Sightings - Is this a GMTNation member? **Mid-Atlantic**


Original poster
Nov 18, 2011
The official sightings thread for Mid-Atlantic.


Mar 25, 2012
hey guys, This is For Bel Air Maryland..
Lastnight (03/30/12) around 9:00pm i saw a White TrailBlazer Near the festival in bel air.
Truck was white and looked like it had black aftermarket rims with some silver in them. It also had HID's (This was how i noticed it/you) lol
Was this a member???? or has anyone from the area ever seen this truck?? :thumbsup:


Mar 25, 2012
saw a beautiful lifted silver TB today on my way home from PA. Front bumper was replacer with a steel(black) off road bumper(not sure what there called lol ) i couldnt get a good look at the rest of the truck because i almost rear ender the guy in front of me.. you were driving towards jarrettsville on RT. 165 i think.
Was this anyone on here?
Deff one of the nicest TB's ive seen :thumbsup:


Dec 17, 2011
Saw a member (03TB93) - I have seen you before.
Bel Air, MD...... Gold EXT/Plastidip Wheels/LEDS in grille/GMTnation sticker


Apr 1, 2012
In Montclair, NJ. Was traveling south on pine street, then went east on Bloomfield Ave past the firehouse heading towards Glenridge at about 720pm today

Green trailblazer, front windows tinted to match the rear, roof rack removed, SS rims, HIDS, black front bowtie.


Dec 5, 2011
8/31/2012 @ 11:30 PM: White SS southbound on US 301 in Brandywine, MD. Turned into the WaWa @ McKendree (Cedarville) Road.


Jan 25, 2012
(12/6/12 00:05) Red 05+ LS PCM 4 LESS sticker, Airraid sticker and removed resonator (only seen the rear of the truck). Lexington Park, MD Wendy's drive thru. Would have flagged you down but was in line for food (night shift blows), I was in the Fiances Jetta.


Jan 28, 2013


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Jan 4, 2012
djez015 said:
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seen the other day in bear,de

hey I seen that guy about 4 times now, and he is always on the other side of the highway. So i can only catch a glimpse as he goes by. (i've noticed we both look at each other's rides on the fly by.) so this is the first pic i have seen so that I can actually get a good look at his ride. but he is not on here, from the best i can tell.


Jan 28, 2013
mikeinDE said:
hey I seen that guy about 4 times now, and he is always on the other side of the highway. So i can only catch a glimpse as he goes by. (i've noticed we both look at each other's rides on the fly by.) so this is the first pic i have seen so that I can actually get a good look at his ride. but he is not on here, from the best i can tell.

I never catch the driver but I have seen him parked in bear and middletown a few times I would figure with a truck like this he would be online some where


Dec 6, 2011
Any white SS owners on I-95 NB around exit 5 or 6 around 1:30 PM today? If you were, did you notice the Siverado with towing mirrors you passed?


Jan 25, 2012
Is the owner with the Trailblazer with the safari roof rack and lift that works at the Test Pilot School on PAX River NAS on here.


Dec 12, 2011
I was thinking this could be a member, has PA tags and I remembered a member (Mark TB20) ? IIRC....not sure. However he was hauling arse down I95/295 near Richmond and I was keeping pace for awhile. Wifey was curious why I needed a pic of a SUV with a bike rack. I told her..... it could be one of the crew.

Was being driven in a very...."spirited" manner which is why it caught my attention. :biggrin:


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Jan 4, 2012
gmcman said:
I was thinking this could be a member, has PA tags and I remembered a member (Mark TB20) ? IIRC....not sure. However he was hauling arse down I95/295 near Richmond and I was keeping pace for awhile. Wifey was curious why I needed a pic of a SUV with a bike rack. I told her..... it could be one of the crew.

Was being driven in a very...."spirited" manner which is why it caught my attention. :biggrin:

There's MARK20 who is in PA, but he has a white Envoy.... (Is that the member you are thinking of?)


Dec 6, 2011
Not me. Its a TB with vent visors, I've got a Voy with stock exterior.

As I pass TB's & Voy's I wonder if they are members but man there are a lot out there.


Dec 14, 2011
I saw a white Lifted tb pull up next to me on Holland rd in Va Beach the other day... Mine is lifted 6 inches and Silver the driver and pass were both checking out my truck and had Mark MC stickers ....


Jul 1, 2013
7:45 PM on 12/20/13, On 7th street in Parkersburg WV where it intersects with Route 47 just before Wharton Cadillac and McClinton Chevrolet - saw a Black or dark colored TBSS going East stopped at the light. Turned across in front of it off of 47 in Mom's maroon Envoy.

Also, at various times in the recent past I've spotted an Envoy that is dark red, but not quite maroon in color. Very clean always, roof rack removed and debadged. Have passed you on Rt. 14 in Mineral Wells once, and have seen you at Sam's Club in Vienna.

I really hope that at least one of you is a member and sees this. Red Envoy, if you're on here I want to tell you that seeing your Voy in person at Sam's is what gave me the inspiration to de-rack mine. :cool:


Jul 1, 2013
Envoy_04 said:
7:45 PM on 12/20/13, On 7th street in Parkersburg WV where it intersects with Route 47 just before Wharton Cadillac and McClinton Chevrolet - saw a Black or dark colored TBSS going East stopped at the light. Turned across in front of it off of 47 in Mom's maroon Envoy.

Also, at various times in the recent past I've spotted an Envoy that is dark red, but not quite maroon in color. Very clean always, roof rack removed and debadged. Have passed you on Rt. 14 in Mineral Wells once, and have seen you at Sam's Club in Vienna.

I really hope that at least one of you is a member and sees this. Red Envoy, if you're on here I want to tell you that seeing your Voy in person at Sam's is what gave me the inspiration to de-rack mine. :cool:

Happened to run into the red Envoy and its driver at AutoZone today. I was in Mom's Envoy and not mine, wished I had been though. He has his truck debadged, de-racked, lowered in the rear to level, and SUPER clean. You can read the newspaper in any body panel you choose. Chatted for a while and found out he's not a member here or on the OS, so I told him about this site and told him he really needed to check it out! Hopefully we'll have a new member of the Nation soon! :thumbsup:


Dec 30, 2013
I don't know how you guys pick 'em out to ask. I see tons and tons of GMT360s. Is it the mods that make one stand out? My TB has Rainier(?) running boards, the ones with the chrome on the side, and mud flaps. Both came installed when I bought it used, oh well.

I may have seen you, Envoy_04, but I wouldn't honestly know. You'll know if you see me, I've only seen 1-2 other Black/Silver two-tone TBs around here, I live 15 minutes from Parkersburg but don't travel there very often.


Jul 1, 2013
Usually its the mods that make on stand out to me. I see a ton of them too, but I mostly ignore them except the ones that stand out due to mods or that are a color I don't see too often. I actually live in Wirt County - I just say close to Parkersburg on here cause nobody else knows where Wirt County is. :biggrin: I'm fairly easy to spot - silver Envoy with no roof rack and chrome side exit exhaust. I've got a plate on the front that says WIRT.

If you live 15 minutes North or South of Parkersburg I'll probably rarely run into you, but I travel East a LOT on 50 going back and forth to Morgantown.


Dec 30, 2013
Envoy_04 said:
Usually its the mods that make on stand out to me. I see a ton of them too, but I mostly ignore them except the ones that stand out due to mods or that are a color I don't see too often. I actually live in Wirt County - I just say close to Parkersburg on here cause nobody else knows where Wirt County is. :biggrin: I'm fairly easy to spot - silver Envoy with no roof rack and chrome side exit exhaust. I've got a plate on the front that says WIRT.

If you live 15 minutes North or South of Parkersburg I'll probably rarely run into you, but I travel East a LOT on 50 going back and forth to Morgantown.

I remember the 50 well enough. Take it every morning at about 0635-0640 from Ellenboro almost to Pennsboro, then back again at whatever time I'm off work. But doing 70 and in our current weather can't say I've paid too much attention the last week. :biggrin:


Jul 1, 2013
IllogicTC said:
I remember the 50 well enough. Take it every morning at about 0635-0640 from Ellenboro almost to Pennsboro, then back again at whatever time I'm off work. But doing 70 and in our current weather can't say I've paid too much attention the last week. :biggrin:

I only go through there twice a week, but its regular. I go East on Sunday evenings (except now, im home til tomorrow) and I come through there going West on Friday afternoons - I'm stuck in Morgantown during the week. In the particular section you travel I usually slow down just a little - state troopers like that area a little too well for me to roll hard through there. :popo: Sometimes I'll stop in Ellenboro at the McDonalds for a sweet tea, and I've been known to hit the Dairy Queen. Glad to know there's another member holding down this side of the state, I was the only one for a long while.


Dec 30, 2013
Envoy_04 said:
I only go through there twice a week, but its regular. I go East on Sunday evenings (except now, im home til tomorrow) and I come through there going West on Friday afternoons - I'm stuck in Morgantown during the week. In the particular section you travel I usually slow down just a little - state troopers like that area a little too well for me to roll hard through there. :popo: Sometimes I'll stop in Ellenboro at the McDonalds for a sweet tea, and I've been known to hit the Dairy Queen. Glad to know there's another member holding down this side of the state, I was the only one for a long while.

I'll have to keep an eye out come Friday I guess just in case, maybe we could shoot the breeze for a little bit. I usually would go by between maybe 3pm to 6pm, it's really hard to judge when we get off work. I think I would stand out even without my truck, since I think I'm one of about 30 people in the Mid-Ohio Valley that doesn't like sweet tea. :rotfl:

Addendum: I get 10% off at DQ if I show my work badge :wootwoot:


Dec 30, 2013
Also of note, anyone finding themselves in West Virginia, some sights to see:

Point Pleasant. Not the town itself, you can explore and see the Mothman garbage if you want to, but this is actually the beginning of your journey.
-Take Highway 2/62 North, this is the way that doesn't cross the river.
-Turn off at the 62 turnoff, and continue. Watch the signs as you go.
-Somewhere along the way, there will be two signs mounted side-by-side on a wooden post. One says Bump. The other shows kids getting on a bus. The implications there...
-If you continue to Buffalo, you can cross the Kanawha River there and take the 35 back, seeing an Adult Book Store on your left literally in the middle of nowhere.

Evans, WV (Starting)
-Head back in to Ripley
-Observe the speed limit signs. Last I knew, they had two, both reading the same thing, literally one six inches in front of the other. WV Tax Dollars at work!

St. Marys, WV
-Go see the Creel House before they tear it down. It's an old brick building by the river that the local community has connected themselves by the bum to, even though many have never even been inside it.

Sistersville, WV
-Take a ride across the Ohio on a ferry!

New Martinsville, WV (Starting)
-If you're into looking at huge industrial places, go north on Route 2.
-On your left, several times along the way to Wheeling, you'll see some humongous industrial sprawls.

West Union, WV (Starting)
-Head out on Route 18.
-Watch your left, it'll take a while to get there, but you'll see the turn-off for Purgatory Run Road. Dare you? :crazy:

And, if you know where to explore, you can even find directions WITHIN the directions! Observe:

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Yes, that's the name of the road, but it told me Next Road, and I obliged and continued to the next one (just out exploring).


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Dec 27, 2013
Berkeley Springs, WV
This past Fall semester I spotted 3 or 4 of my fellow Sandstone Metallic Trailblazers at FCC in Frederick on a regular basis.

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This guy was always in the F Building parking lot and we sometimes parked next to each other (I assume he tried to like I did).

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This EXT was usually out by the G Building.

I never got a picture, but there was also a (I think) SWB Trailblazer that had those roof racks for kayaks that I saw near the G Building a lot, sometimes near the F Building too.
I would assume it's either a staff vehicle or a parent's.


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Dec 27, 2013
Berkeley Springs, WV
I spotted this TBSS while at Motorama in the Pennsylvania Farm and Expo Center yesterday.
Its modifications led me to assume the owner was not a member of the Nation. Sadly the owner was nowhere to be found, so I was unable to preach to him.

People were drooling over the exotic imports, classic American muscle cars, fancy lifted trucks, and then there was me, checking out the TB. :biggrin:



Dec 30, 2013
Notice the black line that runs along the bottom of the side windows, but doesn't continue to the window above the quarter panel? That is a huge discrepancy to me, lines can't be just applied all willy-nilly.


Dec 27, 2013
Berkeley Springs, WV
the roadie said:
Was it an I6 with SS badges?
The hood wasn't popped so I couldn't take a look in there, but I highly doubt it.
You can't see from the picture but the turn signal lenses are clear w/ stock bulbs, it has an SS bumper, SS gauges, and the various interior SS differences.
If it it's an imposter, the owner did a great job faking it. :tongue:


Jul 1, 2013
Spotted a black TBSS again in Parkersburg, I've seen it several times. Today I spotted it pulling a small trailer - the driver is a man probably in his 20s with a red beard. If you're on here it would be really cool to meet up with you - your SS looks sweet!


Dec 30, 2013
Envoy_04 said:
Spotted a black TBSS again in Parkersburg, I've seen it several times. Today I spotted it pulling a small trailer - the driver is a man probably in his 20s with a red beard. If you're on here it would be really cool to meet up with you - your SS looks sweet!

I didn't see the guy but I think I've seen that same exact one running around the Pleasants County area. Only once though, never have seen it since.


Dec 30, 2013
IllogicTC said:
I didn't see the guy but I think I've seen that same exact one running around the Pleasants County area. Only once though, never have seen it since.

I saw it again. Didn't catch what the driver looked like. Black TBSS, looked pretty clean like it's a garage queen, northbound Route 2, approximately the St. Mary's area about 12:30 pm.

Also spotted: Thursday night, approximately 6:50pm, TrailBlazer with LED front lamps, halo-looking rings around the low and high bulbs, metallic silver or tan (leaning toward tan, it was getting dark). Ring a bell to anyone around here? Southbound heading toward St. Mary's, Route 2. I see a lot on Route 2. :rotfl:


Dec 27, 2013
Berkeley Springs, WV
Spotted a black TB at Costco today around 12:30.
It had dual exhaust, tinted windows, non-stock rims, and an American flag hitch cover.



Jul 1, 2013
gpking said:
Spotted a black TB at Costco today around 12:30.
It had dual exhaust, tinted windows, non-stock rims, and an American flag hitch cover.


Looks like your dashcam also caught a TB EXT pulling in right before the black TB come on screen.


Mar 10, 2014
i need to get a Go Pro camera. But id be too slow to snap a picture of a TB that I pass or is passing.

Were any Jersey people in the Upper Greenwood Lake area today, Monday March 24th, 2014?
Blue TB, female driver. Sorry if i looked like i was staring you down. Just checking out your TB.

no one could miss me, i have a giant horse on the window


Dec 27, 2013
Berkeley Springs, WV
Envoy_04 said:
Looks like your dashcam also caught a TB EXT pulling in right before the black TB come on screen.
In my area there's an abundance of TB's, Envoys, and their Isuzu cousins, plus the occasional 9-7x. I only make a big deal if I see a modded one; that means there's like a 2% chance they might be on here. :yes:

I make it a game when I'm driving someone to see if they can spot more TBs than me.

(Hint: they can't.)


Dec 30, 2013
Sighted in Saint Marys, WV, today at ~6 pm at the Go Mart along Route 2:

Summit White TrailBlazer, Short Wheelbase. Could not catch tags or determine year. Had "protected by Glock," "Harley Davidson," and a third decal which I believe was a Moog decal. The front driver and passenger windows were tinted at least to the point of matching the stock tint on the rear windows. The bowtie on the front was redone in a dark metallic blue, billet grill was a paint-to-body (white). Pulled out of the station and headed northbound on Route 2, don't know how far they went.

Please PLEEEAAAAASE be a member, that ride looked pretty clean for the time of year it is :rotfl:

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