If you need more fender clearance to fit bigger tires, then you have no choice. Only you know if your existing tire size is sufficient to take you on all the trails you want to run. The way I found out was to try the trails, get stuck/thwarted, shake my fist at them and say: "I'll be back!" Each trip back there with better equipment cost a minimum of $1000, but one famous trail that took 90 minutes the first time to go 1/2 mile with incredible wheel-spinning drama, took 45 minutes the second time, and now I can walk up it without any drama at all in 13-14 minutes.
It all depends on your mission. Define it. Understand it. Be adequately prepared in every other way (underbody armor, spares, recovery equipment, emergency supplies, communication gear, savings for a repair fund) and then go for body lift and tires.
If you pull the trigger on the body lift too soon or without a mission to require it, you might get mocked - there's the downside.