Steering wheel position sensor


Original poster
Mar 24, 2012
My traction control and stabilitrac lights have been occasionally coming on for the last couple of weeks and now becoming much more frequent,if I turn engine off and restart they go off,I did a on-star diagnostic and they said it was the steering wheel position sensor. my question is ,has anyone done this thereself and is this part sold anywhere besides the dealer for $143.00,which is the only place and best price I can find.


Lifetime VIP Donor
Nov 19, 2011
Portland, OR
There's a good write-up on the TBSS Owner's site: I bought a steering angle sensor..... - Forums - The #1 TrailblazerSS Dedicated Owners Forum

All GM parts can be obtained more cheaply from

Look for the part also on Ebay. Easily found for around $100. GM 19150081

Dorman also makes an aftermarket replacement Part # 601003 for $70 or so that any parts store in your town should be able to get.

You guys really gotta get more used to searching places like Rockauto or Googling for descriptions like "trailblazer steering wheel position sensor". :wink:


Jan 25, 2013
Ok...hold our TBs have the EVO steering set up like the last few years of the GMT400 trucks?

Denali n DOO

May 22, 2012
steveo67 said:
My traction control and stabilitrac lights have been occasionally coming on for the last couple of weeks and now becoming much more frequent,if I turn engine off and restart they go off,I did a on-star diagnostic and they said it was the steering wheel position sensor. my question is ,has anyone done this thereself and is this part sold anywhere besides the dealer for $143.00,which is the only place and best price I can find.

Wow, even $143 sounds like a deal to me, I'm up here in the North where that part #19150081 (sensor sp 065220) for my Envoy cost $296.64, plus taxes, I had a P0455 set. We get totally ripped off up here for parts...n beer too!!


Jun 20, 2012
My traction control and stabilitrac lights have been coming on quite a bit the past 4-5 weeks. When I turned the car off and then restarted it, everything was back to normal. It was very annoying and also with it being winter time, probably when I need it the most, I decided to use the search function on here. It seems it usually is related to the infamous steering wheel position sensor but from my research the part isn't that cheap and replacing it is a big PITA. I read in one of the posts that sometimes the sensor doesn't "read" the steering wheel as being straight when it actually is and that causes the system to malfunction. Well I decided to make sure that every time I parked my car that the wheels were dead straight and not turned to the right or left any at all. I've been doing that for about 6 days now and the traction control and stabilitrac lights have not come back on once. Maybe it's a fluke, maybe it's luck, who knows, but I just wanted to share my experience and what has fixed my issue so far, best of all, it's free.

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