Merry Christmas, Feliz Navidad, Joyeux Noel, Buon Natale, Frohe Weihnacten, and Mele Kalikimaka!
and a happy Festivus.
now on to the feats of strength and the airing of grievances!!
if your holiday involves the over-consumption of alcohol, hope you stay sane enough to stay off the roads, and make it through the holidays safe and sound to come back here for sharing, learning, and exchanging ideas of all kinds.
if I only wanted my own opinion, I would post sticky notes on the mirror.
on this Christmas Eve, I am very happy I live where we do let everyone celebrate what is important to them, and to tolerate those who have different ways and different priorities. special thanks to those who are of different faiths who take an extra shift so a few medical professionals, first responders and others can enjoy some extra time with their loved ones on Christmas.
I like a Merry Christmas, but Happy Holidays is easier than remembering all the other holidays which I am dimly aware of. I have friends who are offended by a Merry Christmas too far away from Dec 25, and friends who are offended by a Merry Christmas outside the context of Church and the religious aspect. if it helps to rant, go for it.
Hope everyone has peace in their hearts, joy to share, and a Christmas clear of error codes which need to be looked up and investigated (unless you like that kind of thing)