After fixing the 1482 code/issue, things were fine. I also replaced both O2 sensors (with Delcos). I'm getting the 0420 code now. I took the scan tool and recorded the O2 as they fluctuate. I'm going to post the vid here and I hope someone can translate the 15 second clip. I reset the code and it hasnt come back in the past 60 minutes. The 1482 code was also present as well. I know there's still an issue with the fan. I also noticed that on the other scan tool that I use, I will see a couple of little icons flashing. The report on the Scanner (in the vid) will say 'incl' for some of the tests. Should it say that? There's a "C", "O", "OH" and I think the "E" flashes as well. I'm telling you, Im about to unload on this TB.