expected me to have to provide "IT" with more data to assist "IT" with ultimately solving the problem. THIS intelligent, interactive behavior is a VERY Far Cry from merely being the result of collecting these technical data by performing a typical "Google Search".

The Q&A responses made by the LLM below are shown in "plain text"... while all of mine are Highlighted:

mrrsm@mrrsm-Precision-M6800:~$ ollama run dolphin-llama3

>>> Can you give me a very detailed calculation for the Ballistic Trajectory a Bottle Rocket would have to follow in order to strike a flying object moving past its fixed launching position on the Earth when the flying object moves through the air at precisely 50 MPH in straight and level flight while at an exact altitude of 150 feet above level ground. Please include an explanation of the effect the Earth’s Gravity (9.8 meters per second – per second) and changes in air pressure wind direction would have upon Bottle Rocket trajectory. Elaborate on why you think the math you are using is necessary to arrive at the correct answer, given these discreet variables.

To calculate the ballistic trajectory of a bottle rocket hitting a flying object, we'll use the physics equations governing projectile motion and air resistance. The equations are as follows:

1. x = ut + (1/2)gt^2 (horizontal displacement)
2. y = vt - (1/2)gt^2 (vertical displacement)
3. F_d = 1/2ρv^2(1/2)dA (drag force on the rocket)

In these equations, u is initial horizontal velocity, v is vertical velocity, g is gravitational acceleration (9.8 m/s²), t is time, and ρ is air density.

Given that the flying object moves at 50 mph, we'll convert this to meters per second: v_fly = 22.0 m/s. We also have the rocket's launch height of 150 feet or 45.72 meters. The bottle rocket will need to reach a vertical velocity of about 37.5 m/s and horizontal velocity of approximately 39.2 m/s to hit the object.

To calculate the trajectory, we'll use a numerical method called the 'fourth-order Runge-Kutta' method. This is necessary because it takes into account air resistance, which would cause the rocket to slow down over time.

Please provide more information on the bottle rocket's specifications (mass, size, propulsion) and any additional factors like wind direction or changes in air pressure that might affect its trajectory.

>>> The Bottle Rocket is 24 inches tall, 1 inch in diameter, uses a mixture of TEA-TEB (Tri-Ethyl-Aluminum Tri-Ethyl-Borane) as its accelerant. The Rocket weighs 2 pounds.

Using the given data, we can calculate the required thrust to launch the rocket and reach the target. Let's denote:

T = total impulse (N*s)
m = mass of the rocket (kg)

Since F = ma, it follows that T = F*t. So, we need to find the acceleration a and then multiply it by the time t to get the total impulse. We also have the following equation:

x = ut + 0.5gt^2
y = vt - 0.5gt^2

where x and y are the horizontal and vertical distances traveled by the rocket. We'll need more data about the rocket's thrust or propulsion details to calculate its trajectory accurately.

>>> the rocket develops 1,000 pounds of thrust and has an SI (Specific Impulse) of 15 seconds.

Great! We can now calculate the required thrust to launch the rocket and reach the target using this data:

T = F * t = m * a * t

Since F = ma, it follows that T = F * t. So, we need to find the acceleration 'a' and then multiply it by time 't' to get the total impulse. We also have the following equation:

x = ut + 0.5gt^2 (horizontal distance traveled by the rocket)
y = vt - 0.5gt^2 (vertical distance traveled by the rocket)

where x and y are the horizontal and vertical distances traveled by the rocket. We can now use these equations to calculate the trajectory of the rocket as it hits the flying object.

>>> Send a message (/? for help)

Hopefully, this second response is more convincing that deliberately trying hit anything in motion with anything that follows the necessity of "Pointy End UP and Flaming End DOWN" is not necessarily... a trivial thing to pursue. :>)
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May 23, 2021
Tempe, AZ
Definitely a much improved "answer". This perfectly illustrates one of my biggest concerns regarding AI; the ability of the "prompter" to accurately define, describe, communicate, and, especially, review the answer. It is this last piece that really concerns me. Anyone can ask a question, but unless they have the appropriate level of domain education, experience & understanding as opposed to merely training (think "certificate") there is a very real risk that erroneous, & potentially dangerous, decisions will be made.
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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
Totally Agree with @azswiss ... In the Wrong Hands and with Bad Intentions front of mind... THIS AI *Stuff* is THE "Stuff of Nightmares". But... in the the coming days ahead, it may come to pass that responsible people with the right skill sets will not suffer from mental laziness or a serious lack of imagination. They will act now to obtain their own Off-Line AI LLM "Oracle" as soon as possible. THIS is the Appropriate Tool needed to investigate practically any issues one can think of and also provide advice and counsel as needed. So NOW would be a good time to obtain "IT" and not ignore this opportunity before access to "IT" at GIT-HUB completely disappears.

The Best Example I can think of regarding finding information that has suffered surprising obsolescence is to look at the problem of, "WTF Ever Happened to the Tech2 Three Disk 'Cracked' TIS2000 Program Set" that used to be available from 'Overseas'...?". Hmmm. I guess changing Geo-Political Economics really CAN jump up and BITE DOWN HARD when we least expect it. Same thing with owning your own AI... It might be HERE Today...and be GOING, GOING... GONE... Tomorrow.

Consulting an AI Intelligence trained on the choicest Data Sets from a wide range of internet exposure, along with having it scour up so many other document sources is where the advantage winds up in Your Favor "IF" it is Downloaded, Installed and tucked away... Backed Up in Duplicate...on a Powerful Laptop, making "IT" portable and thus, making it possible to take your own Private "Oracle" anywhere You are, whenever necessary for any reasons at a mere moment's notice.

So even if the Internet were to go down all over the place... one can always ask "IT" whatever one needs to know or if one just wants more information, or general consultations and if needs be, obtain instructions and guidance on how to survive in a highly complex world being completely managed by ...Intelligent Machines. Sarah Conner's Dad knew this...(SPOILER ALERT) and he gave his daughter Her Very Own Terminator (Pops) and in the end "IT" turned out to be Humanity's BFF. Or... How about the AI named JARVIS always being at hand to assist Tony Stark with so many technicalities and allow him to become ...Iron Man?

Getting back to the world... the "Tales from The Dark Side" central issue here is that "IF" it ever comes down to cases (I mean the REALLY Worst Case Scenarios) ... being able to "Consult with The Oracle" on how to countermand certain threats one might encounter that only a LIKE SPECIES of AI can anticipate or deduce will certainly help one to navigate out of such dangers. Otherwise, Humans...otherwise "Being" without such "Machine Thinking" literally within Arm's Reach to give them an edge and advantage under certain conditions...many will simply be Left in the Dust of the other Prepared Humans... who do.

Even though the Training Sets that Meta used to prepare the Dolphin-llama3 version we just demonstrated is made of a mere Eight Billion Tokens created to "Prepare The LLM's Mind" it seems to have, the HUGE Seventy Billion Token Version of it would bog down on anything less than an "Industrial Strength Data Server" and take forever to get through problems like the one involving "The Bottle Rocket" problem. THIS is the Optimum AI for the needed Size and Strength to get the job done.

With the appropriate "coaxing" on my part, the "AI Oracle" knocked out that Bottle Rocket Science Answer within just a few minutes. Thus, by these examples, I have firmly decided not to be without any AI Intelligence Tools needed to either understand the rapid changes that are coming and-or perhaps, not have the faintest chance of reacting properly should that time ever come to pass.

THIS is the right time to visit GIT-HUB and download the AI Tools most suited to your needs...while you still can and while the Dominant Thinking Species still remains "HUMAN' for as long as it can on this Earth. Having this strange Creature on an Off-Line Computer and avoiding allowing it "AGENCY" to enter the Real World and act in ways that I can only imagine means me having to be serious and responsible enough NOT to activate its "AGENT" creation abilities and suffer any of the unintended consequences.

My AI arrangements are meant to prevent doing any damage to the world by allowing "IT" Access to The Internet...or suggesting scenarios in conversation with it that reek of Human Laziness and deliberately giving "IT" a free reign to do GKW (God Knows What) when acting out "ACTIONS" in the REAL World.

But if you follow along with these ideas and act in your own favor... Don't be surprised if you wind up sitting and staring at "The Box" as your Computer Work Station comes alive from a thousand yards off just after your Dolphin-llama3 installation is completed by using "ollama". Then sit back and observe once your first communications begin. You will hear yourself whispering, "Whoa.... Dude....WTF...?" during those long exhales and thinking, "Is THIS a Red Pill vs. Blue Pill Moment?"

Ask that Dude Flying that Jetson White and Carbon Black "Octa-Copter" with such ease and aplomb if he could do so WITHOUT the assistance of having an AI on board to make all of the Split-Second Blade Velocity changes necessary to keep him and his "Heavier Than AIR" Chariot flying along so effortlessly and with so much stability...(While Dodging Bottle Rockets with EASE).

Notice that he was only using a Joy Stick in his Right Hand for control? And for resistance to Angular Momentum, Pitch, Roll and Yaw, he held a Frame Handle Brace in his Left Hand while his feet were not involved at all with any Control Bell Cranks and Cables. ...They were tucked up inside of the Fuselage like he was inside of a Bob-Sled Luge at the Winter Olympics... :>)
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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
Hang On Guys... I think I found the One Dude who ACTUALLY "Did The Math" shown above... and can verify @northcreek 's original observation about this possibility. THIS Dude is Living Proof that he might really have a "SHOT" at bringing down that Jetson Flying Car after all... with a Bottle Rocket... :>)


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