My stupid son


Original poster
Dec 6, 2011
But of course he has to rush off to do something else.

We were loading a small refrigerator into the Voy and after I rested it on the bumper pad to get a better grip, he shoved it forward ripping up the black bumper pad on the top of the bumper.

I found one on eBay

But it says its for XUV SLE SLT.

Is this part interchangeable on all these trims?


Supporting Donor
Dec 3, 2011
Brighton, CO
No.. Completely different.


Dec 8, 2011
Mark20 said:
But of course he has to rush off to do something else.

We were loading a small refrigerator into the Voy and after I rested it on the bumper pad to get a better grip, he shoved it forward ripping up the black bumper pad on the top of the bumper.

I found one on eBay

But it says its for XUV SLE SLT.

Is this part interchangeable on all these trims?

Don't sweat the small stuff. It's your son, he'll do a more more worse later on. Trust me :yes:


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Rockauto has your rear bumper step pad for $23 (before shipping) Part number GM1191113 :thumbsup:


Mar 24, 2012
my father used to call me stupid, among other things. i'm now 36 and haven't spoken to him in 10 years.


Nov 21, 2011
when he ripped that pad off did he break all those clips?

Use sons are not that bad now :biggrin: but then again when I was younger I had my share of stupid moments lol


Dec 7, 2011
Dawson creek BC Canada
yep us sons do get our self's in to trouble i once was backing out of the driveway testing out the new trany in dads bronco II nd cought the door on the front stepp railing and bent it backwards OOPS he was i little mad.


Dec 4, 2011
I power washed my dads 98 silverado when I was 12 and blasted the paint right of of it lol. He was a lil mad. Never said it to me. But my mom told me years later. Accidents happen.


Nov 21, 2011
No matter what Dads or moms say then never mean it...they still love you in the end :biggrin:


Original poster
Dec 6, 2011
Sorry it seems I was harsh on him.

I've kept the Voy in great shape for its seven years of age particularly the step pad which can get a lot of abuse.

He gouged up the surface of it in several spots and scraped the paint on the top of the bumper in a spot. I plan on picking up some touch up paint for that. Looks like I got Rock Auto and GM Parts Direct as options to get a new step pad. I've sent my VIN to them (GM Parts Direct) to make sure the pad will fit but probably won't hear before Monday.


Nov 21, 2011
Years ago my younger brother took out our dads then 97 F150 w/ offroad package. He went offroading w/ some friends, came home and washed it. He then realized he scratched the h*ll out of the 6mth old paint, ended up spending almost $300 in detailing costs. My dads gets home to a fully detailed truck, he was very pleased until about a month later he started having scratches show up. The story came to an end when the DETAILER comes into my dads work and mentions how they were shocked to see the amount of scratches on his new truck before they started. Needless to say, my brother caught the wrath that night.

Right around the same time period my friends dad got a new H1 Hummer for christmas. The father signs up for one of those Hummer Jamborees, completely destroyed the paint etc on it. After repainting the whole H1 (only 3mths old truck) they go on vacation and my buddy decides we should all take it out. So he basically does the same exact damage, he doesnt try to hide it. He parked it in the middle of his dads car "showroom" and left mud, scrapes and all.

Denali n DOO

May 22, 2012
I had a small rip maybe 1/4" in back of passanger leather seat. One day I notice it's about 1/2" big. I ask my son(10) and daughter(12) what happened to the seat, why is the hole bigger? My son said maybe it got bigger when he stuck his finger into it, he wanted to know what was on the other side. I blame myself for not fixing it in the first place and leaving it there. If you had a better grip on the fridge and didn't put it down to rest it might not have even happened. I don't think you can edit thread titles but it would be nice to remove the word "stupid". I'm just saying.....


Jun 26, 2012
To much of my parents' dismay, I have....

1. Lost many pairs of hearing aids growing up (but haven't lost any in 10 years now!)
2. Broke several windows of their house, including the window on the shed out back
3. Crashed their cars... in some way, each and every one of them until I moved out. (they wreck them on their own now!)
4. Cost >60k in operation/hospital fees when born (causing hearing loss and future financial ruin while I lost numerous devices on them)
5. Cost 3k for my wisdom teeth
6. Never learned how much I cost them for my broken nose...
7. (after reading the previous post...) DESTROYED their vintage japanese floor lamp with rice paper shades... I mean, who made rice paper which is so easily fun to poke?! I recently got married and just bought a house, I'm thinking about what my children are about to cause. Taking a trip down memory lane makes me realize that life is about to come full circle. :rotfl:


Dec 29, 2011
drkhead said: I recently got married and just bought a house, I'm thinking about what my children are about to cause. Taking a trip down memory lane makes me realize that life is about to come full circle. :rotfl:

As the parent of a two year old, I can tell you that karma is a bitch.


Jun 26, 2012
strat81 said:
As the parent of a two year old, I can tell you that karma is a bitch.

Fortunately, I've been trying to save away patience over the years. Hopefully I'll have enough when the day comes! lol


Jun 2, 2012
Only one two year old? Try twin two year olds. The 3 and 4's are worse than the 2's. I never understood why my dad would tell me that some days he'd rather be at work, I completely understand that feeling now. Karma is a dirty, dirty whore.


Nov 21, 2011
benz01 said:
Only one two year old? Try twin two year olds. The 3 and 4's are worse than the 2's. I never understood why my dad would tell me that some days he'd rather be at work, I completely understand that feeling now. Karma is a dirty, dirty whore.

Try 2 sons - 3&10 along w 1 3yo daughter/princess/diva.

The 3yo daughter (Kendra) came up to me on Sat morning, and said the following w a straight face. " Dad, give me your card, i will give it back when im done.":hopeless: If she is seriously asking for my card for her to buy something now, im well beyond screwed for later in life.


Dec 4, 2011
Five years or so ago, my dad had picked up a new F-150. A month later it was in the body shop after I accidentally backed the Cavalier I had into the drivers side doors. Thought he was going to kill me, surprisingly, I was more pissed off about it than he was.


Nov 21, 2011
GalacticFuzz said:
Five years or so ago, my dad had picked up a new F-150. A month later it was in the body shop after I accidentally backed the Cavalier I had into the drivers side doors. Thought he was going to kill me, surprisingly, I was more pissed off about it than he was.

Man and too think if that thing was just an inch higher, that cavalier would have drove right under the truck and came out on the other side :rotfl:


Dec 8, 2011
Just to give you guys hope, there come a time when your kids screw up, it doesn't piss you off anymore. You just shake your head, mutter silently and think how you're gonna fix it. Ask me how I know :smile:


Supporting Donor
Dec 3, 2011
Brighton, CO
Menthol said:
Just to give you guys hope, there come a time when your kids screw up, it doesn't piss you off anymore. You just shake your head, mutter silently and think how you're gonna fix it. Ask me how I know :smile:

But, that first happens about 3 years into your marriage.. After shaking your head in shame, the words "yes dear" are heard.. AND IT SUCKS!!

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