StabiliTrak service and indicator lights came on twice


Original poster
Dec 5, 2011
StabiliTrak service and indicator lights came once in late 2011, on that occasion I was still in the garage so turned truck off re-started, and no lights reappeared. Last week both lights on again bu didn’t notice until I was on the road, once I made destination I tuned it off re-stated, no lights.

I‘ve read a thread that mentioned the clock spring, but as intermittent as this seems could this be mostly from the position steering wheel was left over night? Or should I be looking for another root cause?


Dec 4, 2011
If it bothers u have the sensor replaced..IF that's the issue. I just ignore it.


Jan 25, 2012
Mine does the same thing. Once every 3 weeks or so. Glad to hear I'm not the only one, and that its nothing serious. Any info on this steering wheel position sensor just for reference? Part number, location, etc?


Dec 4, 2011
Its somewhere located in the dash. Haven't replaced one but there are some threads on it. (I believe)


Original poster
Dec 5, 2011
NewfieEnvoy said:
Mine does the same thing. Once every 3 weeks or so. Glad to hear I'm not the only one, and that its nothing serious. Any info on this steering wheel position sensor just for reference? Part number, location, etc?

In the service manual it can be found under steering column:

I'd call the dealership near me $152 & some change.

But then I suppose I won't know if that's it unless I have it looked at, or read.


Dec 3, 2011
I have had the issue on and off since I got my truck used in 09. I have just dealt with it as its not a constant issue. Maybe once every other week. I think in order to have the code read (when the light is on) you have to use a code reader able to read ABS codes. I don't know if any parts stores can read those codes.


Original poster
Dec 5, 2011
woody79 said:
I think in order to have the code read (when the light is on) you have to use a code reader able to read ABS codes. Idon't know if any parts stores can read those codes.

That would suck if the lights need to be on to be read, I mean the two times mine came on was (1) Sunday am on the way to IHOP, (2) 5 am on my way to work.


Dec 3, 2011
jbones said:
That would suck if the lights need to be on to be read, I mean the two times mine came on was (1) Sunday am on the way to IHOP, (2) 5 am on my way to work.

I'm not to sure if the lights have to be on to read the code or if it is stored and can be read later. Maybe someone with more experience will have more of an understanding. :confused:


Nov 20, 2011
You can pull the code after the light goes out, the PCM/ECM/TCM will store the code in history until it is cleared.

Jeff, sounds like you need to replace the steering wheel sensor. Not sure how much it costs, but let me know what you decide and I might be able to install it.


Dec 4, 2011
Which jeff?? Seems like there are a butt load of jeff's on the forum . Lol


Original poster
Dec 5, 2011
silvernclean said:
Which jeff?? Seems like there are a butt load of jeff's on the forum . Lol

Good soild name, would be a good Name to start a new Name, Name thread with.

Eric, I called it's $152, I'll get it read Friday to be sure and report back. $152,there goes the new rear shocks:quiverlips:


Nov 20, 2011
jbones said:
Good soild name, would be a good Name to start a new Name, Name thread with.

Eric, I called it's $152, I'll get it read Friday to be sure and report back. $152,there goes the new rear shocks:quiverlips:

Ah crap, yea that would eat that mod money up.

I still wish the mods would implement a name field under our usernames, heard it wasnt possible a few months ago. :frown:


Dec 3, 2011
jbones said:
If it turns out to be that and effects nothing else I may just put it off for the summer.

You'll have to keep us all updated. If you do end up replacing it maybe create a 'how to'? :undecided:


Dec 5, 2011
Alright so are you guys are talking about any dash lights that come on and go away after the truck is restarted? or is it specifically the stabilitrak lights?

Im asking because about two months ago while driving my service airbag light came on, which is pretty unnerving, anyway I got to my destination and turned the truck off. Came back later started up and no lights...and hasn't happened since

So heres the question. Is this a phantom service light caused by something similar to the steering wheel sensor? and is this something I should or shouldn't worry about?



Dec 4, 2011
woody79 said:
You'll have to keep us all updated. If you do end up replacing it maybe create a 'how to'? :undecided:

The old site had a very good how to with pictures. The sensor is really common to go bad on all GM trucks that used it.


Dec 3, 2011
Jkust said:
The old site had a very good how to with pictures. The sensor is really common to go bad on all GM trucks that used it.

I don't like to visit the OS if I can avoid it. I will have to pay a visit there sometime in the near future. I do want to make sure its the steering wheel position sensor so I don't waste $$. From what I have read you have to have a scanner hooked up that can display what angle (?) the sensor is reading the wheel at.


Apr 5, 2012
Now I have this problem too. Sometimes, I can't really say when, but the restarting works. Also my reader can delete the code, but can't really tell me what it is.
So for now I don't care so much about it as it doesn't give me any trouble.


Dec 6, 2011
Most OBDII scanners can't read the code because it is not emissions-related. Many scanners that can read ABS codes can also read stability control and traction control codes. I have a $100 scanner that can read OBDII, ABS, Stabiltrak and SRS codes.

If you take it to a local garage, check to see if they can read ABS codes first; if so, they can probably read the stability control code.

IF the code turns out to be steering wheel position sensor, IF it goes out when you drive for a bit and then restart and IF it only comes on occasionally (less than once a month or so) then I would not bother doing anything.

Understand the steering wheel position sensor is a combination of computerized technology and good old electro-mechanical sensor technology. This simply means that it is a very sophisticated example of what is basically like a variable resistor. Because most of us tend to drive a good portion of the time with the wheel relatively straight ahead, the outer edges of the electro-mechanical sensor don't get used as much. Like many other variable resistor-type sensors, very little use can lessen the contact.

This means that you come home one day and park with the steering wheel at a slightly greater angle than normal, and then leave it for a day or two. In the morning, your warning light goes on. If you drive for a few seconds and then restart, the light will go out.

This is why I recommend not doing anything if it meets the above three criteria. A new sensor will obviously cure the problem, but in a few years, it may come back again. It is just the nature of the sensor, and it not confined only to GM vehicles.

If the light come on more than once every month or so or if it does not go out after driving a bit and then restarting, then I would look at changing the sensor. But all this hinges on first getting the code read. If it is a steering wheel position sensor, don't panic quite yet and change it out (unless you are still under factory warranty of course. If you are under a third-party warranty - good luck getting them to pay for this!)


Original poster
Dec 5, 2011
We stopped off at a Chevy dealer today, turned out it was the Steering Wheel Posistion Sensor. My wife made me have it replaced while we were there, we :argue: she said :nono: over and over, so to keep her from :explode: I raised the :whiteflag:

I know BS! Your right, they cut us a good deal so we just got it over with. Sorry Eric!


Dec 29, 2011
I have this problem consistently with the position sensor. I found if I start the truck and move in a forward direction it does not come on. If I back then turn to go forward it comes on. If I back, turn wheel straight, move forward about ten feet then go about my way, it doesn't come on. If the light comes on is the Stabilitrak still operating?


Jan 15, 2012
I read an article somewhere from a guy who works in the electronics field.He stated that the problem is the cheap connector that is used and in time the connection fails.He said that he soldered the wires directly to the sensor and never had a problem after that...Mike.

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