Interior Mats


Original poster
Apr 4, 2012
I have an 04 Envoy with original mats. The interior carpet looks great due to regular cleanings at the local car wash. I have tried to do the same with the mats but kind of impossible due to the amount of foot traffic they have been subjected to over the years. I'm looking to replacing front and rear and want to go with 2 front and 1 rear (long) hopefully with Envoy logos on all 3. I have looked at some websites and have even ordered samples to compare to my interior carpet but nothing seems to match. Has anyone had any luck with any companies/sites? Thanks in advance for the help.


Dec 4, 2011
I've yet to see a rear seat, single piece floor mat with a logo. Some of us use the Weather Tech floor mats. In both of my trucks in my sig, I have the Weather Tech digital fits for both rows and the rear cargo area. Because I have kids, I really like the single piece mat for the rear passengers. The fronts could be improved if they did a 2.0 version and the rear cargo mat, is pretty good but the money is in that rear passenger mat. I don't care about any logos so long as the carpet stays like new (given our MN winters). They Weather Techs come in the three basic colors that happen to match our trucks being, black, tan or gray.


Original poster
Apr 4, 2012
Jkust said:
I've yet to see a rear seat, single piece floor mat with a logo. Some of us use the Weather Tech floor mats. In both of my trucks in my sig, I have the Weather Tech digital fits for both rows and the rear cargo area. Because I have kids, I really like the single piece mat for the rear passengers. The fronts could be improved if they did a 2.0 version and the rear cargo mat, is pretty good but the money is in that rear passenger mat. I don't care about any logos so long as the carpet stays like new (given our MN winters). They Weather Techs come in the three basic colors that happen to match our trucks being, black, tan or gray.

Thanks, I will definitely look into them. I also have a child....a boy who is 6 and he definitely creates a lot of foot traffic in the back. Maybe something like these mats would help keep the carpet in good shape.


Dec 5, 2011
Be sure to check craigslist and ebay too. When we bought ours the mats were in good shape, but first thing we bought was a full set of brand new OEM mats in the package on Ebay for $30. Those are set aside for someday when the mats aren't in good shape. When you try to sell a car, its kinda crazy how difference a good set of mats makes to a potential buyer, whoel car looks cleaners if they aren't worn out. Then I got a set of Husky Liners. Very similar to WeatherTech, but the Techs are a little nicer I think, the Huskys are cheaper, and still fit very good. I got fronts, and a cargo area mat, haven't gotten the rears yet, but no kids so no one ever sits back there.


Dec 4, 2011
I have Lloyd plush mats with the ss emblem on them , pretty sure they have the envoy emblem or atleast gmc if your looking for carpet mats they are great they clean up good too I use the hose spray them down and wash them with simple green they have stayed practically brand new and I have have brought a good amount of mud and salt on them. Good stuff

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