Offroad VS. SS Clone


Original poster
Dec 22, 2011
I am currently deciding between giving my 02 TB a offraod look or pursuing a SS look. I really cannot make up my mind so maybe you guys can with this info im about to provide this pretty much outlines my trucks use: Full time college student about 80 miles from home, also volunteer Rescue Tech/ EMT, Active in Boy Scouts, camping, etc. Current mods Super Sparkz, Aftermarket Exhaust, PCMforLess. And most importantly price which project would be cheaper. Keep in mind if I would go SS i would leave the 4.2 in the TB I would only do mods such as body and maybe interior depending on price. And for the offroad maybe a 1" lift with so BFG AT with H3 rims, bull bar. So which one is cheaper.


Dec 4, 2011
andy702252 said:
I am currently deciding between giving my 02 TB a offraod look or pursuing a SS look. I really cannot make up my mind so maybe you guys can with this info im about to provide this pretty much outlines my trucks use: Full time college student about 80 miles from home, also volunteer Rescue Tech/ EMT, Active in Boy Scouts, camping, etc. Current mods Super Sparkz, Aftermarket Exhaust, PCMforLess. And most importantly price which project would be cheaper. Keep in mind if I would go SS i would leave the 4.2 in the TB I would only do mods such as body and maybe interior depending on price. And for the offroad maybe a 1" lift with so BFG AT with H3 rims, bull bar. So which one is cheaper.

Off road mod seems to be the easier route parts are just easier to attain (require some work but you can order so much easier). I would say both can be budget worthy or outrageous. So hopefully an offroad guy can chime in but I will give you the SS portion. A set of factory reproduction wheels are about $1000 alone and that's one of the most key elements of the clone. Interior If you want to take it that far SS style seats for all parts go for about $800-$1000 and hopefully they have a method of shipping. SS silver shifter is about $60 SS bumpers run about $500 a piece and are pretty rare and will probably have to be color matched and then you will need new fog light assemblies for new style of bumper. soo Yeah it just goes on

My advice go offroad make the TB your own instead of just spending money on SS OEM stuff. With offroad its a meaner look for the Vortec TBs and your upgrading parts instead of buying essentially replacements


Nov 20, 2011
Lifting would be cheaper. If you were going for SS clone, I would assume you would lower it as well as the SS parts. Figure about $1000 for the suspension, wheel spacers(which you will need to fit the H3's), wheels and used tires. If yoru going new tires, you will spend close to that in tires alone. The SS is expensive as well, Your going to spend a huge chuck on money for the ss wheels. The bumpers can be had cheaper if you are lucky enough to find used but they you will have to spend even more money getting them painted. Its a matter of what you want to do with the vehicle.

1" lift I wouldnt even waste your time with. I would go at least 2.5" if not 3" of course the higher you go, the worse your MPG will be, and your speedo/odometer will be off unless you get that correct with a PCM tune(with oversized tires that is)


Dec 4, 2011
jbones said:
How about the combinbation of both; lifted SS clone.

Debadged with 3inch lift instead of drop,On SS 20s lol that would be something to see


Dec 4, 2011
Sounds like you live a lifted lifestyle moreso than a lowered SS one. I like lowered SS more than lifted because I will never have the opportunity to go off road anyway. That said, if i'm being honest and because I have an opinion, keep what you have, graduate college, watch your income go up to where you won't know how to spend it all then buy a true SS. Not only that, you are talking about pouring a bunch of time, effort, energy, opportunity cost and money into a 10 year old car. I'm hesitant to do too much to either of my 360's which are actually both 08's. Just carry a picture of an SS around to help you through the years you have your LS.


Nov 21, 2011
jbones said:
How about the combinbation of both; lifted SS clone.

That comment gives me the right to dig up this monstrosity... :rotfl:

Here's what your SS lifted clone would look like. :postcount:




Dec 5, 2011
Holy smokes! That's cool!

But should be a bit more tame with only the suspension lift, that one must have a body lift.


Jan 10, 2012
With your life style i think i would stay away from SS option. But do not get a very agressive tire tread for your off road you will lose almost 2 mpg with big agressive tires.


Nov 21, 2011
jbones said:
Holy smokes! That's cool!

But should be a bit more tame with only the suspension lift, that one must have a body lift.

:deadhorse: That one, Sir, is MY TBSS with a 5 minute photochop job. :raspberry: Pretty convincing, isn't it? :whistle:

It doesn't exist. :thankyou:


Dec 4, 2011
harmless said:
:deadhorse: That one, Sir, is MY TBSS with a 5 minute photochop job. :raspberry: Pretty convincing, isn't it? :whistle:

It doesn't exist. :thankyou:

Skill like that!? go Photoshop flat black rims on my SS I opened a thread up for it lol wasting your time on your jokes :biggrin:


Original poster
Dec 22, 2011
i like thie idea of a ss mixed with offroad so how much am i looking at for a 2" lift with new bfg at.


Nov 21, 2011
STLtrailbSS said:
Skill like that!? go Photoshop flat black rims on my SS I opened a thread up for it lol wasting your time on your jokes :biggrin:

:rotfl: :raspberry:

Maybe later. I'm working on a nifty project right now that needs to be completed last week. :crazy:

BTW, my jokes are never a waste of time. :poke:


Nov 18, 2011
Cost is all about what parts you throw into it. Do some research on the different options, set a budget, and put together the best combination you can to fit that budget.

Rough country lift, wheel spacers, treadwright(look em up) tires w/big at tread, and an oil skid(at the very least) will set you back about $1000. Add some accessories like bull bar, roof basket, tow straps, etc and you will push to @ $1500.


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Folks were giving him cost estimates in his other thread. Maybe one of the mods can merge them so everyone's on the same page? :undecided:


Nov 18, 2011
1" lift I wouldnt even waste your time with. I would go at least 2.5" if not 3" of course the higheypr you go, the worse your MPG will be, and your speedo/odometer will be off unless you get that correct with a PCM tune(with oversized tires that is)[/QUOTE]

The height affects mpg less than tre rolling resistance...your statement is pretty misleading.

jbones said:
Holy smokes! That's cool!

But should be a bit more tame with only the suspension lift, that one must have a body lift.

Its the sas showtruck w body photoshopped.


Nov 20, 2011
jbones said:
That's wild, amazing what can be done with Photoshop. Why you can be President with Photoshop.

To be fair, it WAS a trailblazer with an SAS conversion. The only thing the photoshop did was but Harmless's truck body over the regular trailblazer body


Nov 21, 2011
Me007gold said:
To be fair, it WAS a trailblazer with an SAS conversion. The only thing the photoshop did was but Harmless's truck body over the regular trailblazer body

Actually folks, that chop is my TBSS, but the donor suspension and wheels are from, if I recall, a Nissan Pathfinder I ended up googling.

I'll try to find the origional pic again.. :biggrin:

I can't seem to find the origional donor anymore. Take a closer look at the roof rack though. It very similar to what you'd find on a Nissan Pathfinder. The suspension parts, roof rack and background are origional from the donor pic.


Nov 18, 2011
Nope.. Not the sas TB. I thought it was done over this pic

but the suspension and wheels dont match


Dec 5, 2011
markmc said:
Got my vote. :thumbsup:

If only money grew on trees, I’d take myself up on a project like that. No Bling-Bling, or extreme, just your 3" lift, SS classic looks on the outside, some SS up scaling on the inside, And some off the wall rims and meats to tackle normal on, and moderate off road driving.

Do I understand an SS Bumper does not fit on all or certain other TB’S?

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