Please tell me it's not a F*ing rocker....VIDEO


Original poster
Feb 3, 2012
I have a noise(will get video) coming from the front of the engine/engine compartment. It's a loud knocking noise, and the sound is quick, not a slow knocking noise. Just started doing it today after I picked up kids from school. I am charging my phone so I can video the noise. But in the mean time......

Isn't there a fuse to disable the fan/fan clutch? It moves a good bit, and I want to rule out the fan/fan clutch making the noise. My only other guess would be the timing chain, but I haven't had any issues with the truck aside from the knocking noise. No SES light, no loss of power, no vibrations.

What fuse do I pull to disable the fan if there is one....


Edit- We just pulled fuse #20 for the cooling fan listed in the book. Fan is still running and running faster than with the fuse in??? I really want to face palm right now. And the noise is still there even with the fuse pulled, which it would be if it's the fan and the fan is still running.

We just pulled the solid state fan relay....and the fan still spins. I'm starting to get a bit frustrated....

Click the pictures, it will take you right to the video....

Well....I think it's the water pump....LOTS of up and down movement on it, but no water coming out of the seams. But I m on my way to go get a new pump. Looks like I will have some work to do tomorrow before the meet.

c good

Dec 8, 2011
Sounds like a bad water pump bearing as you have noted. The seal just hasn't started leaking yet. If you really want to confirm it just leave the serpentine belt off for 30-45 seconds and see if the noise stops. If the engine is quiet, it's a peripheral item (ie water pump, tensioner pulley, alternator, power steering pump) Based on the movement on the water pump pulley, I'd say you're on the right track. Do you kiss your Mom with that mouth? :smile::biggrin: Just kidding....c good


Jan 29, 2012
Try to spray or rub some oil on the back of the idler pully to see if thats it. It will stop making noise. If thats not it, i would think the water pump.


Original poster
Feb 3, 2012
stormsurge said:
Try to spray or rub some oil on the back of the idler pully to see if thats it. It will stop making noise. If thats not it, i would think the water pump.

Yeah, I think we have confirmed it. I just picked up a new water pump, and will be changing it out either tonight or tomorrow. Now I just need a how-to. I may post my own article on it as I didn't see one on here.


Original poster
Feb 3, 2012
stormsurge said:
I have the book on them. Ill give it a look.

Yeah, I'm a lot happier knowing it's just the water pump. I bawled when hubby said it could be a rocker. I could't imagine not having my baby in the driveway. But I mean it could still be something else, but regardless the pump needs to be changed. I'm keeping my fingers crossed though. I love this truck soooo much!


Nov 20, 2011
Voymom said:
Yeah, I think we have confirmed it. I just picked up a new water pump, and will be changing it out either tonight or tomorrow. Now I just need a how-to. I may post my own article on it as I didn't see one on here.

I would suggest to keep an eye one the new one I just changed mine in February and it has play in it already just FYI for you


Jan 29, 2012
When wiggling the fan there sould be a 1/4 inch of play. After fan is off there sould not be any play wile moving the pully. If there is =bad water pump. Removal = Disconect the - batery cable. drain the coolant. Remove the radiater shroud and fan ass. remove the drive belt. remove the waterpump pully. Remove the waterpump. reinstall new one. Hope this helps.


Jan 29, 2012
Torque Specs. Waterpump bolts 89lbs. Pulley bolts 18. Fan blade bolts 20. Thermostat bolts 89. Cooling fan hub nut 41. My bed time. good luck and good night


Original poster
Feb 3, 2012
stormsurge said:
Torque Specs. Waterpump bolts 89lbs. Pulley bolts 18. Fan blade bolts 20. Thermostat bolts 89. Cooling fan hub nut 41. My bed time. good luck and good night

Well....There was movement with the belt on, not much but it was enough to notice. With the belt off, it wiggles a lot. And thank you for the specs, and thank you Jham for the info. I will definitely keep an eye on it. I got a brand new pump instead of the remanufactured one, as the new one was only $6 bucks more and came with a lifetime warranty.


Nov 20, 2011
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
stormsurge said:
Torque Specs. Waterpump bolts 89lbs. Pulley bolts 18. Fan blade bolts 20. Thermostat bolts 89. Cooling fan hub nut 41. My bed time. good luck and good night

Which ones are foot pounds and which are inch pounds?


Sep 18, 2012
It looks like I am dealing with this same issue as the original post- a loud wobbly fan. The truck started making an awful sound over the last few days and the first thing I thought was an actual engine problem as mentioned above.

It looks like my water pump bearing is failing since I can move the fan up and down nearly half an inch. I took some video just in case anyone else runs into this type of thing, very similar to above.

I plan to replace both tomorrow and may post again if anything interesting happens.

Stopped, showing play in the fan:



Apr 12, 2012
Yes I thought it was the timing chain but it was the crappy gmb water pump I put on.It only lasted ten months.

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