STLtrailbSS said:3000 Watts is pretty hefty, probably will need a BIG 3 upgrade which is a upgrade of some main power carrying wires under the hood.
Oce again though It Depends on the AMPS if they are cheapos then you might not need to upgrade to the extreme but if they are kicker amps at that level of watts your going to beef up your wiring unless you want your headlights to act as strobes lol if those are kicker amps and with 1000watts they should be pretty decent subs as well might be a good buy.
STLtrailbSS said:1000watts through 2 C10s rated at 150rms eachThey have to be 1000watt MAX
Gotta find out those amp brands! I also see may03 stalking this thread and im waiting to here his take
Im still on the mission to quote the price haha
If you keep editing late we are gonna have an issue ok I got you now hold on
STLtrailbSS said:Bose? Weird
The Kickers are the best part of that package they are very good beginner subs
AUDIO STORES ARE OUT OF THEIR MINDS I would say $300 is generous, that set just doesn't hold that kind of value, audio stores also add $50+ to all products pretty sure that's why alot of guys go straight to and do it themselves.
Voymom said:With that being said, should I opt to just buy the subs and box and buy a different amp? We plan on doing an aftermarket stereo and possibly different door speakers than what is currently in the voy(stock bose upgrade) or should the entire setup be okay? And adding tweets...forgot to mention that lol
I don't want to get raped lol but I want a system that is going to sound really good going down the road. I'm not looking to blast my windows out of the doors at sound shows lol but I do want to have something that sounds pretty good. I can't afford the best of the best right now and really don't want to overdo it on anything as I still owe on the truck lol
so, what would you do?
STLtrailbSS said:I WOULD, try to pull a deal on the SUBS and go with RE AUDIO amps CEA certified and a great middle of the road amp, I don't see you as an extreme bumper, listening to Justin Beiber with those kids and all.
STLtrailbSS said:Well To summarize, BOSS is OK ... SONY idk NO GO with me. There are literally 1000s of options for an audio set up I usually set up my cheap friends so I know alot of the stand out budget build nonsense so when the time comes hopefully we can get you set up. But there is better out there than BOSS and SONY just got to look for em!
STLtrailbSS said:I mean this is more bump than there set up $229.99
MTX TNP212D2 Dual 12" Amplified Terminator Loaded Sub System
I mean that's just one of many
Kicker 10C128 12" Comp Subs + Autotek ATX1000.2 Amp + Kit + Sub Box
600W Loaded Enclosure w/PRIME Subs + PRIME R250-1 Amp + Amp Kit
It goes on too
Those are all alot better brands, just showing you options so you dot kick yourself later]
Those are much more reputable brands and some of those AMPs are certified so thats the real deal.
Voymom said:Honestly, the voy is mainly our bus for family outings and carrying everyone where we need to go. It is MY vehicle and I really wouldn't be bumping much when the kids are in the car which is why we would do a toggle switch for the amp. I would rather save money on a semi decent setup and let my hubby have all the fun spending the real money on a system for his car...when he decides to actually buy a car lol
As of now the truck is a DD for both of us, and I would rather him have all the "good" stuff. He is into it more than I am, but I would like something decent to annoy the old people on the weekends when I am kid free lol
They are firm on the $300.00 as both of them just lost their jobs and need the money, which would be okay with me as long as I'm not way off base in price.
Intentions noted with disapproval.Voymom said:... I would like something decent to annoy the old people on the weekends when I am kid free lol...
Voymom said:Hubby has th rockford fosgate amp for his 12" kicker sub.
Blckshdw said:When you turn it up louder cuz you're by yourself and your favorite jam is on, then the people riding in the next neighborhood over will hear a lil somethin too
the roadie said:Intentions noted with disapproval.![]()
STLtrailbSS said:Here's the thing the subs are used and are not worth what hes quoting you can take your $300 budget get 2C10s boxed with free shipping on ebay every single day for $170MAX they usually go in buyitnow for $150 so honestly nothing about the deal is good his quote is from an audio shop and like said before there prices are not even close to realistic. Buying brand new kickers on eBay you will still fit in $150 for amp budget which is plenty to bump 2 c10s. Just sayin mom
MAY03LT said:He has good taste.
That's what I'm talking about
Like my colleagues said, I can't say if it's a good deal or not without knowing the model numbers of the equipment. And my money is also on BOSS because I've never seen a bose amp that wasn't OEM integrated (i.e. not having individual p/g/r and rca ins, etc) either.
pejeeper said:I ran a single 10" Alpine Type R in a non ported box driven by a 1000w mono Bazooka amp. Run off my Alpine head unit, it was more sound than I ever needed. Couldn't imagine 2 10"ers with 3000w in that space and still have ear drums. Took it back to stock when I had a kid.
STLtrailbSS said:A Type R and a kicker C10 are two very different animals lol Im crippled on one type R i have been in cars with C10-12s they are not touching that type R lol
Boricua SS said:Or instead of always adjusting the bass on the stereo/gains on the amp, just run a bass knob... I can go from zero bass, to full out thump, with a turn of a dial...
Here's a pic of my bass knob...
STLtrailbSS said:3000 Watts is pretty hefty, probably will need a BIG 3 upgrade which is a upgrade of some main power carrying wires under the hood.
Once again though It Depends on the AMPS if they are cheapos then you might not need to upgrade to the extreme but if they are kicker amps at that level of watts your going to beef up your wiring unless you want your headlights to act as strobes lol if those are kicker amps and with 1000watts they should be pretty decent subs as well might be a good buy.
Saw your edit I have to rethink this lol
blazinlow89 said:That was 500 watts measured using a DMM.