Regarding all MPG posts.


Aug 28, 2014
Purefection said:
You drive a truck/suv/xuv what ever you want to call it. If you're honestly worried about squeezing out every possible mpg, go buy a prius.

End rant
Nothing wrong with anyone wanting his or her vehicle to be as/or more efficient than it was designed to be.

I bought my TrailBlazer thinking it should average 17mpg… it’s been averaging 10mpg.
I’m not happy with that. So you are saying I should buy a Prius now?
But after tinkering, I got a 22.8mpg run ouf of it... glad I didn't run out and buy a Prius.

Curious, what should one do if their Hybrid Prius begins to run inefficiently?
Tune it? Fix it? Or buy a Bicycle?

But whatever, I won’t judge you if you want to blow your hard earned money on WASTED MPGs.


Mar 29, 2014
Tuscaloosa, AL
Most of us are happy with our mileage, averaging 16-22 between most members. It's the ones that get 10 that complain, and I can understand that when their vehicle is 100% stock and they've poured a few hundred dollars into it trying to get better mileage.

When we got our TB we expected good mileage and we get it (20ish mpg interstate driving). Of course, our expectations are different than others.

Valid point though, for sure. It's not easy to move 5000 pounds (for us TB guys) and people seem to not understand that.

-808 is my example of the 10mpg guys.


Aug 28, 2014
Mounce said:
Most of us are happy with our mileage, averaging 16-22 between most members. It's the ones that get 10 that complain, and I can understand that when their vehicle is 100% stock and they've poured a few hundred dollars into it trying to get better mileage.

When we got our TB we expected good mileage and we get it (20ish mpg interstate driving). Of course, our expectations are different than others.

Valid point though, for sure. It's not easy to move 5000 pounds (for us TB guys) and people seem to not understand that.

-808 is my example of the 10mpg guys.
What also sometimes gets forgotten here is that there are heavier Tahoes & Silverados with bigger engines getting better MPGs. Hard pill to swallow when a 5000 pound TB can't out MPG a heavier 6.0L 4x4 Silverado.

But besides all that, there is an underlying message in this thread... I get it, Purefection... I get it. :wink:


Apr 3, 2013
808_LS_EXT said:
Curious, what should one do if their Hybrid Prius begins to run inefficiently?
Tune it? Fix it? Or buy a Bicycle?

But whatever, I won’t judge you if you want to blow your hard earned money on WASTED MPGs.
:crackup: :2thumbsup:

We needed a thread to rant about being happy about getting $hitty MPGs :blinkhuh:

Dont we already have enough :nonsense: threads :undecided:
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Aug 28, 2014
Mounce said:
Kinda like how the V8 TB's get the same mileage as the i6's. Yes it's a bigger motor but, it doesn't have to work as hard.

... and based on that, imagine how efficient a Prius would be with an LS7 in it :biggrin:

BC backroader

Sep 6, 2014
808_LS_EXT said:

... and based on that, imagine how efficient a Prius would be with an LS7 in it :biggrin:
Something like this was done decades ago in a cross country mileage challenge held for university students. The winning team had dropped a big block Chevy into something like a Vega, with really tall gearing, and they basically idled coast to coast.

I'm delighted with the mileage I get in my recently purchased TB EXT I6, it's at least 30-40% better than I get in my 6L gmc 3500 with 410 gears. :biggrin:
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Original poster
Oct 23, 2014
808_LS_EXT said:
Nothing wrong with anyone wanting his or her vehicle to be as/or more efficient than it was designed to be.

I bought my TrailBlazer thinking it should average 17mpg… it’s been averaging 10mpg.
I’m not happy with that. So you are saying I should buy a Prius now?
But after tinkering, I got a 22.8mpg run ouf of it... glad I didn't run out and buy a Prius.

Curious, what should one do if their Hybrid Prius begins to run inefficiently?
Tune it? Fix it? Or buy a Bicycle?

But whatever, I won’t judge you if you want to blow your hard earned money on WASTED MPGs.
Yes. Buy a bicycle. Better yet, stay home.

The more money you spend the more fun you're having. But that's just me. Money isn't much of an issue.

This post was never aimed at you, 808, so don't feel that way.

If you enjoy and are happy with the results of your tinkering and fixing, then that's all that matters. Some of us like performance, others bLing, and others efficiency. The jump you claim in mpg is definitely worth it. The posts I was aiming at was the ones asking whether or not if, for example, putting bigger tires, a heavier bumper, lifting, lowering gears.

Anyways. It's 4am and I probably Just posted this in my sleep so forgive me if it doesn't make sense. Lol

Night everyone <3


Jun 9, 2014
Colorado Springs
Guessing this is about my thread in the off road section. If so, I was curious about the added dead load to my car because in theory, the more weight you add to a car, the lower MPG's...If Chevy made an SUV that did as well as a Prius on gas and handled like a truck in the snow, believe me, I would be all over it.
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Apr 3, 2013
r1894 said:
Guessing this is about my thread in the off road section. If so, I was curious about the added dead load to my car because in theory, the more weight you add to a car, the lower MPG's...If Chevy made an SUV that did as well as a Prius on gas and handled like a truck in the snow, believe me, I would be all over it.
Who knows what it is about. Apparently good gas mileage is not a goal/concern of others.

Worrying about the weight of the brush guard is like worrying about driving around passengers in your TB because of the added weight. Just not necessary. Unless your brush guard is a 1/4 ton to 1/2 ton :eek:
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Original poster
Oct 23, 2014
r1894 said:
Guessing this is about my thread in the off road section. If so, I was curious about the added dead load to my car because in theory, the more weight you add to a car, the lower MPG's...If Chevy made an SUV that did as well as a Prius on gas and handled like a truck in the snow, believe me, I would be all over it.
It wasn't directly aimed at any posts although I did read yours. I didn't mean to offend anyone by posting this I was just trying to understand why people own trucks if they want mileage. Some people NEED trucks, I understand that.

I have a friend that used to ask me about my gmt400s gas mileage all the time, and I always said trucks aren't for mileage. He always wanted to buy my truck just because he wanted one, but once he realized how much I spend in gas he changed his mind and bought a car.

My gmt400 used to cost me about 24$/hr to drive when gas was about 1.25 a litre Canadian. But I knew that when I bought it and was prepared for the sh1tty mileage.
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Lifetime VIP Donor
Nov 19, 2011
Portland, OR
I've noticed a population of owners that does ZERO research - they just buy whatever the used car lot has that's in their budget range. They assume it's smaller than a Surburban - about the same as a Ford Explorer, and their aunt has an Explorer and it gets 22 MPG.

Or they're 16 years old, inherit the truck from a dead grandmother for free, and then discover their Taco Bell job doesn't pay enough to even get from the farm TO the Taco Bell and back.

I've discovered after years of trying, that we can't help 'em all.


Apr 6, 2014
I would have to mod the hell out of a Prius to get down to the spots at the lake i want to get to. I can take a stock envoy down with no problems.


This would suit my needs for sure. I wonder if the tires have enough buoyancy to float the vehicle. Wouldn't need a boat then. :undecided:


The less i spend on fuel, the more i can put in an IRA or other investment for retirement in 20 years. :wooot:


Apr 6, 2014
Wasnt the tree hugger heads. Was my stomach. That jalapeno burrito i ate earlier is not settling so well. May not end well. :explode:
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Aug 28, 2014
DAlastDON said:
The less i spend on fuel, the more i can put in an IRA or other investment for retirement in 20 years. :wooot:
^^^ Bingo!

I'd much rather fund my retirement than the CEO's of Chevron...


Nov 18, 2011
Purefection said:
You drive a truck/suv/xuv what ever you want to call it. If you're honestly worried about squeezing out every possible mpg, go buy a prius.

End rant
Most people do not want to waste money. I like getting good MPG with my truck and built it to my needs while ensuring I did not get killed at the gas pump. I do squeeze every mpg out of a lifted suv and am proud to average 16 mpg and be able to roll 60 mph at 20+ with a truck that will go through all sorts of harsh terrain. Also, loss in MPG is a tell for issues that need addressed. Knowing what to expect and being able to notice a loss can save all kinds of time and money. This is a auto enthusiast forum and MPG threads should be expected and encouraged or maybe you are on the wrong type of forum...

End Rant.

808_LS_EXT said:
What also sometimes gets forgotten here is that there are heavier Tahoes & Silverados with bigger engines getting better MPGs. Hard pill to swallow when a 5000 pound TB can't out MPG a heavier 6.0L 4x4 Silverado.
My dads 6.0L bone stock Silverado cant touch my MPG. He is way easier on it than I am on mine as well. He liked his 5.3L mpg, but the 6.0 is a gas hog in comparison.

DAlastDON said:
I would have to mod the hell out of a Prius to get down to the spots at the lake i want to get to. I can take a stock envoy down with no problems.


This would suit my needs for sure. I wonder if the tires have enough buoyancy to float the vehicle. Wouldn't need a boat then. :undecided:


The less i spend on fuel, the more i can put in an IRA or other investment for retirement in 20 years. :wooot:
Agreed. There is a mission to what I drive. I have multiple missions and multiple vehicles to fit them all. Cant compare a Prius to a GMT anymore than my impala to my TB. You can make adaptations and blend performance and missions, but I like the right tool for the job.

I also agree that we should be concerned with wasting MPG's and money. I like to use my savings to make my truck what I want and keep the family happy. No sense in just saying screw mpg and wasting money that could be used somewhere more effectively.


Dec 8, 2011
Getting the best mileage is directly related to getting the best performance. If everything is working as it should, your mileage should be reasonably decent for the type of vehicle you are driving. Granted there is the factor of driving style. That said, I monitor my mileage on my vehicles because when the mileage drops, its an indication that there is a problem.

As far as being concerned about the weight of add-ons, those of us who tow heavy trailers have to be aware of of how towing capacities work in the real world, specifically payload vs. tongue weight vs. towing capacity. Every pound you add on or carry in your vehicle is a pound that gets subtracted from the towing capacity.


May 28, 2014
To the op, Getting 7-8 mpg with normal driving and getting gas every other day sucks I see people complain about 10mpg and that seems like it would last forever if i had that.

I know I'm not driving a Honda civic and hyper milling but fully loaded tractor trailers get around the same mpg
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Dec 30, 2013
To be fair, we're comparing motors apples-to-apples without even considering the transmission setups here. That's why Chrysler's dishing out 9-speed automatics now, to increase MPG performance. Even with a line of 4-speeds, the right ratios can make all the difference.

And that's not to mention the different engine technologies, too. DOD-equipped V8s. Atkinson-cycle Prius engine (designed for efficiency, in return for less power output for the size/weight).

Tractor trailers are using diesels, and while they're indeed large engines moving up to 40 tons, they have sometimes a dozen gears to get them up to speed and to hold a cruise within the optimum power band, and diesels seem to be generally more efficient anyway. Fun fact, very large diesel engines have some of the best thermal efficiency ratings, which can exceed 50%. Common diesels get ~45% efficiency while gasoline engines get ~30%, and for partial loads fuel consumption remains more constant in a diesel. Top that with the ability to turbocharge as much as you want up to the limits of the engine components, you can indeed build a very efficient engine.

Turbocharging gasoline engines is much more difficult, as unwanted detonation can occur if you boost too high, even if you're well within the engine components' tolerances, but it is a step in the right direction. Look at all the EcoBoost and whatnot wandering around now. Chevy Performance even offers a 2.0 liter, I4 engine that produces MORE power than our 4.2 I6, because it comes set up with a turbo, and that engine is also capable of offering >=90% of peak torque across a large range of operating speeds.

It's almost impossible to go apples-to-apples with some of the engine examples presented in here, because the operating concepts and engineering principles are just too far apart.

And besides... Tesla's where it's at anyway. Infinite MPG as there is no gas involved, and if you buy new you can charge for free at their Supercharger Stations (where available) for the lifetime of the vehicle. And a sporty design and ridiculous 0-60 times thanks to the physics behind DC motors... good stuff.


Apr 6, 2014
Seen a Telsa Model S P85D a couple weeks ago. Business guy in a tie driveing the speed limit. He launched it at a stop light next next to a 7 series BMW with a nice exhaust tone at WOT. The Telsa took off like it had drag slicks on it. The BMW let off after the Telsa had a bus legnth on them.
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Boricua SS

Nov 20, 2011
I'd love to see even 17 mpgs city or highway out of the beaSSt but as stated, I didn't buy a high performance SUV with a 6.0L V8 for gas mileage. I wanted it. I wanted to race it. And that was that. I've gotten as low as 9mpgs and as high as 19. Probably going to get lower once she comes out this spring with all the mods I have sitting in my dinning room. But I love my truck and after everything we've been through (most of the members know what I'm talking about) she's not going anywhere!

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