Condolences to the family.
To see some fo the sickening comments (on the web....I am guessing from those who've had the privilege of NEVER SERVING) is really leaving me angry/sad today.

We really need to help these men/women. Never in the history of our nation has the operational tempo been this high. The heavy burden is being borne by an ever smaller demographic of society. Can we at least get them the needed benefits? Where I live the drug addicts and alcoholics who swell our welfare ranks get plenty of government aid. Is there anything left for our finest? Without having to have the VFW shame the government into giving a sh%?
As much as I have been opposed to the draft on "combat effectiveness" grounds. I think the time has come to reinstate it with VERY FEW exceptions. Some of the elites (rich, politicians, famous) etc. need to send some of their kids into these messes and we would see just how that affects "policy." When they can send everyone elses kids...there is no incentive to avoid.
Fine American down. What are the rest of us going to do about it?