Vicompc said:What is the best way to care for Leather seats? I have some cracking and the finish is wearing thin in spots and I'm try to find out if there is a way to clean them up short of having them repaired.
07Blazerman said:Check your phone book for an automotive upholstery place, alot of times they can just replace the sections that are worn, and they can also buildup and reshape the foam. I will warn you that the side panels by the controls will probably have to be replaced, once they come off they never stay on. I have an extra set for both sides just in case. As for products I use Detailed Image carries a product from Poorboy's World, it's their leather cleaner and conditioner. If you don't like it shiny you can use their Natural Look product but it doesn't condition the leather.
Jkust said:Just go to any GM Parts site and see how cheap a replacement is...really not a big deal.
07 TB RIDER said:Adam's Polishes
07Blazerman said:Very informative, I think I will look into their product as the matte finish is nice.
07Blazerman said:A replacement for what? The wornout seat? Or the foam-I did order a new foam seat online and the shop that did my seats ended up having to use more foam as it wasn't enough.