
Original poster
Jan 10, 2012
Just went to the OS to post about the door fire. It said i hadn't posted in a few weeks and that i should talk or caht before posting a ne thread. LOL:rotfl:


Nov 18, 2011
Why did you go over there to support VS at all? Every post or login helps them make money.


Original poster
Jan 10, 2012
it wasnt about supporting the OS i was trying to help get the word out about the door fires. And they needed to report anything to the NHSTA.


Feb 3, 2012
I don't like going over there anymore, not even to search mechanical information.

For one it's a waste of time

And two, I don't think anyone should be given any special treatment after they handled and treated so many people poorly. BUT

IF we keep posting about them, they will think they were/are special enough to keep getting under our skin. They have one mod that I know of here lurking as if they are one of us from NATION. I also know he was the one to delete my stuff I wrote over there and put me on global ignore list, then pretend that he didn't. He e-mailed me to confirm he was a mod :wink:

I understand what the OS did and is doing is definitely wrong, and heartless. Which is why I'm over here now. That and because I got tired of reading posts from people like Roadie, Tollkeeper, May03, and so forth and wondering where they went, what they did, and why such brilliant minds are not on the forum anymore. But WE, you and I along with others, were very lucky to be brought here...to experience and get to know the people we all read so much about over on the OS. Out of respect for the people here who have worked their asses off to provide this forum for so many, I refuse to go back to the OS....even to search something that may not be here. I also would not post randomly things that were said/done on the OS.

It's like my dad used to tell me in school- People pick on you for 2 reasons, 1 because they like you and 2 because they need to get a rise out of you to feel better about themselves. The more we talk about the OS here, the more we are advertising for them...good or bad. Even Bad can be tempting.
Anyways, my personal opinion? I think all threads should be deleted that are about the OS, unless of course they are sticky's or the mod's post it.
It's like getting re-married after divorcing. You constantly talk about your ex, then your present husband/wife is going to be real unhappy and uncomfortable. So...we need to just all stop.


Nov 21, 2011
Why did you go over there to support VS at all? Every post or login helps them make money.

It's pretty funny because they just NOW realized to be a "better" forum and actually care lol They feel threatened by us and do not want to loose a ton of members! Even though they lost most of there top posters on there!


Trailblaze_2002 posted this a while back

Title: The future of Trailvoy...

I realize that there has been some issues with Trailvoy in the past few months, some could have been avoided. I do not discourage you from visiting the "other" site, I do however ask that you help us try and shape Trailvoy into a lively forum again. I'm in the process of talking with the Admin on a few ideas that I have for helping us better what we have here. I mean this site has tons of info and knowledge that took YEARS to build on. I see no reason to abandon all that knowledge. I'm sure that if the owners would have put back into the site we wouldn't have had this issue.
I encourage you all to tell us what you want and comment on things that are a concern for you. We have a section to take all of these into account. Maybe we can shape Trailvoy into the site it once was, a thriving, fun place to share knowledge on all accounts.



Nov 18, 2011
We also need questions asked here so the information can be shared here.


Feb 3, 2012
ItsOnVoy said:
It's pretty funny because they just NOW realized to be a "better" forum and actually care lol They feel threatened by us and do not want to loose a ton of members! Even though they lost most of there top posters on there!


Trailblaze_2002 posted this a while back

Title: The future of Trailvoy...

I'm in the process of talking with the Admin on a few ideas that I have for helping us better what we have here.


Because he is HERE on this site stealing OUR idea's and bringing it back to the OS :lipsrsealed: I know that for a fact :wink:

We also need questions asked here so the information can be shared here.

I agree 100%. I get a bit discouraged when all I can see are threads of photo contests and off topics. I don't see a whole lot of mechanical questions. I know I have asked a few, and I have received amazing help! But it would be nice to have the same mechanical info here as what was over there. I have just decided to be patient. This seems to be a fairly new and young forum, so it will take time like every business does in order to grow.

It also leaves other open doors for me, like getting off my ass and tearing my truck apart to diagnose or figure out an issue myself...which is the BEST way to learn in my opinion lol


Nov 20, 2011
We also need questions asked here so the information can be shared here.

I think a big part of the problem right now is that the majority of the membership are experienced with the vehicle and don't need to ask the questions anymore.

For instance, I knew the rhythmic hum coming from the front wheels was a wheel bearing and I replaced it. I did not need to ask for help diagnosing it, unlike I needed to 5 years ago when I joined the os.

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