Just Wondering...


Original poster
Nov 22, 2011
I assume that the main reason for this site being created was because people felt that they weren't being listened to by the parent company and there was a desire to "do more" for the "TrailVoy" family /community ... but what is the plan to make it "different" and stand out in the crowd?

The reason why I ask is that during the early stages of my TV ownership, I sought out sites to help answer the numerous questions I had about Canyonaro (before I came across the OS) and I happened to come across THIS site and THIS site. How is this particular site going be any different from those two?

I guess my concern is that we may be just adding another voice to the already cluttered world of Chevy & GMC trucks and there is a good chance that we could get lost in it all...


Nov 18, 2011
I think the site will stand out due to how it stood out as the othersite. Great people and solid leadership. The os grew to have a great leading team and solid members. I think this will be the return to that and a slight expansion to grow as many longer term members grow and change or expand their vehicle fleet.


Nov 20, 2011
I think the site will stand out due to how it stood out as the othersite. Great people and solid leadership. The os grew to have a great leading team and solid members. I think this will be the return to that and a slight expansion to grow as many longer term members grow and change or expand their vehicle fleet.

I agree and there should be less politics on this site I think


Original poster
Nov 22, 2011
jham said:
I agree and there should be less politics on this site I think

I hope you're right... I know that as a relatively junior person on the OS I wasn't privy to much of what was going on and what ultimately led to the creation of this site... but whatever it was, must have been significant enough...

High Voltage

Nov 18, 2011
CdnGMan said:
I hope you're right... I know that as a relatively junior person on the OS I wasn't privy to much of what was going on and what ultimately led to the creation of this site... but whatever it was, must have been significant enough...

Basically the owners of the OS where just that. Owners of the site. They didn't care about the people on the site or how it was ran. Just wanted to sell advertisement and make money. They took away control of the site from the admins and didn't communicate with them.


Nov 18, 2011
CdnGMan said:
...but what is the plan to make it "different" and stand out in the crowd?

The way I see it, the quality of tech help is what separated the OS from the rest. Offering the same free, quality tech help here is my personal "plan". (Not as a staff member, but as an enthusiast/diy advocate):cool:

CdnGMan said:
...but whatever it was, must have been significant enough...

In any given thread I have at least 24 items blocked by ABP.:ugh:


Lifetime VIP Donor
Nov 18, 2011
MAY03LT said:
In any given thread I have at least 24 items blocked by ABP.:ugh:


The OS was always evolving, at least before VS bought it. We had some issues here and there, but we knew it and we were always making plans to fix it. The staff was always reading the threads and taking ideas and suggestions, then we would toss them around and use the good ones and reject the bad ones. When VS came in, they did remove our ability to implement changes and improvements. It wasn't just that though, they also stopped doing updates to the site, or allowing us to do updates. VS was only interested in turning the site in to a money generator.... I guess that is business. We don't want to make money here. Well, it would be nice to generate enough to run the site, make it self sustaining.

We do appreciate the suggestions. We get TONS of them. So even if you don't see or hear from us, you can believe we are reading them and evaluating each and every idea. Some ideas are good, some we file away for later use, and some are just not feasible. So no, we are NOT going to rename the site MAYS SUPERSTARS...... no matter how many times he suggests it!:biggrin:


Nov 21, 2011
Ghoster said:

The OS was always evolving, at least before VS bought it. We had some issues here and there, but we knew it and we were always making plans to fix it. The staff was always reading the threads and taking ideas and suggestions, then we would toss them around and use the good ones and reject the bad ones. When VS came in, they did remove our ability to implement changes and improvements. It wasn't just that though, they also stopped doing updates to the site, or allowing us to do updates. VS was only interested in turning the site in to a money generator.... I guess that is business. We don't want to make money here. Well, it would be nice to generate enough to run the site, make it self sustaining.

We do appreciate the suggestions. We get TONS of them. So even if you don't see or hear from us, you can believe we are reading them and evaluating each and every idea. Some ideas are good, some we file away for later use, and some are just not feasible. So no, we are NOT going to rename the site MAYS SUPERSTARS...... no matter how many times he suggests it!:biggrin:

:dielaugh: Does that mean I should ask for a refund for the MAYS SUPERSTAR hoodie he just sold me?! :rotfl:


Nov 20, 2011
harmless said:
:dielaugh: Does that mean I should ask for a refund for the MAYS SUPERSTAR hoodie he just sold me?! :rotfl:

But tell him that your keeping the free Booty Shorts that he tossed in with the hoodie!


Nov 21, 2011
Regulator said:
But tell him that your keeping the free Booty Shorts that he tossed in with the hoodie!

Ooo Good point. That's assuming they've shipped already. If not, I get nuttin. :rotfl:


Nov 20, 2011
the roadie said:
Just throw a dime in my slot and I spit out tech advice. That's why I'm here. I enjoy being the robot behind the glass.


I don't have a dime, I have some lint and a piece of gum. :tongue:

Sent from my Xoom using Tapatalk


Lifetime VIP Donor
Nov 18, 2011
07 TB RIDER said:
I don't have a dime, I have some lint and a piece of gum. :tongue:

Sent from my Xoom using Tapatalk

I think Roadie keeps those items in his tool box for emergency repairs. He may accept them as payment!:cool:


Nov 20, 2011
the roadie said:
It's more than the abuse I got paid with on the OS.

Well that sounds like we have a deal then

Sent from my Xoom using Tapatalk


Lifetime VIP Donor
Nov 18, 2011
07 TB RIDER said:
Well that sounds like we have a deal then

Sent from my Xoom using Tapatalk

If you want to get him really excited, tell him you have duct tape and an assortment of bottle caps!:rotfl:


Nov 20, 2011
Ghoster said:
If you want to get him really excited, tell him you have duct tape and an assortment of bottle caps!:rotfl:

I have some string and paper clips, I wonder what he could do with that?


Sent from my Xoom using Tapatalk


Nov 21, 2011
the roadie said:
Just throw a dime in my slot and I spit out tech advice.

I like ya, but I'll be damned if I'm putting ANYTHING in ANY of your slots... :dielaugh:

the roadie said:
It's more than the abuse I got paid with on the OS.

Just wait till the forum goes live. :raspberry:


Lifetime VIP Donor
Nov 18, 2011
the roadie said:
There's going to be 3-10 PMs a day demanding free consulting that are just going to go unanswered. :quiverlips::badday::banghead:

EDIT: On the OS, I mean.

The funny part will be when your PM's fill up and they start posting threads looking for your help.


Lifetime VIP Donor
Nov 19, 2011
Portland, OR
They'll just resort to misusing the Visitor Message system. Still get a few a week of those. Not sure how they even FIND it.

I should probably change my email address as well, except I do take pity on some noobs. I feel like I'm about to be the Pied Piper of GMTN.

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Nov 20, 2011
North Las Vegas
LOL Gman, I am a member of both of those as well and before I found TV. The truck site would be better than it is if he would allow the linking to other sites. He has them blocked at least to TV and ORTB. There are threads that have gone long unanswered that he has tried to revive. Especially in the TV section where I have helped a few people, recently helping someone out with lifting her Envoy. The owner seems like a nice guy and pretty knowledgeable, but it seems to be pretty much a one-man show and he has a section there for cars.

I think this site will make it better that those others with the combined knowledge that we have here. Most of us that are here already pretty much know each other and the mods are very integral part of the site.


Mar 24, 2014
United States
We will not be blocking links to other sites, even if they block us, that is counter-productive in our opinion. The only exception would be for the security of our users. If we find links to illegal or malicious content, they will be removed and blocked. This policy will not affect the quality of content this site will offer the community.

Also, when it comes to other sites like GMTruckClub or ChevroletForum, we shouldn't look at them as competitors or enemies. They are sites that were started by enthusiasts, in most cases, with a vision like the one we had when we supported TrailVoy or when we started this site. They undoubtedly offer resources and variety to the community. Without the community, these sites would be useless. I do have to admit that it would have been a good idea to check out those sites before I went and purchased a style for this site, as you may notice a striking resemblance between our style and that of a similar site. That is 100% my fault, but I do believe we will have more features and options to set us apart from some styling similarities.

The one site we do want to be set apart from is TrailVoy. We are not looking for profit and will only display enough advertisements to help the site self-sustain, or at least offset as much of the cost as we can. We will not collect profits from vendors, we will not plaster ads in every possible crevice of the site, and we will not over-moderate due to outdated or counter-productive rules.

If you know someone that wants to be a silent sponsor and pay for the full cost of licensing and hosting, we will remove all ads... but it is highly unlikely that someone would want to do that.

Last, but not least... the staff. We've all worked very hard to get TrailVoy where it is... or was. I dropped off the radar when VS refused to let me continue to do what I did... maintenance and feature additions. The straw that broke the camel's back is when they turned that site into a billboard after explicitly promising us that no such thing would happen. Myself and all of the staff were forced to enforce rules that were petty and were only created to ensure the site generated revenue. It caused a lot of friction between the staff and the members, all the while we were privately against the rules that we had to enforce. It completely ruined our experience as enthusiasts and made us out to be the bad guys.

While we will still have to enforce rules and policies here, they will be for the benefit of the community. There will always be someone that doesn't like to follow any rules, no matter what they are, but we have a goal... a reason for starting this site, and we would be negligent to just let our hard work and start-up cash go to waste.

We need you, the community, to get this site going. All we ask is that you stay on-topic and keep it as clean as possible. A slipped up curse word here and there won't be a huge deal, but you have to keep in mind that we have a lot of search engines picking up our content, and excessive profanity will be placed in search results. At some point, it will start to hurt us more than it would to allow over-use of profanity. We've all heard it, we've all said it... we are not trying to hide if from anyone... but we would like to do our best to keep the site family friendly and professional.

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