How to Kill a Case of "Dermatophyte Ogre Toe"...


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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
Part One: The Cause of the Serious Problem of an"Ogre Toe" Infection:

This is an unusual story of what to do about an intractable "Case of “Ogre's Toe” that is primarily directed towards anyone suffering from Type II Diabetes Mellitus and also dealing with any problems with either Fingernails or Toe Nails that have become infected with the Fungal Organism called a Dermatophyte. All medical problem stories have an origination point that is significant and so my own personal history of dealing with and conquering this problem is germane. I’m not certain how long I had presented with the first manifestation of Type II Diabetes… but there were symptoms I experienced when I was in my late 30s and 40s that I ignored which had I made the connections at the time...perhaps I would have had enough of an early warning to slow or minimize the negative effects of this dreadful disease.

The first symptoms I experienced should have been obvious to me that I was a Diabetic:

Very Excessive Thirst
The Need to Urinate Often
Occasional Periods of Double Vision

Elaborating about WHY Diabetes is so dangerous to your health is necessary for understanding here, but suffice it to say that the definition includes two types and both of them involve the inability of the body to uptake, metabolize and properly absorb and use glucose, glycogen and sugars ingested, digested and eventually burned as a fuel inside every cell in the Human Body.

Type I or Primary Diabetes (Mellitus) This illness involves the body's inability to produce enough of the metabolic chemical called Insulin to be able to allow the tissues of the body to absorb, bind with and use Sugars that are final output of digestion necessary to feed all of the major organs and cells in the Human Body. Generally people with this form of the disease find out very early in life from dramatic and dangerous symptoms that will eventually cause them to be either hospitalized or medically treated with daily injections of Insulin… either using Animal Produced or Synthesized Human Insulin. They must closely monitor their Glucose Levels with Blood Sugar monitoring to try and maintain metabolic levels that are not Lower than 60 and not Higher than 90 which can vary as a direct result of when and how much food is eaten and what and how much physical activity is being engaged to cause these levels to either escalate from a lack of Insulin...or drop precipitously due to Hypoglycaemia (Low Blood Sugar). Regardless of which of these extremes of high and low Blood Sugar Levels are involved… both are negative to maintaining a healthy balance in Blood Sugar Levels and in some cases, can actually become life-threatening.

Type II or Secondary Diabetes (Mellitus) This version of the disease will frequently strike people later in their adult lives and in this instance, is not caused by the absence of Insulin available in the Blood Stream… but because for one reason or another...all the cells in the person body begin failing to recognize and use Insulin and so the results are the same. In the case of both types of this disease… the patients personal life-style is directly related to how soon this Type II version can appear and how severe the negative affects can become. The downside of eating foods laden with Fructose and Extra Sugar and Simple Carbohydrates can elevate the persons Blood Sugar to dangerous levels. For instance… If a Coffee Drinker uses a Single Spoonful of Coffe-Mate Non-Dairy Creamer… that one cup could raise the person’s Blood Sugar Level to over 300+ within a matter of minutes! So obviously...all Diabetics have to be conscious of what and how much they eat and consume as drinks in their daily lives.

And now this is where it can get Much Worse: Diabetics who Smoke Cigarettes and Drink Alcohol are in all likelihood at Great Risk for lower extremity Amputations that will happen as a combination of events that follow this path:

(1) The Person has Diabetes and either is unaware of this illness ...or is careless in responding to suggested Life-Style Changes, Medications and Dietary Changes.

(2) Diabetics suffer from what is called “Diabetic Neuropathy” which involves the damage and destruction of the nerves in the person’s extremities that will cause excessive nerve tingling in the legs and feet and eventually involve a total loss of feeling in the person’s Toes and legs. This is caused by the presence of excessive Sugar in the Blood which does not metabolize properly and collects in the Nerve Cells and kills them. This artefact of the untreated illness is irreversible. In some cases... The Optic and Peripheral Nerves can be damaged enough for the person to become permanently...Blind.

(3) Diabetics often suffer from Blood Circulatory problems for the same reasons” The Sugar Molecules collect in the capillaries and cause Poor Circulation Turn around in the legs and feet. In the case of Smokers and Drinkers… these effects are magnified and accelerated and because they are silent for then most part… the problems can accumulate for years on end until the damage is very excessive.

(4) Diabetics both Male and Female...can suffer from a loss of sexual functionality due to a reduction in Blood Flow and Nerve Sensitivity in the neurology and physiology of their sexual organs. In some cases, medications like Cialis and Viagra can be helpful in returning functionality as long as the baseline illness of the person’s Diabetes is also being treated with Medications (MetFormin) and Diet and Exercise and the person is deemed healthy enough by their Doctor to engage in Sexual Intercourse.

(5) Diabetics are at much Higher Risk for High Blood Pressure, Strokes and Heart Disease.

(6) Diabetics and people with Compromised Immune systems are more likely to suffer from diseases involving infections like the Dermatophyte that will invade the nails, thickening them and turning yellow in colour... in some case because having lost sensation in the lower extremities...they cannot sense or feel any problems or pain as result. Small cuts on the feet can lead to Gas Gangrene when infections go undetected and untreated. Amputations may be the only means of saving such a person's life.

Part Two: The Way Out of Dermatophyte Hell...

But there IS a PAINLESS way to get this problem under control with a dramatic use of Anti-Keriotic Creams containing at LEAST 40 % Urea. The Urea will completely dissolve away the Old Yellow Nail and allow the Nail bed to be exposed right down at the start of the Growth Plate. Once the "Old Yeller Nail" has been destroyed and removed... to Kill the Dermatophyte Infection at the Source a steady application of Lamisil or another Rx Strengt Anti-Fungal will stop it before it can get another "Toe Hold",[Pun Intended].

Human Nails on the feet grow very slowly... so infected nails that are dissolved away completely and then kept Fungus Free after the eradication by a steady, constant treatment of the new growth of nail... will gradually return and look more normal in about a year after this dramatic action, Maintaining good grooming and cleaning and treatment after that will help keep a more normal looking nail that will re-grow just like the others on the foot. Hopefully... without a Primary any re-Infection of the Dermatophyte from then on.

Many of the over-the-counter products DO offer some relief. But an intractable and advanced case of a Dermatophyte Infection may require a visit Doctor of Podiatry prescribe Oral Lamasil Medication and the use of a 40% Urea Topical Cream By Prescription… and the application should covered with a loose containment dressing for several weekly or monthly applications until the nail is soft enough to be abraded and completely and painlessly removed down to its origination point along the cuticle line.

Now it may not look very pretty when its finally gone and the bare nail-bed is exposed… but trying to get any Topcal Anti-fungal Medication to Penetrate an Infected Nail that has Grown to be 3/4” THICK would take Years to Aaccomplish … if EVER. But you know… there isn’t anything that says can’t LOOK for Rx Strength 40% Urea Products on eBay… realizing that this suggestion does NOT qualify as a recommendation for their USE. Generally, that requires a Doctor to determine if it might not be called for because other health complications may prohibit it under certain circumstances. But….. You still can Check eBay for Cream Products with 40% Urea and you might be surprised by what you find! (See Attached Images).DSC07133.jpg DSC07135.jpg DSC07136.jpg DSC07137.jpg DSC07142.jpg ;>)
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