Roadie - That's great info, thanks for that! I doubt there will be any lengthy periods of running both the flood lights and the fog lights, but I just wanted to make sure I'd be ok if I did turn everything on all at once. I figure I have a 25A breaker/relay running my current four lights, so I'll add a second set for the two 100W lights, and one more relay and 10-15A breaker to tie the additional fogs into my existing factory fogs.
I have a complicated idea for my new light bar, but I think I've figured out how to build it. I want to go with an oval shape, approximately 2.25" tall and 3" wide. However I also want the bar to be curved so that the outer lights are aimed out towards the sides a bit, but the light lenses are flush to the surface of the light bar. I don't have access to the right equipment to make a smooth large-radius bend, but I do have a welder. My plan is to cut a 3" hole into a thick piece of wood, then split that in half and clamp the halves together. Next I cut out two arcs from sheet metal to the radius that I want the bow of the lightbar to be. I can use a hammer and pound the sheet metal into half-pipes using the wood blocks for the form. These will form the top and bottom of the lightbar shell. For the back of the shell, I'll slit a piece of 2" pipe to give me about 1/3 of the circumference, then hammer this piece into the arc of the overall shell. A bit of welding and finishing, and I'll have a shell with the oval shape and sweeping arc. The front will be completely open, and I can position my lights and weld metal strips down the front as spacers between each light. I'm trying to decide if I want to make metal caps for the ends, or heat-form some orange reflectors and put lights behind them to make running-lights. Once its all finished, I'll get it powder-coated.
It'll be quite a bit of work, but it will certainly be unique! Of course this would be a lot easier if I could just find a place that could mandrel-bend a chunk of pipe for $100, then I could hammer it down into the oval shape myself.