My 2003 Trailblazer is the first vehicle I've owned with an OBD2 interface. (My last three vehicles all went to the wreckers and I got my money's worth out of them.
) I recently purchased a Bluetooth OBD2 reader device and it appears to be working as my Palm can see it.
I've been hearing good things about the Android Torque app but I don't, yet, have an Android device with Bluetooth. In the meantime I will always have my Windows laptop with Bluetooth with me on any trips. Any suggestions for decent Windows apps?
I don't mind paying a reasonable amount but not sure I want to spend $100 or more when I may very well be purchasing an Android device in a few months.
There is a Palm program available but it doesn't support Bluetooth or my Palm TX. <sigh>
Thanks, Tony
My 2003 Trailblazer is the first vehicle I've owned with an OBD2 interface. (My last three vehicles all went to the wreckers and I got my money's worth out of them.

I've been hearing good things about the Android Torque app but I don't, yet, have an Android device with Bluetooth. In the meantime I will always have my Windows laptop with Bluetooth with me on any trips. Any suggestions for decent Windows apps?
I don't mind paying a reasonable amount but not sure I want to spend $100 or more when I may very well be purchasing an Android device in a few months.
There is a Palm program available but it doesn't support Bluetooth or my Palm TX. <sigh>
Thanks, Tony